Question about proviron

Chris wolf

New Member
Hi there,

Use the proviron during the cycle helps to lower E2? it counts as an AI ? or it is better to user for example arimidex 0.5mg EOD ?

thanks a lot
hi thanks for the reply, sorry but what do you mean with "pharma grade AI "?

could you please make some examples?

A product produced in a pharmaceutical plant, not an underground labs product. Go look at the thread "european pharmaceuticals" in the underground for a better idea. These are human grade, sold as prescriptions (normally). I would never use a UGL's AI unless I was very desperate.
Ah ok, I get them in pharmacy, i thought to use 0.5mg arimidex EOD and 50mg of proviron ED what do you think about it ?

@Wunderpus @chop204
I wouldn't use proviron period. And, you cannot get them in US pharmacies, I'm not sure where you live. If you're in one of the countries in which you need a prescription, you will need to order from a supplier online, such as the one I suggested.
I wouldn't use proviron period. And, you cannot get them in US pharmacies, I'm not sure where you live. If you're in one of the countries in which you need a prescription, you will need to order from a supplier online, such as the one I suggested.

Ok, could you please (if you want) explain me why you would not use proviron? In my country you can get arimidex in pharmacies very easily it comes 1mg
I only use provi for a quick libido boost,
And for most people .25 mg of adex EOD is plenty.
Ok, could you please (if you want) explain me why you would not use proviron? In my country you can get arimidex in pharmacies very easily it comes 1mg
Because it isn't necessary at all. Why juggle with two drugs that effect your E2? Just pointless period. Your libido should be fine if you have proper E2 and test levels. Proviron's effect wear off after about 2 weeks anyway.
Because it isn't necessary at all. Why juggle with two drugs that effect your E2? Just pointless period. Your libido should be fine if you have proper E2 and test levels. Proviron's effect wear off after about 2 weeks anyway.

from last blood work my E2 is 18 on a scale of 11 to 44. but i have very low testo, 2.4 on 4.9 to 32. (from wrong pct on last cycle, my pt messed up )
Now I'm on gear and using 500mg of testoviron and 350mg of EQ and 300mg of primobolan for 8 weeks
Hcg 500iu Monday and thursday throughout whole cycle
i'm looking to add the arimidex EOD but at this point i don't know the right dosage..
from last blood work my E2 is 18 on a scale of 11 to 44. but i have very low testo, 2.4 on 4.9 to 32. (from wrong pct on last cycle, my pt messed up )
Now I'm on gear and using 500mg of testoviron and 350mg of EQ and 300mg of primobolan for 8 weeks
Hcg 500iu Monday and thursday throughout whole cycle
i'm looking to add the arimidex EOD but at this point i don't know the right dosage..

When did you do that blood test? It seems unlikely you were on cycle, given the numbers.

Dosing of an AI is individual, doing bloods to check you are in the normal range for estrogen is best, imo. Adex is usually .25-.5 eod, but again, it depends.

How long have you been on this new cycle? Are you suffering estrogen-related side effects?

Also one suggestion: next time address your recovery problems before hopping back on cycle.
When did you do that blood test? It seems unlikely you were on cycle, given the numbers.

Dosing of an AI is individual, doing bloods to check you are in the normal range for estrogen is best, imo. Adex is usually .25-.5 eod, but again, it depends.

How long have you been on this new cycle? Are you suffering estrogen-related side effects?

Also one suggestion: next time address your recovery problems before hopping back on cycle.
Hi corey thanks for your reply. i did them in october and started new cycle on november.. i know that was a mistake. i shouldnt Hear my pt.
Your advice is to do blood work during the cycle and see the E2 levels? I'm on my 5 week of this cycle for now no sides but i've read that i should use an AI. you think that i should break the cycle and do a proper pct?

With that levels of testo in your opinion i will recover to the normal range with a proper pct?
Thank you so much for your help
Hi corey thanks for your reply. i did them in october and started new cycle on november.. i know that was a mistake. i shouldnt Hear my pt.
Your advice is to do blood work during the cycle and see the E2 levels? I'm on my 5 week of this cycle for now no sides but i've read that i should use an AI. you think that i should break the cycle and do a proper pct?

With that levels of testo in your opinion i will recover to the normal range with a proper pct?
Thank you so much for your help

For the adex read this article (Arimidex Profile)

You could recover to normal range, but there are many variables involved, so no one can guarantee that for certain.

I can't tell what you should do, that's for you to decide. I can tell you only what I would do in your shoes. If I wanted to have the best chances to recover normal HPTA function, I would stop the cycle now and prepare for pct as soon as the AAS clear your system. Especially because that EQ, although not a big dose, might take a while to do so.
Hi there,

Use the proviron during the cycle helps to lower E2? it counts as an AI ? or it is better to user for example arimidex 0.5mg EOD ?

thanks a lot

And what makes you believe an AI is even needed.

Oh and posting an exacting COPY
of your lab tests is always more informative than YOUR narrative

For instance your narrative lab results omitted the UNITS!
And what makes you believe an AI is even needed.

Oh and posting an exacting COPY
of your lab tests is always more informative than YOUR narrative

For instance your narrative lab results omitted the UNITS!
Hi Dr Jim thanks for your reply here it is my blood work, before the cycle:

Now I stopped the cycle because it was a big sh*t. I'm now curious about how I can fix this.

There the E2 seems to be normal (I think) but after 5 weeks of aas I should use an AI, am I wrong, or the AI should be used after a blood work during the cycle ? If so, the blood work when should be done? around weeks 4-5 ?

Can you help me also with the hCG ?

I was running it during the "cycle" every 2 sunday 2000iu one shot. Since this week I divide it 500 iu twice a week, now I would reduce it to 250iu twice a week untill pct starts... could it be good? Or I should drop the hCG until the week before pct and do it there, I have read that some people do a blast the week before doing 1500iu three times in the week before pct

Could you please clarify me this point?

I appreciate your help.
For the adex read this article (Arimidex Profile)

You could recover to normal range, but there are many variables involved, so no one can guarantee that for certain.

I can't tell what you should do, that's for you to decide. I can tell you only what I would do in your shoes. If I wanted to have the best chances to recover normal HPTA function, I would stop the cycle now and prepare for pct as soon as the AAS clear your system. Especially because that EQ, although not a big dose, might take a while to do so.
Hi corey I've break the cycle now, and I'm waiting for pct, but I Have some question on hCG, could you give me some clarification?
