Rich Piana


New Member
Watched a few piana vids over the weekend. There was a guy half his size outlifting him. He is always talking about doing high rep stuff which I think is bs. I just dont think that big mfer can lift heavy. Maybe Its all synthol since there has been rumors going around about that. I know his upcoming cycle he has planned is ridiculous. Has anyone else been keeping up with this dude?
Thats just typical BB vs strength athlete stuff. One of the strongest BB ever, Ronnie Coleman still simply pales in comparison to an equal level strongman or PL. They train for different things. Its that simple. I dont think 1 person can have the absolute best of both worlds. It is a give and take.
Franco Columbu was one of the strongest bodybuilders ever. he was a little guy. I had a buddy who was no more than 175 lbs who could pick up 150 lb dums and rep out. He had short arms though which I always thought was in some way cheating. :)
Franco Columbu was one of the strongest bodybuilders ever. he was a little guy. I had a buddy who was no more than 175 lbs who could pick up 150 lb dums and rep out. He had short arms though which I always thought was in some way cheating. :)
I'm 6'2" and I have long arms. I always thought that hendered my benchpress numbers but everyone tells me that's bs. I still think guys with short arms have an advantage when it comes to benching.
I'm 6'2" and I have long arms. I always thought that hendered my benchpress numbers but everyone tells me that's bs. I still think guys with short arms have an advantage when it comes to benching.

Longer arms means a longer ROM on bench and definitely makes it more difficult. On the other hand, it means a higher starting hip position on deads so it benefits you there.
Thats just typical BB vs strength athlete stuff. One of the strongest BB ever, Ronnie Coleman still simply pales in comparison to an equal level strongman or PL. They train for different things. Its that simple. I dont think 1 person can have the absolute best of both worlds. It is a give and take.
I just dont see how someone twice as big with arms bigger than my freaking legs couldn't push up some serious weight. Unless those arms are full of oil.
I just dont see how someone twice as big with arms bigger than my freaking legs couldn't push up some serious weight. Unless those arms are full of oil.

Bc a large part of strength comes from neural adaptations and isn't
Just about muscle mass. The way that idiot trains he's severely lacking the neural adaptations others have. But he is an idiot and you shouldn't listen to him and should laugh at him every chance you get lol
Bc a large part of strength comes from neural adaptations and isn't
Just about muscle mass. The way that idiot trains he's severely lacking the neural adaptations others have. But he is an idiot and you shouldn't listen to him and should laugh at him every chance you get lol
Oh believe me I only watch his vids for entertainment purposes and would never take advice from that guy seriously. I think it's funny that he thinks he is the baddest mofo on the planet.
It depends on peoples goals. Some say they want to lift a lot. Some say they just want to look like they can lift a lot. I would rather look weak and lift crazy amounts, but thats me. (Well I would actually rather look like I can lift a lot and be able to lift a lot)

Im not knocking anybody as long as theyre content with where theyre at.
I'm 6'2" and I have long arms. I always thought that hendered my benchpress numbers but everyone tells me that's bs. I still think guys with short arms have an advantage when it comes to benching.
It just translates into more work. I'm more wide than thick. I'm moving that barbell or dumbbells a foot and a half. The guy with shorter arms with a barrel chest is doing half that. From that viewpoint there is a definite advantage. You are moving that weight farther.
Luckily for me, I'm short (5'6"). The ONLY good thing about being short, is less distance traveled under the bar. I'm sitting at 260lbs 5x5 with a bodyweight of 185. Hoping to hit 315 in six months or so.
I'm 6'2" and I have long arms. I always thought that hendered my benchpress numbers but everyone tells me that's bs. I still think guys with short arms have an advantage when it comes to benching.
I got long arms for 5'8 height...and benching is a bitch lol.
More distance to travel on bench equals more work but but I love pushing myself. I have a long arm reach but I get complements all the time and people thinking I'm on roids. I cant bench a whole lot maybe 300+ now but with longer arms it gives a better appearance as supposed to guys with short stubby arms in my opinion.
I think I'm just going to get me some synthol. Anyone got a good connect?........just joking I would rather be able to lift some iron than just look like I could.