Rido's Resale Shop - US DOM(Formerly Cridi)

He reships the reship? How deep does this go do you think? Think he's reshipping from you too? Lol

Out of curiosity do you mind doing that? Or is it annoying?
Its usually a small powder that is maybe 50 dollars. Well he doesnt want to pay 50 dollars for the reship.

he usually then adds on 300+ dollars worth of stuff. if he only added like a 10 dollar viagra strip, then I would have an issue.
  • Current Specials
  • 500 Var 25mg caps Batch 3(325 dollars) (1 more bulk special left)
  • 200 Cialis 20mg Caps(100 dollars) (1 bulk specials left)
  • 250 Anadrol 30mg caps( 140 dollars) (3 bulk specials left)
  • 200 Winstrol 25mg Caps(160 dollars) (2 bulk specials left)

New Info:
  • Going to discontinue Proviron
Email: Ridosmarket@pm.me


-My testing thread.
-Only communication via proton mail/tutanote
If you receive a blank email from me, let me know. Sometimes proton mail app acts out and it doesn’t have my whole message.
-Minimum for ordering is 90(or 15 dollar fee not not meeting minimum)
-Priority Shipping is 15.
-I will not link tests on this list that I do not have permission for
-Please Refer to original source’s testing thread to check on their test results.I overdose raws for sale by 2-4%,

AASSourceBatchDoseAmountCostBulk CostSupply
Test C – MCTCate Café USA250mg/ml12ml40High
Test C-GSOCate Café USA250mg/ml12ml40high
(will be discontinued)
Bayer25mg20 pills$35/strip$120/4 boxes(strips)14
Var RawQSCJuly 2023 order98%N/A$120/10gHigh
Tadalafil RawQSCJuly Order96%N/A60 dollars for 10gHigh

Rido’s Caps- Capsules are slightly overfilled by 1-3 caps per 50. This is to make up for damaged capsules. They are mixed with Vitamin C Filler.

AASSourceBatchDoseAmountCostBulk CostSupply
Var caps
RidoBatch 3
(25.71, 27.17, 27.33)
50 caps$45/50 caps$170/200High
Lady VarRidoBatch 2
10mg(10.22,10.82, 10.05)50 caps40/50 Caps$75/100high
Anadrol 30RidoBatch 1
(31.68, 32.38, 30.66)
50 caps$35/50 caps$65/100 capsMedium
Anadrol 50RidoBatch 1
60mg(63, 62, 60)50 caps$45/50 caps$80/100 capsHigh
WinstrolRidoBatch 1
25mg(26.41, 26.0, 26.25)50 caps$45/50 caps$80/100 capsHigh
CialisRidoBatch 1
20mg50 caps35/50 caps$65/100 capshigh

Peptides and moreDoseSourceVial PurchasesBulk Vials/CostSupply
Semaglutide5mg(Tested)Rido60/per vial$450/10vHigh Stock
HCG 4400iu4397 on last testsRido22/vial$190/10vHigh Stock
Tirzepatide15mgQSC1-2 Vials 95
3+ Vials 90
$850/10vHigh Stock vials
BPC 15710mgQSC30/vial225/10vHigh
TB 5005mgQSC20/vial170/10vhigh
PT141 10mg10mgQSC20/vial0
BAC water30mlHospira10/vial$25/3 vialsHigh

MiscBrandDoseQuantityPriceBuk CostSupplyNotes
Novorapid Pen100iu/ml3ml per pen45 dollars2 for 855
Lantus Pen
45 dollars2 for 8510Out of fridge for 10 days
Reusable Lily Pen
40 dollars16
Empty Cartridge for insulin Pen3ML containerPer vial3 dollars50

