Question about proviron

Chris, it's generally not a good idea to start a steroid cycle when you have not recovered normal hormone production from the previous one.

You need to take some time off and see if you can get your natty test production back.
If you have some HCG you could use it sparingly now up till you start PCT. 250 iu a couple times a week.
Just ran a week of proviron on training days only at 25mg first week and 50mg the following week. Nothing! Taking a two week break and coming back at 25mg daily and maybe 50mg daily for another week.
Chris, it's generally not a good idea to start a steroid cycle when you have not recovered normal hormone production from the previous one.

You need to take some time off and see if you can get your natty test production back.
Hi burrr, thank you for your reply, I know. i made a mistake. the mistake of put my life in a pt's hands. now i stopped and looking forward for pct. can i ask your opinion on Toremifene in pct?
If you have some HCG you could use it sparingly now up till you start PCT. 250 iu a couple times a week.
Btw, I'm already using it 250iu twice a week and 0.5 adex E3D and i'll do it till the week before pct then i'll try to restore my htpa with this pct:

clom 100/100/50/50/50/50
nolva 40/40/20/20/20/20

but I'm curious about Toremifene, that as I read speed up the libido whereas I have read that the classic pct (clo nolva) shut down the libido.
Ive done both PCTs, using the standard nolva and the torem.
They both seemed about the same to me.
The PCT above looks fine, if you get pharma quality drugs you could safely cut that dose in half, and run it just 4 weeks.
give yourself at least 3 weeks from your last injection of test before starting your PCT.
Ive done both PCTs, using the standard nolva and the torem.
They both seemed about the same to me.
The PCT above looks fine, if you get pharma quality drugs you could safely cut that dose in half, and run it just 4 weeks.
give yourself at least 3 weeks from your last injection of test before starting your PCT.
Hi burrr, thanks.
Did you find any difference in libido between two pct? with torem did you use nolva or clomid?
Libido sucked with both pct.

Torem is similar to nolva, so they get used with clomid.
Vitamin d is a great addition to pct, try 5000 iu per day.

I had two decent pct, and failed to recover on my third cycle when I added deca. .