Roid alliance


New Member
My supplier has been carrying this line for a while now highly priced. I trust my source but thought i would ask around here for comments
Looks very professionally packaged.. authentication codes to verify recieved as a free gift from my supplier from the last 3 years

Come on man. 3 years and you ask these questions here? The vials could have Mickey Mouse on them. You either trust your supplier or not. You've either made Gaines or not?
I have made very good gains.. maybe i dont want to not trust him but the questions being brought up make sense about swithching supplier.
Its hard to find and gain that trust with another supplier people are known to have multiple suppliers.
Well im a chemical engineer by trade and have the equipment to test and have tested his products which have been very good quality for the most part. I dont test regularily obviously its my job and dont want to lose it!
Well im a chemical engineer by trade and have the equipment to test and have tested his products which have been very good quality for the most part. I dont test regularily obviously its my job and dont want to lose it!

So instead of testing the gear your about to inject inside your body, you would rather ask a bunch of random people on the internet if your gear is g2g. Sounds smart.
This has been going on for a while. He adds nothing and ask a bunch of dumb questions like this always.

So hes been using the same source for years and now hes questioning the quality because their selling different expired brands and wants to know if the brands are legit and if there are any other sources out there. Hes already made 3 different topics about the same thing.

Cmon bro, use some common sense, if your feeling this insecure about your source find a new one. No one on here is going to give you a new source or going to say your gear is g2g. Youve been a member here for a while but still act like you just joined.
I think you have me wrong.. i am open to any questions from others i might provide. Im just healed from my bicep tear and thought i would get some extra info here labs drop and pop up all the time. Is this nit what this threads for??? Besides bashing every member i mean damn
I think you have me wrong.. i am open to any questions from others i might provide. Im just healed from my bicep tear and thought i would get some extra info here labs drop and pop up all the time. Is this nit what this threads for??? Besides bashing every member i mean damn

This isnt a source board. No one here is going to spoon feed you. Do research in the steroid underground and make your own educated decision.
Its no lie i have been using the same geear a long time. Trying to to find someone who has used the same and get there input is against the rules?? Help me here


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