Ritalin and testosterone

I was on Ritalin as a child growing up, and I'm thinking I may need it again. I'm a bit worried as most of the literature I have read claim Ritalin is detrimental for testosterone production - this is definately the last thing I need. Any info is appreciated.
Bullshit. Alot of those drugs destroy testosterone levels. I was on Zoloft for a while and it destroyed my test levels.

That's a very big statement "Alot of those drugs destory testosterone levels".. Do you have any scientific data to back up your claim? I only read on Rats and Hamster that it does effect the testicular tissues..But not much on human study..yours might be different (lab work (before and after treatment)showing it?)

What OP's asking is Ritalin (for ADHD folks) which is a CNS. The question is does it effect the TT production? My answer it shouldn't because TT production starts with your LH/FSH-located in the Pituitary glands sends the chemical to produce more TT in your Testicle.. People who's taking Ritalin, Adderall, etc are different then those taking anti-depressant drugs (what you're taking) and shouldn't be an issue since it's two different system it's affecting.. Now, I don't know what the underlining issue and it's best for OP to seek advice from his Dr..

Here's a copy and paste from a @marianco (Dr of Medicine) in 2006

@Michael Scally MD might bring some light into this topic.

SSRI effects on testosterone production

The relationship between SSRIs and Testosterone is not usually studied - unfortunately - since psychiatry tends to ignore effects on the endocrine system.

The studies which gives us clues on neurotransmitter/endocrine control of testosterone production indicate there are highly complex interactions among numerous neurotransmitter systems. The sum of these neurotransmitter interactions determines testosterone production in any given person.

The ultimate answer is that "Your mileage may vary." - in some people, serotonergic medications (such as Zoloft) may reduce testosterone, in others, they may increase testosterone production. In any case, it may be important to keep this in mind and monitor levels to see which way a person is affected.

In one example: in patients with premature ejaculation and hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, where anxiety is a contributing factor to premature ejaculation, treatment with a serotonergic medication may both treat premature ejaculation, increase luteinizing hormone production and testosterone production. Effects of fenfluramine on ejaculatory function, luteinizing hormone and testosterone levels in men with hypogonadotropic hypogonadism and prematur... - PubMed - NCBI

There are mechanisms, however, by which increased serotonin levels can result in a reduction in testosterone production:
1. Increasing brain serotonin level results in production of dopamine, which in turn may reduce testosterone production.
2. Increased body serotonin level stimulates testicular serotonin receptors, which results in reduction of testosterone production.

Some other neurotransmitters involved in testosterone production:

1. Melatonin produced by the brain's pineal gland stimulates testicular melatonin receptors results in reduction in testosterone production. (This is a mechanism by which Rozerem, a melatonin analog used as a sleep promoting agent, may reduce testosterone production. Rozerem also reduces dopamine production which can also reduce testosterone production besides increasing prolactin level.)

2. Corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) produced by the brain's hypothalamus stimulates CRH receptors in the testes, resulting in reduction of testosterone production. CRH is usually increased in response to stress - such as in anxiety states or disorders, early states of depression. CRH increases ACTH production from the brain's pituitary gland, which then increases adrenal gland production of cortisol and other hormones. The story gets more complex since CRH also stimulates brain norepinephrine production which increase sympathetic nervous system production of norepinephrine and epinephrine production from the adrenal glands and other components of the sympathetic nervous system. Norepinephrine and epinephrine stimulate adrenergic receptors in the testes, resulting in an increase in testosterone production. Thus the end result depends on the particular individual's sum of the neurotransmitters effects.

Here are a couple of references:

Interactions between testicular serotoninergic, catecholaminergic, and corticotropin-releasing hormone systems modulating cAMP and testosterone pro... - PubMed - NCBI

That's a very big statement "Alot of those drugs destory testosterone levels".. Do you have any scientific data to back up your claim? I only read on Rats and Hamster that it does effect the testicular tissues..But not much on human study..yours might be different (lab work (before and after treatment)showing it?)

What OP's asking is Ritalin (for ADHD folks) which is a CNS. The question is does it effect the TT production? My answer it shouldn't because TT production starts with your LH/FSH-located in the Pituitary glands sends the chemical to produce more TT in your Testicle.. People who's taking Ritalin, Adderall, etc are different then those taking anti-depressant drugs (what you're taking) and shouldn't be an issue since it's two different system it's affecting.. Now, I don't know what the underlining issue and it's best for OP to seek advice from his Dr..

Here's a copy and paste from a @marianco (Dr of Medicine) in 2006

@Michael Scally MD might bring some light into this topic.

SSRI effects on testosterone production

The relationship between SSRIs and Testosterone is not usually studied - unfortunately - since psychiatry tends to ignore effects on the endocrine system.

The studies which gives us clues on neurotransmitter/endocrine control of testosterone production indicate there are highly complex interactions among numerous neurotransmitter systems. The sum of these neurotransmitter interactions determines testosterone production in any given person.

The ultimate answer is that "Your mileage may vary." - in some people, serotonergic medications (such as Zoloft) may reduce testosterone, in others, they may increase testosterone production. In any case, it may be important to keep this in mind and monitor levels to see which way a person is affected.

