Ran Out of Nolva Mid-PCT


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due to some unforeseen circumstances and me being a space cadet, i have ran out of nolva midway through my pct. i was running nolva 40mg and clomid 50mg for two weeks. ran out of nolva about 4 days ago and took some aromasin bc i was paranoid and felt my nips itch. should i continue the rest of my pct (2 more weeks) @ 25mg clomid ED and 12.5 aromasin EOD? or just stick w/ the clomid..i kno the clomid is gonna raise my test but i also want to keep estro low. as for the lifting, im still strong as fuck. lifts BARELY went down. weight is down to 227 from 240. but started at 220lbs, so im not complaining.