roid rage story+question

prolly sumting like hey buddy, you look terrific. If I give you money, will you pose for me in private at my house while I take pics?
As far as the family part of it, he prolly said, I can make copies of the pics and you can share them with your family.
close enough… buddy asked him if the guy likes trains planes or boats
I see this happen a lot with guys that haven’t ever really grown up hard or understand how serious the consequences of their actions can be.

Whatever it was know your audience. Be street smart and don’t bug people who have a reputation for being pricks or unstable.

Several mistakes made by your friend here when he could have been in complete control.
Spot on. In my younger and poorer days, I'd go to gyms with some hard guys, some of whom were looking to build names for themselves as tough guys. Best thing to do is to stay the fcuk away, don't try to make friends unless someone introduces you, don't ask smart / stupid questions. Guys loaded on coke, looking for someone to punch to build their rep. What good do you think can come out of talking to them, unless you want to join their community...
Another internet story that likely didn't happen the way it was written or likely didn't happen at all.

Because there are so many commercial gyms that allow members to punch their walls and scream at and threaten their other customers... uh huh
That's a strange question to ask a stranger. I can understand why the guy is wondering if he was being fucked with. Like, wtf did your buddy think he was going to accomplish with that approach? What was the point of asking him that random shit? Shit is just weird to me.
Ill bite.

I was temporarily at this random gym. Theres this big dude, obviously juiced, twice the size of me but still weaker, super watery physique, just a blob of bloat, who does like quarter ROM repetitions with weight he obviously cant handle.

Now that ive set the scene. Im leg pressing and after the set i got off the machine to grab my water, i comeback buddies already jumped into the seat cranking out some stupid low ROM set. He gets done but then just continues to sit on the machine staring at his cellphone so I go up to him and before i can even say anything he goes “the fuck you want?!”

So im like “bro i was using that, let me work in a set while you rest”

Dude immediately stands up and gets up in my face going “DID YOU JUST TELL ME TO GET UP???”

Dude was hearing shit, so i set him straight and he realized he was douching hard so he goes “oh...” then walks off.

Never saw him again, but thats because i had him murdered after this incident for the disrespectful attitude

Disclaimer: some parts of this story may be fictional
me and a buddy are hitting our sets today and next to us is the biggest meathead in our gym. guys like 6’5 and i’m guessing 250lbs lean. hes known in our gym for being the steroid head because he happens to be very loud about it (punches walls, randomly screams at people, gets angry really quick) and so this along with many other things leads me to conform a thesis that he’s on tren as well as other mentally destroying PEDS. we’ve spoken to this guy before and he joked around with us n shit so we thought we were at least cool with him. So back to the story my buddy walks up to him and asks him a question about something (i didn’t hear what he asked) but the guy laughs at first and so my buddy walks back to continue our workout. roughly a minute later the guy comes to us and asks if there was a part of the joke (i guess my buddy asked him something that was a joke?) he didn’t understand and if we were fucking with him. buddy tells him that he wasn’t fucking with him and he was just curious. guy leaves, comes back the next minute and starts telling us not to fuck with him and to seriously tell him what the joke was about. at this point its serious and we can tell that this guys visibly agitated so we tell him that it was just a question and we didn’t mean anything by it, grab our shit as we just finished our workout at that side of the gym and left to the other side. guy finds us in other part of gym 5 minutes later, tells us that the joke wasn’t funny and that we shouldn’t talk about his family? then proceeds to explain to my buddy how he would kill him and goes on a rant full of threats and about how we shouldn’t be saying stupid shit to him. we discussed the situation on the way to the bus (me and buddy) but we don’t really know what to do.

should we switch the time that we go at?
or should we stay at the time where we see the meathead regularly and risk another confrontation(probably a fight)? i’m almost positive that this guy will take any glance or even look in his direction as a sign to fight so i’m just wondering.

also share some roid rage stories and encounters that might be funny or interesting
Ive ran tren upwards of 100mg/day & used to have massive rage/violence issues as a kid (which ive since worked thru) & doing something like this has never, not once crossed my mind. These are just the ppl that get off on being a dick and will use steroids, boose, drugs, watever as an excuse for their dickish behaviour.

id say just call him out on being a childish dick & to send that type of behaviour back to gradeschool, because you came here to wrokout nto get into playground style pissing contests, worked for me with a bitchy trenned out coworker, we were the best of pals afterwards, unironically. Sometime ppl just need to be checked on their behaviour, just dont do it while heshaving a meltdown/ outburst.

p.s. check if ur bud rly said some shit abt his fam thofirst & maybe try to explain that u had fuckall todo with it & that you hope you two can stil be cool.

p.p.s.this only works if youre not a dyel, if you are just suck it up, keep hitting the gym and outflex the guy innna mirror in a couple yrs tiem
Ive ran tren upwards of 100mg/day & used to have massive rage/violence issues as a kid (which ive since worked thru) & doing something like this has never, not once crossed my mind. These are just the ppl that get off on being a dick and will use steroids, boose, drugs, watever as an excuse for their dickish behaviour.

id say just call him out on being a childish dick & to send that type of behaviour back to gradeschool, because you came here to wrokout nto get into playground style pissing contests, worked for me with a bitchy trenned out coworker, we were the best of pals afterwards, unironically. Sometime ppl just need to be checked on their behaviour, just dont do it while heshaving a meltdown/ outburst.

p.s. check if ur bud rly said some shit abt his fam thofirst & maybe try to explain that u had fuckall todo with it & that you hope you two can stil be cool.

p.p.s.this only works if youre not a dyel, if you are just suck it up, keep hitting the gym and outflex the guy innna mirror in a couple yrs tiem
Could we not have just let this thread stay dead?
Ok so ur probably, a young guy or live ina big city? Riding with ur budy on the bus to the gym, nothing wrong with that.

I'm far from a small guy with or without aas, not that it matters in a street fight but it can help

however my ego would never accept any talk like that from another man face to face at that age. I would 100 percent be waiting for him in the parking lot.

Even these days it's so hard for me, it took me many years to finally learn it really does take a bigger man to walk away from a fight.

Plus human life Is really very fragile one wrong or right hit can end a life urs or someone els, over what?

Like another guy said dont adjust ur schedule around it. If confronted again just tell the guy ur not interested in him lol, an if it continues talk to management everyone should be comfortable at a gym they pay for.
Ok so ur probably, a young guy or live ina big city? Riding with ur budy on the bus to the gym, nothing wrong with that.

I'm far from a small guy with or without aas, not that it matters in a street fight but it can help

however my ego would never accept any talk like that from another man face to face at that age. I would 100 percent be waiting for him in the parking lot.

Even these days it's so hard for me, it took me many years to finally learn it really does take a bigger man to walk away from a fight.

Plus human life Is really very fragile one wrong or right hit can end a life urs or someone els, over what?

Like another guy said dont adjust ur schedule around it. If confronted again just tell the guy ur not interested in him lol, an if it continues talk to management everyone should be comfortable at a gym they pay for.
Yup, last paragraph hit the nail on the head. And yes, a life could be ended so easily, and over what?