Readalots Enhanced Testing

How would someone test for these through blood work? White blood cell count? hs;CRP? What else?

I am surprised you did not talk about the love letter FDA sent to about Empower Pharmacy.
I'm sure you are aware this outfit does no testing/QC/QA on their non-sterile products, right? Unreal.

Worse than an UGL.
Yeah, you stated it soooooo many times.
Your obvious interest in testing:

BTW, thanks for coming to that thread, where I was trying to calm things down, for a bit of reinforcement because obviously me saying it is not good enough, just trash.
I beg to differ and think, like most people who saw it, that I did not need my words repeated and nobody gave a crap to hear it again from you.
Back to the business of testing, sorry I got sidetracked:

Yes, it's clear to see you are very interested.
You got your priorities right, no one can argue.
I mean, each to their own.
I am good with all that.

To round things up:

You should book in for a 1 to 1 so you can hear what he has to say.
I mean, the man has been a bit quiet about it all, so fair enough, need a catch up.

Kind of you to give this some time and attention.
When you decide he has finally improved his childish behaviour and acts like a grown up, you will let him back in.
What you are going to do with the other retards that called him all the names under the sun, 24/7, we will lie in wait to see.
Get rid of the ignore or you will not have the chance to check out how grown up he has become.

Maybe he will be able to hold up the discourse as brilliantly as you do, with maturity and integrity, without the idiotic Tourette lashings that he has been displaying, at your displeasure. Acting like an adult:

Take a leaf, Readalot.

Seriously, take a bit of a vacation from this thread.
It's of no interest to you. The lectures are becoming tedious and repetitive, just like Readalot's rants that pissed you off.
After all, here you find what you called his

I suspect, and that couldn't possibly be a good thing.
Yeah you aren't getting a response on that one. Sorry. Ouch.
Not to mention, it's not like anything they might say I don't either already know or else can investigate on my own accord.
LOL. You have a pretty high opinion of yourself. Glad you are here for the entertainment. Too bad you won't be able to read it since you are using the ignore feature.

Decisions, decisions.

You got it all figured out though Bro. No need to waste your time on this thread.
PROJECT 2 coming soon.

Raws HPLC testing, metals, and endotoxins.

Focus was on the raws but we got some finished oil vials and lyophilized GH vial in there as well.

I want to thank @Sampei very much for his collaboration on this project. His contributions to further our body of knowledge as a community is simply incredible. He donated the 9 raws, finished oil vials, and a lyophilized GH vial. He did all the heavy lifting and got the samples to Jano. We went in half on the HPLC testing and I covered the remainder of the tests.

Quote number #xxxxx :
9x Blind common anabolic steroid and aromatase inhibitors screening - raws x 120 USD MINUS 10% DISCOUNT= 972 USD

6x Heavy metals screening (full EDX panel) x 60 USD MINUS 10% DISCOUNT= 324 USD

5x Endotoxin analysis x 120 USD MINUS 10% DISCOUNT= 540 USD

1x Endotoxin on HGH analysis x 120 USD MINUS 10% DISCOUNT= 108 USD

1x Endotoxin on AAS oil analysis x 120 USD MINUS 10% DISCOUNT= 108 USD

1x Heavy metals screening (full EDX panel) for oil sample x 60 USD MINUS 10% DISCOUNT= 54 USD

9x Raw data x 5 USD = 45 USD
1. Hplc Purity - 120 usd (Dirthand)
2. GCMS - 170 usd
3. Expanded metals list for standard list price (personally approved by Jano via xxxxxxxxx) - 60 usd
4. endotoxins - 120 usd
5. Residual solvent poor man's test (KF+loss on drying) - 60 usd

PROJECT 1. Comprehensive screen of an AAS raw (BU)

update...all standard reports are back; there's just the thorough analysis of the full EDX metals panel left to finish with Jano. I want to thank @janoshik for the fantastic support he has provided during this process. I want to make sure we present a clear and informative picture for the metals results so a little more back and forth required. I know Jano wants the same. I hope to have the full ppm results soon.

I wanted to present all the results at once, but depending on metals analysis turnaround I may present the other data on its own.

Thanks for tuning in.
And this is inaccurate. It's not expanded heavy metals. It's expanded metals. But you know that as I have mentioned it to you many times.

Heavy metals are class 1 elemental impurities.

USP <232> and <233>.

The rest of your posts on this thread were entertaining. Thank you.
IDK man, subscribed to this thread anyhow. I thought I was pretty helpful without being obtrusive here: Readalots Enhanced Testing

Since, as I have repeatedly said, I at first didn't know what the testing was (still don't know what some of them are, what are endotoxins?), don't understand the rationale behind these tests besides spreading FUD or clinical paranoia! But I support what you're doing, and respect that you "put your money where your mouth is." If not for any other reason than ruling out these "concerns."

Carry on, bro. And chill please, we are still Meso brothers. Love yah.
Oh that one, he is one of the two idiot twins.
Just unbearable, both of them.

The level of idiocy is beyond.
"Men" in their 30s.
With children.
Makes me sick.
Iris, I’m not sure how you developed this opinion of me. Obviously, it is your right to hold whatever opinion you have. But if you’re going to keep referencing me, will you just tag me?

I don’t want to clog up this thread but did want to make a brief comment. If you’re open to a chat, let’s take this to PM’s. I’m not sure how the animosity began to be quite honest.

@Sampei such a fabulous human you are.
Your supportive attitude, enthusiastic engagement with everyone and intelligence all shine bright on Meso.
Everything you are involved with and have organised for the members' benefit will make you an even brighter star within this forum's microcosm.
Absolutely deserved.
Love you lots.
Iris, I’m not sure how you developed this opinion of me. Obviously, it is your right to hold whatever opinion you have. But if you’re going to keep referencing me, will you just tag me?

I don’t want to clog up this thread but did want to make a brief comment. If you’re open to a chat, let’s take this to PM’s. I’m not sure how the animosity began to be quite honest.

Fuck off
still don't know what some of them are, what are endotoxins?

haphazard style hasn't lent itself to clearly communicating what this all is

Respectfully, if we are both operating in good faith, I would ask you to devote time to this material like you would expect others to devote time to your material.

Would you like me to point you to each specific numbered topic that I've laid out in painstaking detail among the onslaught of BS I have encountered along the way? Given the effort you put in on topics you are interested in, I may do that just for you. Let me know.

I'll keep trying to have a functional relationship with you. Thanks for your interest.

I appreciate your constructive comments and criticism.
