resistant to HCG

Forgive me, but at 50 what do you want to recover?
Do you think that by coming off a TRT (125/150mg per week) you will recover and look like a 30 year old, if you think this you have it all wrong....
PS: you better stay on TRT and enjoy life as a 30 year old (sexual aspect)! If you were 30 or 40 I could also understand that, but at 50 you recover little or nothing...
Forgive me, but at 50 what do you want to recover?
Do you think that by coming off a TRT (125/150mg per week) you will recover and look like a 30 year old, if you think this you have it all wrong....
PS: you better stay on TRT and enjoy life as a 30 year old (sexual aspect)! If you were 30 or 40 I could also understand that, but at 50 you recover little or nothing...
thanks that answers my question
At that age recovery of ball size and/or fertility (#1 reason to even try recovery) is difficult at best. If it's about size and not function try mega doses of clomid for short period of time with low doses of HCG (250iu x3 per week)

If that doesn't work, I dunno, borrow a pair when needed may
Thanks, that does help. It's also about libido as well. Im thinking size goes with function too. I"m same libido now totally off trt as when on it, which is low (not zero). I'll try what you suggested, thank you!

Just wanted to say thanks for being a good sport and putting up with us questioning the balls situation...
I suppose the questions as to "why" were fair (and apologies I couldn't help getting on the bandwagon) but you did not tell us to f off, like other people would have done, which is really sweet.

Whatever the motive, it is good enough.
So, best of luck with your testicles rejuvenation project.
I hope they will be restored to their former glory.

Please, nobody start with jokes about teabagging and stuff because this is a classy thread.
That's it.
I am 64 been on TRT/cycles for 25 years. Used HCG throughout that time. I find old balls don't respond like young balls. Pretty much the same as other body parts. You just deal with it the best you can. Just part of getting older. If you keep expectations low and just accept what happens you will be more satisfied i find.
Are you sure you're using properly dosed HCG? It's best to use pharmaceutical-grade HCG. I've tried several underground products, but I was strongly advised to switch to pharmaceutical-grade HCG. If you're not using 19-nor derivatives, the relief should be immediate. I'm not sure if it's allowed to mention specific online content, but if you search "HCG on cycle" and "HCG cycle" on YouTube, you'll find videos discussing HCG hypersensitivity and how to avoid it, as well as tips on testing your sensitivity to HCG before starting AAS (though in your case, it's probably too late).

For your situation, SERMs would be the most appropriate solution, but considering your age, it may not be very useful.
Eddie, always the voice of reason.

Eddie's first question needs answering, please.

Is this for cosmetic purposes?
Who is it that likes looking at your balls but does not like the look of them, anyway?
A bit of speculation and it's only Tuesday afternoon.
You guys always provide good material for diversionary thought.
Good point. If your not plann6to have kids why even take HCG or any PCT? As we age our natural testosterone plummets. I would just stay on test or TRT