Question about when to start PCT



First of all, in order to make an effective PCT, one should wait until compounds have totally left the body, my question is about this time in between last pin and first day of tamox/clomiphene.

IME, doing a 500mg test C cycle in the past, it took 16 days for my Total Test levels to drop until 500ng/dL. This is curious because in the PCT protocol of this section it says 35 days for a 500mg test cycle... So I guess this is subjective and everyone has its half-life.

Problem comes when you are doing HCG and using more than 500mg of AAS, because HCG will artificially rise total test levels and then you don't know when you really empty the tank.

So, if I follow an HCG protocol of 2000iu E3D 14 days prior to PCT, how the hell do I know when I really need the SERMs? Like if I took 16 days to drop to 500ng/dl for a 500mg test cycle, now that I am doing the same But with 400mg of Mast E added, how many time should I wait this time? My first thought is 24 days after last pin. Thanks.
I do not know if I understood your whole post well, and my English is not the best but I will try to help you or tell you how I do my ptc, I always stop using long esters at least 5 weeks before finishing and switch to using acetates and propionates Once the last puncture of these I wait 10 days without anything and I start with the hcg eod for 2 weeks and then I start directly with the clomid and tamoxifen for 4 more weeks.

I do not know if I have solved your question, if your problem is knowing when the steroids run out of your blood I use this: SteroidPlotter - Graph your cycle
You still pinning bro? Wtf yo you got high test and suntanned balls. What haveth swayed thy silly little mind?
I am done bro, just did one pin and stopped there forever because I visited the cardiologist after starting the cycle and It seems I have an asymptomatic condition called Wolff Parkinson White pattern. My heart forced me to do what my mind wasn't able.
I am done bro, just did one pin and stopped there forever because I visited the cardiologist after starting the cycle and It seems I have an asymptomatic condition called Wolff Parkinson White pattern. My heart forced me to do what my mind wasn't able.
isnt wpw a conduction issue in the heart though? would aas exacerbate that? even if the aas causes some hypeetrophy, would that affect the electrical pathways and the abnormal reentry?
isnt wpw a conduction issue in the heart though? would aas exacerbate that? even if the aas causes some hypeetrophy, would that affect the electrical pathways and the abnormal reentry?

Biggest risk of WPW is bad atrial fibrillation that can lead to SCD (extremely rare cases) , and there are reported cases of AAS users suffering from AF, you put both together and you may not live to tell so... I don't want to figure out.
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Biggest risk of WPW is bad atrial fibrillation that can lead to SCD (extremely rare cases) , and there are reported cases of AAS users suffering from it, you put both together and you may not live to tell so... I don't want to figure out.
ok didnt realize they could directly affect the condition. At least youre a symptomatic, hope it stays that way.