readalot (aka tareload) introduction

26 of my 91 dislikes. I still hope we are going to turn the corner.

Most of my downvotes were from the Lonewolf. I thought we were just about to turn a corner before his exit.
That’s fucking ridiculous.

That’s what you’d expect to see given to a blatant & persistent shill, someone constantly giving out potentially dangerous advice or just someone who behaves like a total & utter cunt to other members … none of which could be applied to you (at the time of writing).
That reminds me of a song lyric: "If I claim to be a wise man it surely means that I don't know"

Some ways of doubting that we are in a favorable epistemic state are easy to understand and unproblematic. Socrates was confident that he did not know the answers to his most important questions. He believed he did not have the answers, or the right kind of grasp of answers, that would be required for knowledge of what, for example, piety, virtue, and justice are. This recognition led him to avoid endorsing or believing particular answers to his questions, and motivated him to go around town asking others for their answers and making awkward observations about their replies. Though the authorities prosecuted him for this, his offense was not an epistemic irrationality; the belief states he had—doubt about himself that he knew the answers, and lack of confidence in particular answers—fit together sensibly. Moreover, as Socrates told his interlocutors, his acknowledgment that he did not know had the salutary effect of making it possible for him to find out. If he were sure that he already knew, then he would not have motivation to look for the answer.
just someone who behaves like a total & utter cunt to other members … none of which could be applied to you

Let's just say my the idea of USP-like impurity testing for UGL AAS products wasn't initially received too well. But good news, things are trending up.

Appreciate your feedback.

Let's just say my the idea of USP-like impurity testing for UGL AAS products wasn't initially received too well. But good news, things are trending up.

Appreciate your feedback.
Yes mate, I’m aware of that thread, although haven’t had the free time to finish it yet. Despite that, based on the many other threads I’ve seen you contribute to, you do not deserve negging & certainly not
fucking 91 times!

This just screams mob-mentality bandwagon jumping bullying to me. We’ve been mostly free of that for the last 2 years or so & I really don’t want to see a return of it.
Yes mate, I’m aware of that thread, although haven’t had the free time to finish it yet. Despite that, based on the many other threads I’ve seen you contribute to, you do not deserve negging & certainly not
fucking 91 times!

This just screams mob-mentality bandwagon jumping bullying to me. We’ve been mostly free of that for the last 2 years or so & I really don’t want to see a return of it.
Thanks for your comments. The thread and its companion are quite instructive in terms of how some folks view their sources and view others who may appear to be interfering with the status quo. Additionally some obviously don't like the idea of a modest increase in price which supports additional testing that would bring UGL AAS products to a similar level as USP/pharmaceutical products.

No worries though. It's a work in progress

One more pretty funny example:

...there's actually a down vote on this post.
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I'm late, but it's good to see you finally settling in here and others accepting you (for the most part). Rough start is not always an indicator, hell I came straight after source and battled shills from day one. I got in to fights with known members and all that, but after some time it's different, I see another point of this forum and what it stands for. It's awesome community, not just good, but the best.

I have been watching you, not in a creepy way lol, but how you do here you know and it's nice to see that finally people start to appreciate you. Meso is like that sometimes, guys gang up on you and kick your ass, to see how you do. If you pass the test all is good and you are welcomed to the club.

Being different and controversial is what I like about you, some stuff you talk about is very interesting and you have unique theories which is cool and some things just you know don't catch any drift. But it is what it is, you won't suit everyone, being yourself is what's important. You can't satisfy everyone.

So yeah, I hope you stay here and in time become a bigger part of the Meso puzzle. Everyone is different, you really prove that rule to be true. Good luck, amigo.
I'm late, but it's good to see you finally settling in here and others accepting you (for the most part). Rough start is not always an indicator, hell I came straight after source and battled shills from day one. I got in to fights with known members and all that, but after some time it's different, I see another point of this forum and what it stands for. It's awesome community, not just good, but the best.

I have been watching you, not in a creepy way lol, but how you do here you know and it's nice to see that finally people start to appreciate you. Meso is like that sometimes, guys gang up on you and kick your ass, to see how you do. If you pass the test all is good and you are welcomed to the club.

Being different and controversial is what I like about you, some stuff you talk about is very interesting and you have unique theories which is cool and some things just you know don't catch any drift. But it is what it is, you won't suit everyone, being yourself is what's important. You can't satisfy everyone.

So yeah, I hope you stay here and in time become a bigger part of the Meso puzzle. Everyone is different, you really prove that rule to be true. Good luck, amigo.
Appreciate the words of encouragement Brother. I definitely wasn't going to win any popularity contest on here, and I'm good with that. Wish I would have come here sooner.

I appreciate you taking the high road when interacting on here am slowly learning it's not always about being right. I figure by the time I'm 80 I'll have settled down a little bit.

Thanks again and take care.
Dear sir,

I am awaking for the first time post vacation and decided to log onto this beautiful place we call MESO. My what has changed.
Dear sir,

I am awaking for the first time post vacation and decided to log onto this beautiful place we call MESO. My what has changed.
Also appears you were spot on. Coincides with 2 yr anniversary here. I love reverse engineering. Well done on the hypothesis.

However we also have data points such as @laclark89. So the hang time plus certain reaction score doesn't seem to universally explain the orange.

Congrats as well @laclark89 !
Also appears you were spot on. Coincides with 2 yr anniversary here. I love reverse engineering. Well done on the hypothesis.

However we also have data points such as @laclark89. So the hang time plus certain reaction score doesn't seem to universally explain the orange.

Congrats as well @laclark89 !

I think the time was a factor for me, but like you said there are still outliers. We may never truly know.

Maybe a slightly unfiltered AI could be of use here haha
Month 6 update:

Although I may not be seeing any more of those forum plastic trophies or my pink letters any time soon, I do seem to have acquired a rather amazing superpower:

Type-llx was completely right about you. You're one of the reasons (among other reasons) he posts less frequently here, and as hard as you try, you'll never come anywhere close to mimmicking him. He's much smarter than you, has actual hands-on experience in what he preaches, and is overall much more knowledgable than you. You're like a cheap chineese generic HGH with low purity and high dimer, and he's pharma grade Serostim. If you don't understand or appreciate the metaphor, then I can't help you there.

Somehow I have the power to control the frequency with which a veteran member posts on this board. Fascinating stuff.