Ritalin and testosterone

Problem with your personal experience is you compared a SSRI to a CNS stimulant. Two very different classes of drugs.

…amphetamine inhibits the spontaneous and hCG-stimulated secretion of testosterone from the testes through a mechanism involving an increase in cyclic AMP production
methylphenidate can affect it as well.

My biggest thing is people pulling answers out of their ass automatically saying "it shouldnt affect your testosterone"

The answer is it may destroy it, it may not do anything at all. Dont just tell people "it shouldnt affect it."
But it's ok with you claim it destory your T level.. But now say it might or might not, bluh bluh.."right.. so your soapbox is better then mine..funny! OP don't listen to @Tdflorida he doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about.. He's compare his anti-depression drugs to what your original question which is about Ritalin.. two different class of drugs.

Heck, don't listen to me too- even tho I share the same drug class as yours and as of date has no affect on my T level.. But the best person is your dr to get advice.. good luck OP!

I am done with this conversation.. it's like talking to my old lady when she's on her period-- Doesn't go anywhere!