Repost: Part new member intro, part hormone help


New Member
Hello Meso Members! I finally had to make an account on here. Been using this website for info for awhile, and now decided to get more involved.

I am 22, been seriously bodybuilding since i was 18. I admire the old school athletes of the sport, and have plans to compete in the new "classic" division of bodybuilding. Bodybuilding is a serious passion and i hope to go as far as i can with it.

I am 5'9 and 190 pounds before bed. I have literally been bulking since i started seriously training. I was a small skinny kid my whole life, so i have brutal ectomorph genetics. However I have packed on a lot of mass and beginning to obtain a physique.

I fucked around with pro hormones (m-sten and eepistane) about a year ago, and now suffer from low Test:/ I was ignorant and excited to get that "edge" without really researching enough about these products. I used shitty OTC post cycle therapy, and I believe i have genetically lower test levels. This would make sense to why my levels haven't came back to normal even after a year of not touching anything hormonal. After that, i really was mad at myself and got into researching heavily into everything related to bodybuilding. I messed up, but now i have learned from that experience.

After those cycles and pct, i have been stuck in a long plateau. My strength and energy is awful considering my total Test is averaging at 181. I got a blood test right before seeing a doctor.

About 3 months ago i was sick of not improving along with constantly being lethargic. I went to a Doctor to get tests done and see what the likely hood of needed hormone therapy would be. To be honest i am fine going on TRT. The doctor had me do many tests ( hormone panels, and mri). My labs were all great, besides my lh,fsh, testosterone, and thyroid were low. The doc was a very unhelpful doctor and didn't even give a referral to another doctor. I looked up a local endocrinologist, and made an appointment to see him...

This doc was much better and i told him everything. He also required me to do more tests...So now this where im at.

He prescribed me 125mcg of thyroid ED. I will be doing this for two months.
I am 2 weeks into treatment and still feel crappy. Weak in the gym, and tired all the time.

So as an introduction, i guess im also looking for advice and confirmation that the doctor is doing the right thing.

if this thyroid treatment doesn't work, then is TRT the next option? i asked him that and he said he didn't know.

Thanks for any input. I really want to have to just get my hormones in check, and get back to training like a animal. If i am prescribed trt, i will have no intentions of cycling at least for a few years.

Should have probably put this in a different forum section....If you guys have any questions or answers id really appreciate it. Im happy to be a part of a largely educated group of people with the same interests as me.
Hello Meso Members! I finally had to make an account on here. Been using this website for info for awhile, and now decided to get more involved.

I am 22, been seriously bodybuilding since i was 18. I admire the old school athletes of the sport, and have plans to compete in the new "classic" division of bodybuilding. Bodybuilding is a serious passion and i hope to go as far as i can with it.

I am 5'9 and 190 pounds before bed. I have literally been bulking since i started seriously training. I was a small skinny kid my whole life, so i have brutal ectomorph genetics. However I have packed on a lot of mass and beginning to obtain a physique.

I fucked around with pro hormones (m-sten and eepistane) about a year ago, and now suffer from low Test:/ I was ignorant and excited to get that "edge" without really researching enough about these products. I used shitty OTC post cycle therapy, and I believe i have genetically lower test levels. This would make sense to why my levels haven't came back to normal even after a year of not touching anything hormonal. After that, i really was mad at myself and got into researching heavily into everything related to bodybuilding. I messed up, but now i have learned from that experience.

After those cycles and pct, i have been stuck in a long plateau. My strength and energy is awful considering my total Test is averaging at 181. I got a blood test right before seeing a doctor.

About 3 months ago i was sick of not improving along with constantly being lethargic. I went to a Doctor to get tests done and see what the likely hood of needed hormone therapy would be. To be honest i am fine going on TRT. The doctor had me do many tests ( hormone panels, and mri). My labs were all great, besides my lh,fsh, testosterone, and thyroid were low. The doc was a very unhelpful doctor and didn't even give a referral to another doctor. I looked up a local endocrinologist, and made an appointment to see him...

This doc was much better and i told him everything. He also required me to do more tests...So now this where im at.

He prescribed me 125mcg of thyroid ED. I will be doing this for two months.
I am 2 weeks into treatment and still feel crappy. Weak in the gym, and tired all the time.
Scally's power PCT would be wise to try before TRT IMO!