Harm ReductionBrandDoseQuantity TabsPriceBuk CostSupply
NebivololNebcip2.5mg10 tabs per strip$11$50/5shigh
Metformin XRGlycomet500mg20 per strip$10$45/5sHigh
(Generic Arimidex)
Anaridex(0.98mg)1mg10 per strip$18$16 each/2+High
Exemestane (Generic Aromasin)Xmalon (Tested by another source, same vendor)25mg10 per strip23$20 each/2+High
CaberCaberdose (0.47mg)
My Test at 0.53mg
0.5mg4 per strip20$90/5sHigh
TamoxifenTamilong20mg10 per strip$10$40/5sHigh
60mg10 per strip15 dollars$70/5shigh
ClomidClomisign50mg10 tabs per strip$105 strips for 40 dollarsHigh

Other PharmaceuticalsBrandDoseQuantity TabsPrice/ contentBuk CostSupply
(28.61, 26.09, 26.85)
(discontinuation after depletion)
AbiIbrahim100mcg25/strip$10/strip6 strips
Clenbuterol (Scored/splittable)Shree(Tested)40mcg50 tabs a box$55 dollars$50 each/2+high
Cenforce SildenafilCenforce100mg10 tabs per strip$10/strip
Cialis(Tadalafil)Vidalista(4.76)5mg10 tabs per strip$7/strip$50/10sHigh
Cialis(Tadalafil)Tadalista20mg10 tabs per strip$13/strip$110/10shigh
Ondansetron DissolvableZofran4mg10 tabs per strip$7/stripHigh
AzithromycinAZEETOP250mg10 per strip$15/strip10 strips
CIPMOX62510 per strip$18/stripHigh

@Deskoze38192 @cstearns85

Sorry I can't respond on the mast thread.
I think I put on about 4 lbs of mass from that cycle. Ran 350-400 test 800mg of mast, 25 var ED. Some GH

We all have different sides that we can tolerate or put up with. My emotional stability on that cycle was not affected at all. Which is important to me. I did have some very annoying acne and oil production. No hair loss.

I did use 250mg of azithromycin and every other day to control acne and it did a very good job.

I wouldn't mind using mast a s a growth promoter again. Next cycle I play to drop mast to 600 and incorporating 80mg of tren hex. Maybe 30 drol instead of 25 var
@Deskoze38192 @cstearns85

Sorry I can't respond on the mast thread.
I think I put on about 4 lbs of mass from that cycle. Ran 350-400 test 800mg of mast, 25 var ED. Some GH

We all have different sides that we can tolerate or put up with. My emotional stability on that cycle was not affected at all. Which is important to me. I did have some very annoying acne and oil production. No hair loss.

I did use 250mg of azithromycin and every other day to control acne and it did a very good job.

I wouldn't mind using mast a s a growth promoter again. Next cycle I play to drop mast to 600 and incorporating 80mg of tren hex. Maybe 30 drol instead of 25 var
Thank you for this reply. Good information.
I’m thinking about running Mast in a growth cycle next. Mast is one of the few compounds I haven’t run. Been using Primo, but as a low atomizer Primos affects on my E2 are less than ideal for my goals which are mainly strength and size. Mast sounds like a good fit with Test/Nandrolone (and or Tren) and Anadrol. Plus it sounds like Masts affects on mood and acting as a SERM to some degree are also huge benefits
Your next cycle sounds like a good choice and will be looking forward to hearing what you think.
Shame you can’t post in the other sections anymore and on some of the threads you started. Appreciate your knowledge and input.
Thank you for this reply. Good information.
I’m thinking about running Mast in a growth cycle next. Mast is one of the few compounds I haven’t run. Been using Primo, but as a low atomizer Primos affects on my E2 are less than ideal for my goals which are mainly strength and size. Mast sounds like a good fit with Test/Nandrolone (and or Tren) and Anadrol. Plus it sounds like Masts affects on mood and acting as a SERM to some degree are also huge benefits
Your next cycle sounds like a good choice and will be looking forward to hearing what you think.
Shame you can’t post in the other sections anymore and on some of the threads you started. Appreciate your knowledge and input.

I think big things you need to take into consideration would be hair loss.

Some people do combine primo/mast. so you can get the best of both worlds.

It does seem like Mast is almost SERM-like(But still not a SERM. also has some discussion of possible inhibition of prolactin secretion according to some of the original MASTERIL studies.

