Readalots Enhanced Testing

Opportunity to Help Out

Any takers? We would need the funds for the standard plus whatever Jano comes back with cost wise for the HPLC tests. I recommend a trusted member to handle the funds plus someone would have to contact the supplier and request the standard and ship to Janoshik.

@janoshik [courtesy tag]

Relevance: answering key question on whether HPLC purity for Test C and Test E is accurate for raws with -ene impurities. GCMS data to date suggests it is not and that these impurities are not resolved from the HPLC API peak.
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Matrix from SST has a premium line of test C. Go support him and the idea that enhanced testing is worth something to you like you say.
I said "reasonably similar" source. I did not say "A source that offers only test C."

I will not post the same question again, because I do not have the ability to express the question in a manner you can comprehend.

I apologize for my communication failure.

I wish you the best.
I said "reasonably similar" source. I did not say "A source that offers only test C."

I will not post the same question again, because I do not have the ability to express the question in a manner you can comprehend.

I apologize for my communication failure.

I wish you the best.
As always, won't lift a finger.

I'm not really sure if the specifics of the test but I can contribute some $ for the cause.

HereToBitchAndComplainAndDoNothing, you in?

"Once again, please give me the name of a reasonably similar alternative source who complies with the "enhanced" expectations. I will immediately direct my spending there and help support this project by using my wallet."

Once again, it appears that I am incapable of finding a manner in which I can communicate with you and allow to have full comprehension of what I stated.

Again, I apologize for my communication failure.

@readalot I will refrain from posting in your thread again until there is something that is actually of a benefit. I personally know how irritating it is when some jerk keeps posting things in threads that few people want to have to read about it over and over and over again.
"Once again, please give me the name of a reasonably similar alternative source who complies with the "enhanced" expectations. I will immediately direct my spending there and help support this project by using my wallet."
Once again, not willing to lift a digit to help establish demand for such a source option or contribute towards its viability. What an asinine, disingenuous offer of support. Nice false dilemma you've set up. "You guys build it all then my sorry ass will show up. Until then, I just have no other choices."

The internet sure is full of it.
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All these anti-harm-reduction trolls were also against removing lead from household paint and pipes - and it shows.

Go back far enough here and you'll find the same shit about sterile filtering home brew.

"Just boil it! I've been doing that for years and ain't lost an ass cheek bubble boy!"

Some guys seem to think the safety measures that are standard practice now have been around since Noah cooked up a batch of Test on the ark.
It's amazing how resistant people are to change for the better. It doesn't matter what it is, there will always be the "lead eaters" trying to hold back progress.

Thankfully for them, rising tides lifts all boats.
Opportunity to Help Out

Any takers?

I've read and re-read the last few pages for the past two days, thinking and re-thinking a response as I've seen others' responses trickle in. Right now, it's a busy time, and writing a lengthy post is rather time-consuming... so, I'll keep it short.

1. Count me in—as I've said it before—for a "donation" to the next set of tests.

2. @readalot it would be great if I can DM you... I have some questions that I prefer go that route.

3. Since for some of us it's the holiday season—don't know about the "towel-heads" in the UK (@Zebedee... j/k again buddy, lol... I have friends there, y'all are strong!)—perhaps it would be best to resume this after the new year, or at least the "heavy-lifting" until then. For me, and I'm sure many, there's a lot going on, and it's time to focus more on personal life.

Let me know.
I've read and re-read the last few pages for the past two days, thinking and re-thinking a response as I've seen others' responses trickle in. Right now, it's a busy time, and writing a lengthy post is rather time-consuming... so, I'll keep it short.

1. Count me in—as I've said it before—for a "donation" to the next set of tests.

2. @readalot it would be great if I can DM you... I have some questions that I prefer go that route.

3. Since for some of us it's the holiday season—don't know about the "towel-heads" in the UK (@Zebedee... j/k again buddy, lol... I have friends there, y'all are strong!)—perhaps it would be best to resume this after the new year, or at least the "heavy-lifting" until then. For me, and I'm sure many, there's a lot going on, and it's time to focus more on personal life.

