QsC Test C Bloodwork (poor brewing)

Levels of circulating testosterone peak within 10 to 12 hours of initial administration, and reach steady state within 24 hours.
That's in buccal administration.

You just copy/pasted the first thing on Google. Click the link
That's in buccal administration.

You just copy/pasted the first thing on Google. Click the link

Administration of ester derivatives of testosterone as testosterone cypionate generates an increase in serum testosterone to levels reaching 400% from the baseline within 24 hours of administration. These androgen levels remain elevated for 3-5 days after initial administration. You happy now ?
I thought that aswell , but something has to be wrong when I dont feel good on 800ng/dl. I tried taking an AI but it did nothing.
No one should feel bad within 800 test level..that's not low T. You may be having some other issues. I mean it could be depression... it could be a list of things not even related to testosterone. Or it could be your estrogen. I don't know ...but it's definitely not your testosterone level. 800 is a great testosterone level and you should feel great on that. You know blasting and cruising can have effects on your brain lol.
No one should feel bad within 800 test level..that's not low T. You may be having some other issues. I mean it could be depression... it could be a list of things not even related to testosterone. Or it could be your estrogen. I don't know ...but it's definitely not your testosterone level. 800 is a great testosterone level and you should feel great on that. You know blasting and cruising can have effects on your brain lol.
Im on HL 300mg/week rn. I will do bloowork on 21st , 2 weeks after switching from QsC. Maybe its high e2 but I never had problems with high e2.
Im on HL 300mg/week rn. I will do bloowork on 21st , 2 weeks after switching from QsC. Maybe its high e2 but I never had problems with high e2.
You could give it more than 2 weeks that way you get a good results since you're switching doses again. You need to wait longer for everything to stabilize to get an accurate total testosterone level after you change your dose
Im older than you and been on meso for longer than you. So if anyone ur the dumb kid. Im just wondering now where did all the old guys like MSG go. Again you cant explain why my test was lower on the same dose , youre posting in QsC thread all the time no wonder you would try to protect them.
Profile says you just registered. And I am older than most guys in here.

And I ain't protecting no one, I am just calling your bs in the open.

So fuck off.
Administration of ester derivatives of testosterone as testosterone cypionate generates an increase in serum testosterone to levels reaching 400% from the baseline within 24 hours of administration. These androgen levels remain elevated for 3-5 days after initial administration. You happy now ?
You still captured it at the peak. I don't think you understand how drugs concentrations work.

It's not about me being happy, you are trying to prove your point and you are discrediting yourself further.
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Absolutely qin test and all products are the best I’ve ever used and will only continue too use the test Is amazing to find a test pip free and strong results don’t lie
For TRT better to get the closest to pharmaceutical grade, that being balkan among the UGL realm, not being balkan really UGL, next thing closest to it in my own experience would be Deus, all of the above for TRT purposes, for blasting i am just guessing anything dosed correctly should do it.
For TRT better to get the closest to pharmaceutical grade, that being balkan among the UGL realm, not being balkan really UGL, next thing closest to it in my own experience would be Deus, all of the above for TRT purposes, for blasting i am just guessing anything dosed correctly should do it.
There is no such thing as "closest to pharmaceutical grade". It's either pharmaceutical or it isn't. Everything else is UGL. And then there is homebrewing that's ugl but you know what's in it.
I doubt that you damaged the hormone by heating your vial, the temperatures that the products are subject to during the brewing process are usually quite high
what heating? idk what everyone else is doing by I just dump everything in a glass jar, and shake it until everything dissolves, and then I pull out 3 ml with a syringe, slap a filter on it, and either inject just like that or filter into another syringe. no heating
The lack of knowledge coming from OP is the exact reason we’re not allowed to have anything nice chalk it up to your receptors desensitizing not your gear.