Red flags on a Tren cycle


I have an appointment on Friday to draw labs. I’’m 4 weeks into a 140 mg Tren & 350 Test cycle. I have heard that blood test results look terrible on a Tren cycle. Is there anything that could look so bad that I should immediately stop. HDL , LDL cystatine C, apob, alt, ast…etc?
Is this blood work your doing or your doctor ordered? If it’s your own fuck it. Ride it out. Let’s see them. Doctor, uhhh id halt that shit quick. They’ll give ya an ear full.
What is your goal?

When I have taken Tren it was for a very specific goal. Once I hit the goal, I drop Tren. Cause what I am sure of is that the tren will wreck my bloods. My goal is not to work Tren into a healthy lifestyle, it is to use Tren short term to reach a goal and then recover.

Best of luck.
I was wondering the same thing. Values out of range during a cycle is expected, but what is too much?
Everyone will have a somewhat different risk vs reward threshold, but what is the general consensus on values that should make you pause.
And would the specific AAS be a determining factor? For example, if your ast/alt numbers were elevated on Test only vs orals, Tren, etc...
Giving random values might seem helpful, but without your baseline bloodwork before starting Tren, there’s no way to determine what’s truly abnormal for you. The focus should be on changes in your blood markers pre and post Tren, looking for concerning trends rather than just hitting arbitrary numbers.
I have an appointment on Friday to draw labs. I’’m 4 weeks into a 140 mg Tren & 350 Test cycle. I have heard that blood test results look terrible on a Tren cycle. Is there anything that could look so bad that I should immediately stop. HDL , LDL cystatine C, apob, alt, ast…etc?

None of these being elevated for 4 weeks or so is that big of a deal. How old are you? How's your blood pressure? Do you have a history of having elevated lipids? Some of these things make a difference.

As stated already in this thread. What is the desired outcome? Tren is effective, but toxic. Maybe the risk/reward ratio justifies getting on it, but you should definitely have a plan about when, specifically you're coming off.

Typically it's used at the end of of a cutting phase to retain lean tissue. Unfortunately, this is when folks are most susceptible to mental sides. For a bulk, it can be useful for a serious 8 week push, but I personally wouldn't run it longer than that.

Typically, the reasons I've seen people pull the plug on tren are the mental sides, just feeling like shit, being unable to sleep, etc. All acute issues.