Post injection pain & swelling

Yes I trained as a combat medic. I wipe the bottle top off with an alcohol wipe. Then I draw with an 18 g two cc. Then I switch to either a 23 or 25 g (depending on what I have). I then wipe the injection site before I inject. After I inject I wipe the area again before I put a band aid on. Sound about right to you
Close but you forgot the most important step. Wash your hands. Also wipe down the prep area so it is completely clean. Also wipe the bottle top off with 91% isopropyl alcohol after drawing.
Close but you forgot the most important step. Wash your hands. Also wipe down the prep area so it is completely clean. Also wipe the bottle top off with 91% isopropyl alcohol after drawing.
cleaning very thoroughly (until the wipe comes out darker) and 10cm around the injection site with every other hygiene precaution has given me virtually no problems even after 9 months of injecting everyday

worst I had was sterile infection from injecting my tensor fascia muscle too often which quickly went away in a day or two

ofc, know your source, mine is very high quality, you can take all precautions but if you inject shit gear, you're gonna get fkd
Close but you forgot the most important step. Wash your hands. Also wipe down the prep area so it is completely clean. Also wipe the bottle top off with 91% isopropyl alcohol after drawing.
That’s a given as I always wash my hands
Yes I trained as a combat medic. I wipe the bottle top off with an alcohol wipe. Then I draw with an 18 g two cc. Then I switch to either a 23 or 25 g (depending on what I have). I then wipe the injection site before I inject. After I inject I wipe the area again before I put a band aid on. Sound about right to you
Medic, is always medic. :) I have the same approach. But I treat the skin after alcohol with an alcoholic solution of iodine (as before the incision during surgery), and the cap of the vial , after I take out the needle, I treat it with Mikrozid spray.
Medic, is always medic. :) I have the same approach. But I treat the skin after alcohol with an alcoholic solution of iodine (as before the incision during surgery), and the cap of the vial , after I take out the needle, I treat it with Mikrozid spray.
I don’t use the iodine but it’s a good idea. I just use the alcohol wipe. I also do the cap too. HOOAH
I had to switch to 100mg/ml primo. Both 200mg/ml primo and Test E gave me frequent pip with swelling and feeling fatigued/sick. Since switching, I haven’t had those issues
I have the same feeling of tiredness and overall not feeling well with Test-E. I don’t have that problem with Test-c or p

