Recomposition / Cutting log on TRT+


New Member
Hello everyone,

I want to use this forum to share and document my personal progress and development.

My goal is to create the ideal starting point for an upcoming bulking cycle. I want to make this happen in a sustainable and enjoyable way. I don’t have any concerns regarding time constraints, so I‘m taking a slower approach.

Unfortunately, my testosterone levels are pretty low for my age, despite giving my best to optimize them via sleep, diet and exercise. I’ve also experienced many low testosterone symptoms throughout the years. That‘s why I‘ve decided to self-prescribe TRT or rather TRT+.

To achieve my goal, I‘m currently in the process of finding my maintenance calories. I‘m doing this by having the exactly same calorie intake every day and weighing myself every morning under the same conditions.

Once I know the precise amount of calories I need to maintain my weight, I will subtract 300 calories from that number.

- 177cm
- 80-ish kg
- 18 to 20% bodyfat
- 1.5 years lifting experience

- 3100 calories
- 260g Protein / 380g Carbs / 60g Fat
- 4 or 5 meals per day
- almost exclusively clean and minimally processed food

Training and activity:
- 5x per week with a Chest & Back / Shoulders & Arms / Legs split
- 30mins fasted cardio on rest days
- 15000 steps per day

- Test E: 130mg E3D
- Arimidex: as needed

- Omega 3
- Multivitamin
- Magnesium
- Melatonin

I will post weekly updates in the future and I‘m excited to see where this is going.
keep test at a max of 150 weekly and don't start it until you have figured out your calorie maintenance. You shouldn't use any anabolic at your body fat, weight, and experience but you are going to do it no matter what everyone tells you. So keep the dose low can you can recomp perfectly fine.
Also, target 500 deficit as you can easily miss some calories which will destroy the deficit at 300.
keep test at a max of 150 weekly and don't start it until you have figured out your calorie maintenance. You shouldn't use any anabolic at your body fat, weight, and experience but you are going to do it no matter what everyone tells you. So keep the dose low can you can recomp perfectly fine.
Also, target 500 deficit as you can easily miss some calories which will destroy the deficit at 300.
Why shouldn’t he use any anabolic at his BF ? He stated he has low test levels, this myth of having to be at 13-15% is exactly that, a myth.
If he can get his test levels to 900-1100 and train, eat in a deficit and sleep. He will drop bf % much quicker than trying to do it with low test levels. All while feeling much better in general.
Hello everyone,

I want to use this forum to share and document my personal progress and development.

My goal is to create the ideal starting point for an upcoming bulking cycle. I want to make this happen in a sustainable and enjoyable way. I don’t have any concerns regarding time constraints, so I‘m taking a slower approach.

Unfortunately, my testosterone levels are pretty low for my age, despite giving my best to optimize them via sleep, diet and exercise. I’ve also experienced many low testosterone symptoms throughout the years. That‘s why I‘ve decided to self-prescribe TRT or rather TRT+.

To achieve my goal, I‘m currently in the process of finding my maintenance calories. I‘m doing this by having the exactly same calorie intake every day and weighing myself every morning under the same conditions.

Once I know the precise amount of calories I need to maintain my weight, I will subtract 300 calories from that number.

- 177cm
- 80-ish kg
- 18 to 20% bodyfat
- 1.5 years lifting experience

- 3100 calories
- 260g Protein / 380g Carbs / 60g Fat
- 4 or 5 meals per day
- almost exclusively clean and minimally processed food

Training and activity:
- 5x per week with a Chest & Back / Shoulders & Arms / Legs split
- 30mins fasted cardio on rest days
- 15000 steps per day

- Test E: 130mg E3D
- Arimidex: as needed

- Omega 3
- Multivitamin
- Magnesium
- Melatonin

I will post weekly updates in the future and I‘m excited to see where this is going.
Good luck brother. Following
Here‘s what I eat on a typical day.


M1: 100g rice, 50g protein powder, 1 banana and sugar free syrup

M2: 100g rice, 2 eggs, 200g egg whites, 200g mixed vegetables and ketchup

M3: 165g bread, 30g cream cheese, 100g chicken breast, 2 eggs, lettuce and ketchup

M4: 230g shrimp, 240g asparagus

M5: clubhouse sandwich at a restaurant. I usually eat out once or twice per week and always choose somewhat healthy foods.

I tracked the first four meals down to the gram, which came out to 200g Protein / 305g Carbs / 40g Fat. For the sandwich I estimated 60g Protein / 70g Carbs / 30g Fat.

This brings my total calorie intake to 3170 calories, slightly above my goal, but I‘ve also walked 22000 steps today.
I feel like 3100 calories is a moderate to high deficit for me, but I don’t have enough weigh-ins yet to support that claim. Only time will tell.

I started tracking my food intake very accurately last week and so far I‘ve never had too little protein and the highest I went above my calorie goal was only 70 calories too much one time.

Here‘s a small physique update. Sorry for my poor posing skills.


Could anyone give me a rough bodyfat percentage estimate?
This week‘s weigh-ins:

27.5.: 79.80kg
28.5.: 78.65kg
29.5.: 78.70kg
30.5.: 78.70kg
31.5.: 78.30kg
1.6.: 78.40kg
2.6.: 77.85kg

I’ve started eating almost exactly 3100 calories per day on May 22nd, but to disregard any water weight fluctuations from the rapid diet changes I’ve only started to track my weight on Monday.

On one hand I‘m glad that I can eat a lot more, but on the other hand that‘s a bit shocking. I hope I don’t have undiagnosed hyperthyroidism, maybe I should ask my doctor for bloodwork?

From now on I‘ll be eating 280g Protein / 540g Carbs / 80g Fat. If I had to guess, this would still be a very small deficit.
This week‘s weigh-ins:

27.5.: 79.80kg
28.5.: 78.65kg
29.5.: 78.70kg
30.5.: 78.70kg
31.5.: 78.30kg
1.6.: 78.40kg
2.6.: 77.85kg

I’ve started eating almost exactly 3100 calories per day on May 22nd, but to disregard any water weight fluctuations from the rapid diet changes I’ve only started to track my weight on Monday.

On one hand I‘m glad that I can eat a lot more, but on the other hand that‘s a bit shocking. I hope I don’t have undiagnosed hyperthyroidism, maybe I should ask my doctor for bloodwork?

From now on I‘ll be eating 280g Protein / 540g Carbs / 80g Fat. If I had to guess, this would still be a very small deficit.

1) absolutely 100% get comprehensive bloodwork right now

2) have you started TRT? I think this whole thread will become moot when you start doctor-prescribed TRT (like normal TRT 100 mg/wk or so)

3) a lot of guys on here use way more than TRT dose because it's also a bodybuilding forum and we want some side effects (enhanced muscle growth) but complain about other side effects (skin and mood disorders, lipids, blood pressure, etc)
1) absolutely 100% get comprehensive bloodwork right now

2) have you started TRT? I think this whole thread will become moot when you start doctor-prescribed TRT (like normal TRT 100 mg/wk or so)

3) a lot of guys on here use way more than TRT dose because it's also a bodybuilding forum and we want some side effects (enhanced muscle growth) but complain about other side effects (skin and mood disorders, lipids, blood pressure, etc)
I will ask my doctor for bloodwork today. I‘m on 300mg Testosterone per week since March, but my doctor doesn’t know anything about it yet.

As for side effects, my blood pressure is always around 100/70, no matter at which time of the day I measure it. Probably because my diet is on point since I started tracking everything and I don’t really weigh that much compared to you guys on this forum. The only side effect I‘ve noticed so far is slight acne, but everything else is fine. My bloodwork results will tell more.