Rc discount code thread


10+ Year Member
Saw this on another site for something else and liked the idea so through it would be cool for peptide sites. Here's what I got in my email for the last few day.


Code: " takeoff " for 50% off

I get a lot of these emails since I'm on tons of list. I deleted most of them. But that's one I got today. I'll keep this updated
Saw this on another site for something else and liked the idea so through it would be cool for peptide sites. Here's what I got in my email for the last few day.


Code: " takeoff " for 50% off

I get a lot of these emails since I'm on tons of list. I deleted most of them. But that's one I got today. I'll keep this updated

Good idea. I get a lot of these emails. Will post any discount codes here.
Yesterday I went to order some tadalafil from peptideswarehouse and the code was wrong. I emailed them to let them know .

New code is " takeoff2 " for 52% off your order

Plus for figuring that out. I got an extra bottle free!! Winning..