readalot (aka tareload) introduction

Muy feliz de encontrarte aquí. Soy un ávido lector tuyo en otros foros sin la bendita inteligencia de entenderlos siempre en la primera lectura, pero al final siempre hay información asimilable y útil. Y también una oportunidad para echarse unas risas por un especial sentido del humor.
Muy feliz de encontrarte aquí. Soy un ávido lector tuyo en otros foros sin la bendita inteligencia de entenderlos siempre en la primera lectura, pero al final siempre hay información asimilable y útil. Y también una oportunidad para echarse unas risas por un especial sentido del humor.
Gracias Señor. Aprecio tus amables palabras. Intento ofrecer el mejor contenido que puedo.

Y además todos los demás foros me banearon; este parece ser el lugar donde puedo decir la verdad gracias a Millard. Deséame suerte.
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Some how the system screwed up and awarded me the "esteemed" trophy. Wow, thank you all for helping me get there. I am honored!
Fyi for those aspiring new members...

Admired and Respected trophies no longer awarded due to a glitch in the forum software code. But keep on persisting!

Also, keep @Fattyone in your prayers for his orange letters (should be coming any day now).
Fyi for those aspiring new members...

Admired and Respected trophies no longer awarded due to a glitch in the forum software code. But keep on persisting!

Also, keep @Fattyone in your prayers for his orange letters (should be coming any day now).

I’ve got hope. One day, I’ll get it. You’ll be the first to know I promise!
How's the youngin?

Hope you are all doing great!

She’s doing good man! Touch over 2 months old. A few weeks ago we spent about 5 days in the hospital with her (RSV) but she’s doing much better. All things considered she never got that bad in the hospital. We were able to get the new Rsv “vaccine”. Read the trials. Kinda new and bad reactions seemed low. Risk vs reward said do it, especially right at the height of Rsv season. I think that’s what kept it from getting so bad.
Only reason for the hospital stay was a feeding tube, too stopped up to eat right.
Welcome to the board. Without a doubt you joining has been absolutely wonderful. I appreciate your posts and look forward to more of them. While we may not always agree, I see much value in your ideas and thoughts.

Thank you for joining.
Welcome to the board. Without a doubt you joining has been absolutely wonderful. I appreciate your posts and look forward to more of them. While we may not always agree, I see much value in your ideas and thoughts.

Thank you for joining.
Thank you for the kind words Brother. Every time I see you on here I have the angel of kindness pop onto my right shoulder. I will keep trying to do better.

Thank you for the standard you keep.
Well I just broke 1000 reaction score but the Admired and Respected trophies are but a dream within in dream.

Nevertheless I have set another goal... to have a 1:1 post/reaction score like the righteous @Fattyone .

Fattyone, those orange letters are so close...I can feel it.

Finally, we will find out if the Worshipped trophy works. Next stop 10k reaction score (and not for the superficial likes). Only quality likes.
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Theres no hope for me.

I’ve pissed off the meso gods.

Woke up one day, in orange obviously, saw a source outside his section trying to sling drugs to a newbie, hit the report button, typed In “ source Shit”, hit send… and a couple minutes later my orange letters were gone.
I’ve learned my lesson. I will never report anything again.
except for that one time dude posted his whole name a birthdate. I did report that so it could be deleted past his edit window.