Reversing atrophy with hcg


I'm wondering who has had success using a higher "kick start" hcg dose to reverse existing atrophy as opposed to preventing it. Is it possible?

What would be the best dosing schedule to try to get them back to size in the shortest amount of time?
I'm wondering who has had success using a higher "kick start" hcg dose to reverse existing atrophy as opposed to preventing it. Is it possible?

What would be the best dosing schedule to try to get them back to size in the shortest amount of time?

I started using the pharmacist HCG after about 4-6 of my cycle and and within 1.5 weeks or so they came back more a less full size. I was only doing 250iu Monday and Thursday.
If "size matters" then Doc Scallys power PCT is a great start IMO.

Whatever you choose take into consideration the half life of HCG is bt 36-48 hours.

That means to achieve optimal benefit, HCG should be dosed at an interval of no greater than EVERY OTHER DAY, and the lower the dose more important QOD dosing becomes.

Oh and to that end, priming one's level thru the use of front loading is an excellent idea. (Dr Scallys PPCT takes advantage of all the above IMO)
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