Have you cut out orals then mate just wondering?
I never responded well to orals side effect wise (great gainz yes) so I never abused them and always used Anavar. I used anavar for 2 times and used anadrol last cycle just out of curiosity.
I'm not gonna use any orals except maybe once a year for 4 weeks. MAYBE.
I much prefer to use tren or other AAS and leave my liver alone, plus orals kills my stomach, I start having shit load of gas, my stool smell horrible and i digest very badly. Many times food is still whole when I take a shit.
So even if I love how fast orals work I prefer to learn being patience and save myself from a lot of discomfort and maybe future complications.
So yes I try to be the healthiest possible while using AAS.
For example I have decided to cut tren cycle with other compounds for max 12 weeks. Because tren really murder lipids and I don't like to run around for long with shit lipids.
I keep a very low dose of test during cruise and I do bloods plenty of time during cycle but off cycle as well to see how fast my body get back to baseline (lipids-liver-kidneys-etc.) before blasting again.
I never wanted kid and I still don't want any, I see less harm
In doing what I do compared to do pct everytime I finish a cycle.
I don't do short cruise long blast either. If I have done a blast with tren I like to cruise at least the same time, on deca-EQ I cruise maybe less because they don't murder my lipids and don't put much stress on my body.
It's personal you need bloods for it. Once a year I have a cardiologist doing an eco on my hearth and arteries to see if everything is ok there.
I'm very scrupulous about keeping an eye on my body and how is working. This doesn't meant what I'm doing is not harming my health or it's a good thing to do... I made my choice and I'm trying to limit as much as I can the possible dangers coming from cycling.