In one example: in patients with premature ejaculation and hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, where anxiety is a contributing factor to premature ejaculation, treatment with a serotonergic medication may both treat premature ejaculation, increase luteinizing hormone production and testosterone production. Effects of fenfluramine on ejaculatory function, luteinizing hormone and testosterone levels in men with hypogonadotropic hypogonadism and prematur... - PubMed - NCBI

There are mechanisms, however, by which increased serotonin levels can result in a reduction in testosterone production:
1. Increasing brain serotonin level results in production of dopamine, which in turn may reduce testosterone production.
2. Increased body serotonin level stimulates testicular serotonin receptors, which results in reduction of testosterone production.

Some other neurotransmitters involved in testosterone production:

1. Melatonin produced by the brain's pineal gland stimulates testicular melatonin receptors results in reduction in testosterone production. (This is a mechanism by which Rozerem, a melatonin analog used as a sleep promoting agent, may reduce testosterone production. Rozerem also reduces dopamine production which can also reduce testosterone production besides increasing prolactin level.)

2. Corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) produced by the brain's hypothalamus stimulates CRH receptors in the testes, resulting in reduction of testosterone production. CRH is usually increased in response to stress - such as in anxiety states or disorders, early states of depression. CRH increases ACTH production from the brain's pituitary gland, which then increases adrenal gland production of cortisol and other hormones. The story gets more complex since CRH also stimulates brain norepinephrine production which increase sympathetic nervous system production of norepinephrine and epinephrine production from the adrenal glands and other components of the sympathetic nervous system. Norepinephrine and epinephrine stimulate adrenergic receptors in the testes, resulting in an increase in testosterone production. Thus the end result depends on the particular individual's sum of the neurotransmitters effects.

Here are a couple of references:

Interactions between testicular serotoninergic, catecholaminergic, and corticotropin-releasing hormone systems modulating cAMP and testosterone pro... - PubMed - NCBI

It is documented that regular drug usage lowers test levels. Ritalin is no exception.

Edit: It CAN lower testosterone levels. It's not exactly a guarantee.
It is documented that regular drug usage lowers test levels. Ritalin is no exception.

Edit: It CAN lower testosterone levels. It's not exactly a guarantee.

It can but can also be some underlining issues beside what's diagnosed. One of them main symptom of low T is depression.. So what is Low T caused depression or Anti-Depression caused low T? which is which? Also there might be some psychiatric issues that was not properly treated (sexual abuse, etc).. I am just saying- you can't lump everything as "Alot of drugs..." We all know taking AAS some gain 4k test level at 500mg per week,while other might only get 2k.. Until there's a meta-data that show on human research- we will never know.. That's why it's best for OP to talk with his DR and go from there...
Thanks guys, I will have a chat with my doc when I get an appointment. I went through severe hypo and recovered... fuck feeling like that again !! Ha ha.
It can but can also be some underlining issues beside what's diagnosed. One of them main symptom of low T is depression.. So what is Low T caused depression or Anti-Depression caused low T? which is which? Also there might be some psychiatric issues that was not properly treated (sexual abuse, etc).. I am just saying- you can't lump everything as "Alot of drugs..." We all know taking AAS some gain 4k test level at 500mg per week,while other might only get 2k.. Until there's a meta-data that show on human research- we will never know.. That's why it's best for OP to talk with his DR and go from there...
Obviously it's best for him to talk to his doc, but he was asking about adderall causing low T. Yes it has potential to lower testosterone levels.
Obviously it's best for him to talk to his doc, but he was asking about adderall causing low T. Yes it has potential to lower testosterone levels.

Everything has potential to lower your testosterone level.. heck alcohol is one of them..But to what degree and what percentage.. if you're saying it lower .0000001% then you're correct it did LOWER the T levels.. but does .0000001% lower T levels really going to make a difference in the long run? probably not!

Until there's irrefutable scientific evidence pointing toward a human study that yes, Ritalin, Adderall, or other CNS drugs has a direct affect on T production.. we will never know the true answer.. That's why it's important to talk with your dr- ask the tough questions-ask for pre and post lab work..and go from there.. If taking Ritalin drops your T level (after many blood work confirm it) then you have to weight the risk vs reward and it becomes an individual decision..

Keep us updated on your quest OP.. I am on Adderall 30mg per day and as of date have not notice a drop on my T levels (I have many confirm blood work off and on cycle)..
The best person to ask is your doctor. But

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So now your agreeing it can lower T as well as Raise it but your initial response was

"i highly doubt it will effect your testosterone."

Get the fuck outta here flip flopper. Which is it? It will or wont or affects both? You fuckin people amaze me with your answers. I have personal experience with it, you then post facts that back up it can sometimes lower or raise your TT.....WTF? Why do you doubt it wont affect his TT lol? Make up your fuckin mind jackass.
So now your agreeing it can lower T as well as Raise it but your initial response was

"i highly doubt it will effect your testosterone."

Get the fuck outta here flip flopper. Which is it? It will or wont or affects both? You fuckin people amaze me with your answers. I have personal experience with it, you then post facts that back up it can sometimes lower or raise your TT.....WTF? Why do you doubt it wont affect his TT lol? Make up your fuckin mind jackass.

Problem with your personal experience is you compared a SSRI to a CNS stimulant. Two very different classes of drugs.
Flamming dragon your comment saying you doubt it will affect your testosterone is simply wrong. Just admit that dude. Good God.
Lololol.... …amphetamine inhibits the spontaneous and hCG-stimulated secretion of testosterone from the testes through a mechanism involving an increase in cyclic AMP production
SSRI's and CNS both will "affect" testosterone. Period. Its a fact. Im not going to argue this with you.

I never said they would or wouldn't... I simply pointed out the fact that thinking one would affect testosterone bc the other did is wrong.