MESO-Rx Sponsor RoidTeam - International Distributor

It is normal for testosterone cypionate to crystallize when it gets cold. The crystals that you see is the actual testosterone. Shipping it to the US via plane (low temperatures in high altitudes) will definitely do that to cyp. Heating it will bring it back into solution. You can use a warm water bath or a blow dryer with a narrow nozzle or whatever to heat it.

Can test prop also cristallize like that,
Or only test cyp?

Already thnx !
Spoke too soon… test is expiring in a few weeks. Already messaged BBpower about this order too. Sounds like others having similar issues. Will be posting updates on the resolution.
Will add store credit to your account so you can reorder, just email your order number to theBBpower and explain the issue. Also mention that you need 20eur of store credit to be added to your account :)
Will add store credit to your account so you can reorder, just email your order number to theBBpower and explain the issue. Also mention that you need 20eur of store credit to be added to your account :)
Have done this. Got a message it was taken care of, but to date still not. Will continue to follow up
Slight change of EU warehouse working schedule due to technical reasons.

✅ Work - 26/04 Tuesday
Not working - 27/04 Wednesday
Not working - 28/04 Thursday
Not working - 29/04 Friday
Not working - 30/04 Saturday
Not working - 1/04 Sunday
❎ Slow recovery - 2/05 (Monday)
❎ Slowly getting back to work - 3/05 (Tuesday)
❎ Slowly getting back to work - 4/05 (Wednesday)
✅ Work as usual - 5/05 (Thursday and every day thereafter)

✅EU->USA warehouse working schedule is not affected.

Best regards.