roid rage story+question


New Member
me and a buddy are hitting our sets today and next to us is the biggest meathead in our gym. guys like 6’5 and i’m guessing 250lbs lean. hes known in our gym for being the steroid head because he happens to be very loud about it (punches walls, randomly screams at people, gets angry really quick) and so this along with many other things leads me to conform a thesis that he’s on tren as well as other mentally destroying PEDS. we’ve spoken to this guy before and he joked around with us n shit so we thought we were at least cool with him. So back to the story my buddy walks up to him and asks him a question about something (i didn’t hear what he asked) but the guy laughs at first and so my buddy walks back to continue our workout. roughly a minute later the guy comes to us and asks if there was a part of the joke (i guess my buddy asked him something that was a joke?) he didn’t understand and if we were fucking with him. buddy tells him that he wasn’t fucking with him and he was just curious. guy leaves, comes back the next minute and starts telling us not to fuck with him and to seriously tell him what the joke was about. at this point its serious and we can tell that this guys visibly agitated so we tell him that it was just a question and we didn’t mean anything by it, grab our shit as we just finished our workout at that side of the gym and left to the other side. guy finds us in other part of gym 5 minutes later, tells us that the joke wasn’t funny and that we shouldn’t talk about his family? then proceeds to explain to my buddy how he would kill him and goes on a rant full of threats and about how we shouldn’t be saying stupid shit to him. we discussed the situation on the way to the bus (me and buddy) but we don’t really know what to do.

should we switch the time that we go at?
or should we stay at the time where we see the meathead regularly and risk another confrontation(probably a fight)? i’m almost positive that this guy will take any glance or even look in his direction as a sign to fight so i’m just wondering.

also share some roid rage stories and encounters that might be funny or interesting
me and a buddy are hitting our sets today and next to us is the biggest meathead in our gym. guys like 6’5 and i’m guessing 250lbs lean. hes known in our gym for being the steroid head because he happens to be very loud about it (punches walls, randomly screams at people, gets angry really quick) and so this along with many other things leads me to conform a thesis that he’s on tren as well as other mentally destroying PEDS. we’ve spoken to this guy before and he joked around with us n shit so we thought we were at least cool with him. So back to the story my buddy walks up to him and asks him a question about something (i didn’t hear what he asked) but the guy laughs at first and so my buddy walks back to continue our workout. roughly a minute later the guy comes to us and asks if there was a part of the joke (i guess my buddy asked him something that was a joke?) he didn’t understand and if we were fucking with him. buddy tells him that he wasn’t fucking with him and he was just curious. guy leaves, comes back the next minute and starts telling us not to fuck with him and to seriously tell him what the joke was about. at this point its serious and we can tell that this guys visibly agitated so we tell him that it was just a question and we didn’t mean anything by it, grab our shit as we just finished our workout at that side of the gym and left to the other side. guy finds us in other part of gym 5 minutes later, tells us that the joke wasn’t funny and that we shouldn’t talk about his family? then proceeds to explain to my buddy how he would kill him and goes on a rant full of threats and about how we shouldn’t be saying stupid shit to him. we discussed the situation on the way to the bus (me and buddy) but we don’t really know what to do.

should we switch the time that we go at?
or should we stay at the time where we see the meathead regularly and risk another confrontation(probably a fight)? i’m almost positive that this guy will take any glance or even look in his direction as a sign to fight so i’m just wondering.

also share some roid rage stories and encounters that might be funny or interesting
This is like reading a brick you can use paragraphs you know
There will always be types like that, with or without peds in the blood. If you already have mental problems it might enhance that and if you're big and "famous" as it sounded, that inflates the ego as well as in "I can take on anyone".

Though from my experience they use the frame and the veins to intimidate, extremely rarely do they fight, and when they do fight they just ram into you and to long-ass swings, so the two of you would probably be able to take him down before others intervene.

The killing talk is pure insecurity, damn 13 year olds mentally go with that. But you gotta go about it as with any fight in life with people you can't avoid, be there, don't avoid him, stand your ground.
This guy sounds like he is in constant mental pain, odd that he isn't kicked out tho.

