readalot (aka tareload) introduction

Woke up one day, in orange obviously, saw a source outside his section trying to sling drugs to a newbie, hit the report button, typed In “ source Shit”, hit send… and a couple minutes later my orange letters were gone.
I’ve learned my lesson. I will never report anything again.
except for that one time dude posted his whole name a birthdate. I did report that so it could be deleted past his edit window.
I don't know if this is sarcasm. But suggesting that reporting a source is the reason you lost status is not true.
I don't know if this is sarcasm. But suggesting that reporting a source is the reason you lost status is not true.

It was sarcasm. Just coincidence that it happened that way.
I did wonder if the way I worded it was frowned upon. When ever I do report something (very rare), I usually just keep it short and stupid, the posts I report are very easy to tell why it was reported.
It was sarcasm. Just coincidence that it happened that way.
I did wonder if the way I worded it was frowned upon. When ever I do report something (very rare), I usually just keep it short and stupid, the posts I report are very easy to tell why it was reported.
I figured as much. I worry about sarcasm leads to misinformation among new members reading it. Obviously, I don't want anyone deterred from reporting problems with sources hence my reply.

More worrisome is when established members make the sarcastic recommendations of shit sources to newbies. It's an inside joke but I wonder if some new members take it literal?
More worrisome is when established members make the sarcastic recommendations of shit sources to newbies. It's an inside joke but I wonder if some new members take it literal?

That’s a good point and I’m guilty of it. I usually suggest MSG Labs, as it doesn’t exist. Worst case scenario is they learn how to search for something.
I see, there is more backstory here that I am missing. Well @Millard my bad if my humor comes off as rebellious. Clearly I don't know the whole reason behind the coming and going of orange letters.
That’s a good point and I’m guilty of it. I usually suggest MSG Labs, as it doesn’t exist. Worst case scenario is they learn how to search for something.
So why did you lose status if I may ask? I didn't know or had forgotten you did have orange letters. Pretty sure I was not aware.
More worrisome is when established members make the sarcastic recommendations of shit sources to newbies. It's an inside joke but I wonder if some new members take it literal?
I was just mentioning again today that sources should not list their products as "200 mg" instead of the proper "200 mg/ml". I can envision someone taking 2 g at once that way even though the label is properly written to capture the vial concentration.
So why did you lose status if I may ask? I didn't know or had forgotten you did have orange letters. Pretty sure I was not aware.
I'm not sure if Fatty knows why he lost status. I could be wrong, but I don't believe Millard gives a reason to the affected member in every case (subject to be corrected.)

If members try and be productive, helpful contributors to those on the site, one wouldn't need to worry about losing status. Or obtaining a certain status either.
I'm not sure if Fatty knows why he lost status. I could be wrong, but I don't believe Millard gives a reason to the affected member in every case (subject to be corrected.)

If members try and be productive, helpful contributors to those on the site, one wouldn't need to worry about losing status. Or obtaining a certain status either.

No idea why I lost it. I try and help the noobs and although I have shit posts, I’d say the majority are somewhat helpful. Some other members who I regard as respected and been there done that types (@BigTomJ comes to mind) lost theirs too. Millard has stated it was just an algorithm change that he didn’t necessarily choose, but came as part of the forum software.
If members try and be productive, helpful contributors to those on the site, one wouldn't need to worry about losing status. Or obtaining a certain status either.
Thanks for your comments. Some folks are just naturely inquisitive and wonder how systems/models work. Not trying to be subversive. That is one reason I came here. Clearly it isn't censored like some other places I've haunted.

My comments are meant to be constructive.
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Brave new world with algos and AI. My X account got de-activated because I made an innocent comment about a football blocking scheme issue to a guy I respect, saying "That is a bitch". The algo must have thought I was CALLING someone one, which I wasn't, and banned me
No idea why I lost it. I try and help the noobs and although I have shit posts, I’d say the majority are somewhat helpful. Some other members who I regard as respected and been there done that types (@BigTomJ comes to mind) lost theirs too. Millard has stated it was just an algorithm change that he didn’t necessarily choose, but came as part of the forum software.
Yes now that you mention it I was also going to nominate @BigTomJ as well. I'm sure he will just love that haha.

I do wonder if there is something wrong with the reaction score algorithm. Based on the quality and content of the posts, there are a number of members who should be well known members IMO. Otherwise what's the point in having the system if it isn't properly identifying members making high quality content?
Yes now that you mention it I was also going to nominate @BigTomJ as well. I'm sure he will just love that haha.

I do wonder if there is something wrong with the reaction score algorithm. Based on the quality and content of the posts, there are a number of members who should be well known members IMO. Otherwise what's the point in having the system if it isn't properly identifying members making high quality content?

March will be my aniversary. Curious if time has anything to do with it.
It’s not all reactions, there’s dudes in orange who have 200 posts lol
The algorithm determines rank based on several variables operationalized from patterns of posting behavior. We hope this new system will encourage members whose contributions are useful and valuable to the AAS harm reduction community at MESO-Rx.

NOTE: Most member ranking systems have heavily relied upon post count as a primary determinant of rank. This often results in rampant abuse on many forums where some new members post useless, non-constructive, and irrelevant messages solely to raise their post counts for the purpose of obtaining a higher ranking i.e. post-whoring.

This will not work on MESO-Rx. In fact, the so-called practice of post-whoring is actually penalized. Trolls and others who have little to contribute will never leave newbie status.

Newbie --> EDIT: New Member
Rookie --> EDIT: Member
Veteran --> EDIT: Well-known Member


I know what you're saying about the many members with truly valuable contributions who are in still in "rookie" status. They deserve to be recognized, right? I agree. I assure you it is inevitable if they continue on the path.

I think it's best not to "tweak" the criteria to make it easier for them to gain "veteran" status. Especially when you consider your criticism that many "veterans" don't deserve that status. So I need to make the criteria more difficult for them? I can't do both.

I mean practically speaking, someone dishing out sound HR advice, following the rules...what reaction score would they need to go orange now? 2500, 5000, 10000?

I must be missing something significant.

Please note: this is an algorithm/math question, not a challenging your authority on your own forum question.

Another suggestion: The trophy listing page should also be taken down or edited since some of those aren't awarded.
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No idea why I lost it. I try and help the noobs and although I have shit posts, I’d say the majority are somewhat helpful. Some other members who I regard as respected and been there done that types (@BigTomJ comes to mind) lost theirs too. Millard has stated it was just an algorithm change that he didn’t necessarily choose, but came as part of the forum software.
I was never orange here.
In fact I'm relatively new to actively participating on this forum.
Yes now that you mention it I was also going to nominate @BigTomJ as well. I'm sure he will just love that haha.

I do wonder if there is something wrong with the reaction score algorithm. Based on the quality and content of the posts, there are a number of members who should be well known members IMO. Otherwise what's the point in having the system if it isn't properly identifying members making high quality content?
I would actually not love that.

I think, In general, a status/member role system is stupid.
With a tiered system there comes the implications that higher role = more knowledge or experience, and that's simply not reality.

Even reaction scores are a bad indicator or contribution as any meme lord that has a good sense of humor will inevitably build a pretty outstanding reaction ratio.

Ugbb has a similar system in place and I had the mods change my title to ("elite") (with the quotation marks, instead of just saying elite) because I thought their system was foolish as well.
I was never orange here.
In fact I'm relatively new to actively participating on this forum.

I’d have bet money you were orange for a brief stint. Sorry for the mix up sir.

As to your other post. I agree with the reasoning whole heartedly.

My curiosity lies with @readalot ‘’s. It’s the “why”. Seems so random