Thanks for the @ mention so I can double-check ya' if needed (as in this case)! So, I posted this:
The matter of testosterone base (as aqueous, water-based; or in oil vehicle, as Testosterone No Ester [TNE]) and changes to estradiol (E2) is one of much confusion. In fact, before the availability of AI & SERM drugs, besides compound selection strategies aimed at moderate testosterone dosing &...
Test, mg/mg, whether with or without esterification, forms E2 as a function of aromatase pharmacodynamics. After a single 200 mg testosterone enanthate i.m. injection E2 peaks 1 day/24 h later and stays elevated for a few days (5 or 6?).
The same is basically true for 200 mg testosterone base (aqueous ["suspension"] or oil vehicle [TNE]).
In the real world, while injecting on a regular administration schedule, the differences between base hormone (e.g., TNE, suspension) vs. esterified prodrug (e.g., enanthate, cypionate) basically disappear, and with respect to E2, become virtually indistinguishable. This is so because :
I. Testosterone pharmacokinetics don't differ that much between the two, and
II. Aromatase:
(a) is a metabolic step that is
rate-limiting meaning that the aromatase reactions are the "choke point" for E2 levels in men
(b) is
saturable, meaning that above an asymptote, further increases in Test dose don't significantly increase E2.
The quasi-article above was intended simply to show that the two are virtually indistinguishable (TNE/suspension) is not any more estrogen-spiking than testosterone esterified.
Indeed, the base is preferable closer to a show, if not because of reduced "bloat" then because it could be removed rapidly and the aromatic potency would basically crater to nil after a couple days cessation, unlike prodrug preparations, esterified.
Yes, they are the same thing.
TNE generally refers to testosterone base in oil vehicle.
Testosterone suspension generally refers to testosterone base in water vehicle.
Administering TNE orally would be terribly wasteful because it's not bioavailable. Even with the long-acting undecanoate ester, one would have to ingest ~ 40 mg every 1 - 3 h to satisfactorily replace endogenous T (true TRT).