Caucasians don’t have close , it’s called genetics thousands of years of building, from they’re environment.
When have u seen a African worlds strongest
Man? Never it’s not in the genetics. They are all northern climate people every single 1. U think it’s a coincidence?
When has a white man won sprinting in the Olympics? 1940’s I honestly don’t k know but I’d bet. I have no more time for this bs.
You are right.
Genetics plays a massive role in sports, in general, and your example of long distance running, all about endurance, is a good one.
The Kenyans have been so successful thanks to their genetics and environmental conditions.
They were born and they train in high altitude areas and it was shown that this is very helpful.
Many other athletes go train at altitude, of course.
But I wonder if actually spending your whole life under those conditions from day one, rather than start being exposed to it later in life, would make a difference.
The answer, if available, is somewhere Mr Google would know about but I cannot be bothered now, lol.
But I am sure that milieu would positively affect lung capacity and energy expenditure efficiency.
It's also to do with their muscle composition, as you point out, or so it is thought (a preponderance of slow twitch fibers being the reason for endurance capacity).
I can only dream of having those long, endless legs, lol.
Biomechanically, they are perfect for the type of running they do.