Last part doesn't mean flex towards a flexer, just be there and train, even better, nod and happily say "hey man!" when you see him with no anger. In other words, don't let it get to you the best you can. If he confronts you again, you gotta go the verbal "I'm not looking for trouble, just doing my workout, I have nothing against you". If he (small risk) still wanna show power, then I am sorry to say you gotta defend yourself.
It's not about winning an argument or fight, it's the principle and for your own self-esteem. Better to try and loose than to run, trust me, running hunts you and fills you with anxiety worse than now.

Some are extremely insecure and build scenarios in their head, probably thinking you guys fear talking to each other wondering what happened was in his head two guys talking smack and he isn't mature enough to keep cool.

But do not avoid him, it enhances everything in him and make you guys avoid even more potential conflicts in the future.
Continue as usual. In case of a confrontation, let him physically assault you and call the police on him. Sue for damages and get a restraining order so HE has to find another gym

Continue working out as usual.
It’s a shame that steroids destroy lives. This guy was probably a gentleman and a scholar prior to AAS, I’m sure of it.
Continue as usual. In case of a confrontation, let him physically assault you and call the police on him. Sue for damages and get a restraining order so HE has to find another gym

Continue working out as usual.
You forgot to add get surgery with the money you won from suing him so you can fix your broken body. :D
This long a post and you’re not even going to say what your buddy said to the guy that set him off?

One star.
prolly sumting like hey buddy, you look terrific. If I give you money, will you pose for me in private at my house while I take pics?
As far as the family part of it, he prolly said, I can make copies of the pics and you can share them with your family.
me and a buddy are hitting our sets today and next to us is the biggest meathead in our gym. guys like 6’5 and i’m guessing 250lbs lean. hes known in our gym for being the steroid head because he happens to be very loud about it (punches walls, randomly screams at people, gets angry really quick) and so this along with many other things leads me to conform a thesis that he’s on tren as well as other mentally destroying PEDS. we’ve spoken to this guy before and he joked around with us n shit so we thought we were at least cool with him. So back to the story my buddy walks up to him and asks him a question about something (i didn’t hear what he asked) but the guy laughs at first and so my buddy walks back to continue our workout. roughly a minute later the guy comes to us and asks if there was a part of the joke (i guess my buddy asked him something that was a joke?) he didn’t understand and if we were fucking with him. buddy tells him that he wasn’t fucking with him and he was just curious. guy leaves, comes back the next minute and starts telling us not to fuck with him and to seriously tell him what the joke was about. at this point its serious and we can tell that this guys visibly agitated so we tell him that it was just a question and we didn’t mean anything by it, grab our shit as we just finished our workout at that side of the gym and left to the other side. guy finds us in other part of gym 5 minutes later, tells us that the joke wasn’t funny and that we shouldn’t talk about his family? then proceeds to explain to my buddy how he would kill him and goes on a rant full of threats and about how we shouldn’t be saying stupid shit to him. we discussed the situation on the way to the bus (me and buddy) but we don’t really know what to do.

should we switch the time that we go at?
or should we stay at the time where we see the meathead regularly and risk another confrontation(probably a fight)? i’m almost positive that this guy will take any glance or even look in his direction as a sign to fight so i’m just wondering.

also share some roid rage stories and encounters that might be funny or interesting

Can’t really give you insight without knowing exactly how this was said and intoned.

May well be your buddy said something he thought was slick and the guy caught on.

I see this happen a lot with guys that haven’t ever really grown up hard or understand how serious the consequences of their actions can be.

Whatever it was know your audience. Be street smart and don’t bug people who have a reputation for being pricks or unstable.

Several mistakes made by your friend here when he could have been in complete control.
If he is not like "Koshmar - The Nightmare" in Undisputed... Then I take it all back and you should give him all your money as a precaution
Can’t really give you insight without knowing exactly how this was said and intoned.

May well be your buddy said something he thought was slick and the guy caught on.

I see this happen a lot with guys that haven’t ever really grown up hard or understand how serious the consequences of their actions can be.

Whatever it was know your audience. Be street smart and don’t bug people who have a reputation for being pricks or unstable.

Several mistakes made by your friend here when he could have been in complete control.
“trains planes or boats?” that’s all he said