Let me know.
Great suggestions. DM away. Perhaps a temporary Christmas peace is in order. Genius idea. Thank you.

Merry Christmas Brother.
A couple things that kinda stick out to me is that like a guy said a few post back all the Raw material is being manufactured in just a few places.. if not just a couple..So if 100 UGL tested all of their raw material across the board they would all be paying to test the same product.. wouldn't it be more efficient to find the top and work the top down vs the bottom up??

Brings me to another point.. There is such a monopoly on testing , although I'm sure we are all grateful ( i know i am) that we have somewhere to test things but i can't help but think that the same product from The same small group of manufacturers is getting tested numerous times by the same couple of testing labs.. I can't help but think that both ends are looking into the middle just fucking grinning with greed.... while good people in the middle on both sides tear each other apart...

Got to start somewhere I suppose huh.. Either way , although it may not seem like it to some from my point of view I have seen a hair bit more unity coming from both sides now than from the start.. .... would be cool to see a little more.. Harm Reduction also comes in more than one form and I appreciate each person and their mission twards the main goal.. I am also proud of Readsalot for hanging in there. I admire the perseverance but maybe not the tactics at times... It would be cool to see the people in the middle come together and fight twards the real enemies...
3. Since for some of us it's the holiday season—don't know about the "towel-heads" in the UK (@Zebedee... j/k again buddy, lol... I have friends there, y'all are strong!)
I know you’re joking mate & fair play, but not everyone in this thread is, so ….

Well you have more Jews in the US than we have Muslims in the UK, & Muslims recognise Jesus as a Prophet - unlike Jews.

So yeah, a lot of Muslims in the UK do celebrate Xmas, only not to the same degree as ethnic Christians*. I both give & receive Xmas presents to & from Muslims every year. One of them served in Afghanistan as a member of the British Army, by the way.

*I say “ethnic” because very few indigenous Britons are Christians nowadays. Far more likely to be agnostic or atheist & not give a single fuck about the birth of of some bloke called Jesus in Palestine, for which there’s very little independent evidence that he ever even existed. For the majority, Christmas just a special time for family & friends.

Quite ironic that, don’t you think?
Opportunity to Help Out

Any takers? We would need the funds for the standard plus whatever Jano comes back with cost wise for the HPLC tests. I recommend a trusted member to handle the funds plus someone would have to contact the supplier and request the standard and ship to Janoshik.

@janoshik [courtesy tag]

Relevance: answering key question on whether HPLC purity for Test C and Test E is accurate for raws with -ene impurities. GCMS data to date suggests it is not and that these impurities are not resolved from the HPLC API peak.

Update and response from Janoshik.

Two offers to pitch in thus far.
Thank you for the thoughtful comments and feedback.

How would you adjust tactics at this point? Suggestions? What tactics do you take issue with?
Maybe my wording was off by stating tactics...If i thought I had a better path to your solution i would have stated it long ago my friend..I have a very neutral opinion of the project..However it's seems like it's gotta be a all for or all against with most people. I apologize as i am not very meticulous with my words. So maybe not your personal tactics per se, (although you can be a little intense) but the whole debate, disagreement, confrontational thing is not something I am good at nor good for my mental health , so I tend stay outta the mix..I just had a thought and figured I'd express it!! Stay the course dawg
@readalot - out of interest, is the potential -ene issue applicable to just enanthate & cypionate esters, or others also?
The -ene functionality is applicable to the gonane core so my understanding is these impurities could be potentially present with any testosterone ester as the testosterone is synthesized prior to esterification. I would not think any one ester would be more prone to these impurities as the basic esterification step is same for all. Any organic chemists / interested parties please correct me if / where wrong.

My take would be a sample high in -ene impurities would be a poorly synthesized testosterone base material (poor testosterone selectivity).

My hypothesis: these impurities in their esterified form are slipping through HPLC and being picked up as Test ester API.
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