Question about Test No Ester and Test Base


New Member
i wanted to know if "test no ester" is the same as "test base"? I have raw test base and I am hoping it is the same thing as TNE - it makes sense to me that it is, but I want to be sure. Secondly, does anyone here administer TNE orally? Sorry if these are stupid newbie questions - I swear I have looked for an answer without successs
Keep it as long as you can under your tongue then swallow it.

25mg is nothing, I take 200mg three times a day.
mate this is fascinating - thank you for sharing. Do you place the 200mg under your tongue? May I ask if you have any concerns about aromatisation/how you address it? If I am calculating correctly you are taking around 4grams of test per week, which sounds like alot, although I know we cannot really compare it with, say, test cyp. What does your current regimen of PED look like?
i wanted to know if "test no ester" is the same as "test base"? I have raw test base and I am hoping it is the same thing as TNE - it makes sense to me that it is, but I want to be sure. Secondly, does anyone here administer TNE orally? Sorry if these are stupid newbie questions - I swear I have looked for an answer without successs
Not orally unless you figure out a way to protect it on 1st pass through gut.

Transdermal, yes. It has a Molecular weight below 300g/mol, so it will absorb through the skin.

Molecular Weight - 288.4 g/mol

Mix it in with some over the counter transdermal medication *Those creams to help with inflammation) then rub it on.

Sorry, I'm not sure of the conversion rate that makes it into the bloodstream though.
mate this is fascinating - thank you for sharing. Do you place the 200mg under your tongue? May I ask if you have any concerns about aromatisation/how you address it? If I am calculating correctly you are taking around 4grams of test per week, which sounds like alot, although I know we cannot really compare it with, say, test cyp. What does your current regimen of PED look like?

4 grams mean nothing unless we know the bioavailability.
Logging my first crack at this for the benefit of the readership. Currently have about 65mg under my tongue. Immediately feeling heightened and ready to pump iron. Would rate the mental stimulus higher than anavar. Will report back on the workout.

Currently on 500 test e, 200 mast e, 200 primo e and 6iU GH
Logging my first crack at this for the benefit of the readership. Currently have about 65mg under my tongue. Immediately feeling heightened and ready to pump iron. Would rate the mental stimulus higher than anavar. Will report back on the workout.

Currently on 500 test e, 200 mast e, 200 primo e and 6iU GH

You're slightly pushing it, I regularly have 1g or so sublingualy even after periods of abstinence, and it's not that dramatic of a feeling.
You're slightly pushing it, I regularly have 1g or so sublingualy even after periods of abstinence, and it's not that dramatic of a feeling.
I am definitely not ruling out the placebo effect, but my workout was fkn fantastic. Strength was up at about the level I’d normally expect on 50gm tbol, mentally dialed in like anavar. I really enjoyed it. I think I’ll titrate up a bit, but can’t see myself getting up to that level mate. Can I please ask if you find there’s any big AI issues that pop up doing this as a preworkout option? Certainly seems a bit safer than some of the hepatotoxic stuff I normally use (anadrol is my favourite compound - feels like tren ace in a tablet for me). Thank you so much for your input on this brother
I am definitely not ruling out the placebo effect, but my workout was fkn fantastic. Strength was up at about the level I’d normally expect on 50gm tbol, mentally dialed in like anavar. I really enjoyed it. I think I’ll titrate up a bit, but can’t see myself getting up to that level mate. Can I please ask if you find there’s any big AI issues that pop up doing this as a preworkout option? Certainly seems a bit safer than some of the hepatotoxic stuff I normally use (anadrol is my favourite compound - feels like tren ace in a tablet for me). Thank you so much for your input on this brother

AI issue ? You mean excess e2 issue rather ?

I never get any e2 side even when blasting TNE at doses you wouldn't believe so I don't know.
AI issue ? You mean excess e2 issue rather ?

I never get any e2 side even when blasting TNE at doses you wouldn't believe so I don't know.
Sry mate - I did mean E2. This is a pretty cool way to get a bit of a pwo boost then, I think. Can I ask if you have any thoughts on putting, say, 100mg under the tongue pwo? I’m asking specifically about the administration route - it is a very inexact science putting it there since it’s impossible to know with any real precision how much is simply swallowed. If I am understanding correctly, the bioavailability is significantly better under the tongue vs through the stomach. Apologies for annoying you on this but I can see from your profile that you’re a veteran around here so I’m very appreciative that I have your ear!
Sry mate - I did mean E2. This is a pretty cool way to get a bit of a pwo boost then, I think. Can I ask if you have any thoughts on putting, say, 100mg under the tongue pwo? I’m asking specifically about the administration route - it is a very inexact science putting it there since it’s impossible to know with any real precision how much is simply swallowed. If I am understanding correctly, the bioavailability is significantly better under the tongue vs through the stomach. Apologies for annoying you on this but I can see from your profile that you’re a veteran around here so I’m very appreciative that I have your ear!

Yes I'm a vet and the initiator of the massive transdermal testosterone movement that started back in 2019, so I am rather proud of that.

Oral route is pretty poor as it gives a very short peak of about 30 minutes and you can bet testosterone has left your blood after two hours.

Whereas applying massive quantities of TNE oil to your abdomen and balls gives you a sustained release of testosterone, e2 and DHT for almost a full 24 hours and more stable levels.

You also feel better.

You've just been vetted, enjoy ;)
Yes I'm a vet

and the initiator of the massive transdermal testosterone movement that started back in 2019, so I am rather proud of that.
if by "massive" you mean used by comparably nobody? sure i guess.

Whereas applying massive quantities of TNE oil to your abdomen and balls gives you a sustained release of testosterone, e2 and DHT for almost a full 24 hours and more stable levels.
not more stable than injection, and lets just ignore the smeared mess, skin irritation, slow absorption rate, and transmission risk.

You've just been vetted, enjoy ;)
jesus christ are you fucking cringe.
I wish you werent so awkward bud


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