You hear alot about mast pairing well with 19 nors, which may contribute to it.

I am reaching a point where I want to I am becoming happy with my size. I dont want to be over 230 off cycle. I noticed 235+ is where I start getting some effects such as sleep apnea.

I understand why they mention not posting in other sections.

At the start of it, I was really butt hurt looking at some of the stupid advice some new people are giving while I am pretty much banned from those sections but I have come to terms with it.

But I am still more than happy to help people openly here. I know I still get PMs asking for input/advice. I am starting to realize I would rather have them post in my thread so it can be an open discussion.

Side note: I know people always look at MG per week and use it as an absolute which shouldnt be the case. 200mg of tren feels like it has heavier sides than 400mg of mast. I would rather blast high amounts of a "Weak" Steroid than "low" amounts of a powerful one.

My blood work/Vitals doesnt change on Mast and the sides are cosmetic.


I think big things you need to take into consideration would be hair loss.

Some people do combine primo/mast. so you can get the best of both worlds.

It does seem like Mast is almost SERM-like(But still not a SERM. also has some discussion of possible inhibition of prolactin secretion according to some of the original MASTERIL studies.

You hear alot about mast pairing well with 19 nors, which may contribute to it.

I am reaching a point where I want to I am becoming happy with my size. I dont want to be over 230 off cycle. I noticed 235+ is where I start getting some effects such as sleep apnea.

I understand why they mention not posting in other sections.

At the start of it, I was really butt hurt looking at some of the stupid advice some new people are giving while I am pretty much banned from those sections but I have come to terms with it.

But I am still more than happy to help people openly here. I know I still get PMs asking for input/advice. I am starting to realize I would rather have them post in my thread so it can be an open discussion.

Side note: I know people always look at MG per week and use it as an absolute which shouldnt be the case. 200mg of tren feels like it has heavier sides than 400mg of mast. I would rather blast high amounts of a "Weak" Steroid than "low" amounts of a powerful one.

My blood work/Vitals doesnt change on Mast and the sides are cosmetic.

View attachment 266677

View attachment 266678
Thank you for taking the time to type all that out
Very good information
Feels? Yes.

Does it really? No

I don't have any blood work that supports it lowering my e2

Or maybe a better response is I feel like it controls my e2
Did you happen to watch that video posted yesterday where Dr Todd Lee explains that the process by which Mast acts as a SERM has been scientifically discovered? And how Primo lowers E2 has been scientifically proven as well.
I found it informative but haven’t heard many peoples thoughts on it yet
Not sure how reliable the information actually is
Some one tagged Type11. I know he usually takes time to give a well thought out reply so haven’t heard anything yet.
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Did you happen to watch that video posted yesterday where Dr Todd Lee explains that the process by which Mast acts as a SERM has been scientifically discovered? And how Primo lowers E2 has been scientifically proven as well.
I found it informative but haven’t heard many peoples thoughts on it yet
Not sure how reliable the information actually is
Some one tagged Type11. I know he usually takes time to give a well thought out reply so haven’t heard anything yet.
No I didn't watch any video. To me the fact mast acts almost like a serm has been established by my link.

I have no thoughts on primo, as I hate using it for myself. Lol. I will have to watch it for type iix's response
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Rido would probably have some primo options if anything tested well. Like evolve bio labs , but they flunked their test. I myself am trying to find something at a good price I’ll let you know
Rido would probably have some primo options if anything tested well. Like evolve bio labs , but they flunked their test. I myself am trying to find something at a good price I’ll let you know
Yea. IDK. the only ones I would ask for bulk Primo would be the US Domestics. They have very high grade strength Vials

I dont know how much further I am looking to expand the shipment of vials to be honest.
Yea. IDK. the only ones I would ask for bulk Primo would be the US Domestics. They have very high grade strength Vials

I dont know how much further I am looking to expand the shipment of vials to be honest.

Vials including amps? You could easily make a deal for 10 amp packs around $40 each