Question about Test No Ester and Test Base

i wanted to know if "test no ester" is the same as "test base"? I have raw test base and I am hoping it is the same thing as TNE - it makes sense to me that it is, but I want to be sure. Secondly, does anyone here administer TNE orally? Sorry if these are stupid newbie questions - I swear I have looked for an answer without successs
These are just chemical compounds, in by them selfs they are devoid of any cultural meaning and significance, so stop imposing your simplistic tribal value judgments on them.

Transdermals and sublingual test base have their usages. For instance, they both have a very fast Tmax, faster then injecting tne or base, and because of that, they also both have the fastest clearance time.

If used for pwo, they are both also a lot more practical. For instance, you can have some test base powder in your cars glow box compartment and simply put in under your tongue before you enter the gym.

Transdermals are also easier to travel with abroad.

I'm certain we could find a lot of other examples where their use would be more appropriate then walking around with an insulin syringe in your pocket.
Great points on some of the benefits of transdermals and sublinguals. Bottom line is some people go this route because it works best in their situation.

The ones saying these routes are useless have likely never tried them yet are willing to mock those that prefer this route. Yes, the majority here likely prefer injections but that doesn't mean they know whether or not the other routes are a good choice for some members here.

A little less chest thumping/holier than thou attitude in some responses here would be nice.

I appreciate your posts in this thread @Jin23.
You can join @WeaponPharma in the hurt feelings, no mean words, safe space corner
Can you please point out the words in my previous post that led you to type the pathetic response above showcasing your high level of insecurity and your need for attention/validation? I didn't mention/tag you in my post or quote any of your responses here.

Crazy you got bent by post. My feelings aren't even close to being hurt.
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