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New Member
This is a rather long post. But I see in here some familiar names. Bush and Rockefeller. No mention that one of the Bushes were involved with shipping oil to the Germans in world war 1, both before our entry and after. And I think I remember something about oil going to the wrong side during Nam. I brought up our banking System before, and I see the name Warburg mentioned here. He was one of the "gentleman" at the meeting on Jekyll Island when the draft and wording was penned for the Federal Reserve System bill for going before congress. We seem to see the same names popping up all the time in one way or another. George Soros and Hillary. Soros needs an entire article just for himself. Obama! just where in the hell did he come from in the first place? Ever here of the "Chicago political machine"?
This article is possibly a little to the left, and I personally can't go much farther to the right. But it has a lot of verifiable facts.

High Finance, Geopolitical Leverage and the Rise of the New World Order
By Sam Muhho
Global Research, November 05, 2013
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High Finance, Geopolitical Leverage and the Rise of the New World Order | Global Research

World domination is a topic that is frequently dramatized across a variety of genres. From action cartoons to epic movies, the plot of a power hungry madman or clique of madmen bent on absolute control has provided the foundation for dynamic plots that have captivated various people. No other person has masterfully spun such personalities and plots than history itself. While everybody is familiar with megalomaniacal leaders like the fascist Adolf Hitler and strongman Soviet leader Joseph Stalin, few realize the pivotal and directing role of high level western corporate-financier interests, or “globalist”, insiders acting backstage throughout some of the most grotesque portions of history.
This clique of insiders operates at the apex of world finance and politics and emanates from the Wall Street/London center of power. One crucial and undeniable tool that they have leveraged to further their influence and interests of domination was the rise of international communism and the cover of leftist ideology, which often works strangely with “neo-liberal reforms” (as will be noted regarding Thailand) to mask what was in many cases a corporate-fascist driven agenda. At its core, however, this is neither a capitalist nor a communist “conspiracy” because such ideologies by themselves are merely tools of leverage to hammer together a structure of control depending on the hands that use them.
Not All Socialists Are Created Equal: Hugo Chavez vs. Thaksin Shinawatra
While leftist ideology is cited in this essay as one of the historical tools used by high finance to centralize wealth and power into hands they can control and manipulate for their benefit, let it be known that many in leftist circles are NOT such pawns. I consider leftists, along with well-intentioned and anti-imperialist rightists, my allies in forming a broad and united political front against neo-imperialism and globalization. Regardless of what political ideology one gravitates to, it is increasingly necessary for people to realize that they are part of a bigger reality. We must realize that in order to defeat a collective enemy that uses any political tool it can when necessary, we as good people must collectively join together with knowledge of the true power-brokers and their tools regardless of political ideologies exploited by media pundits to divide us. We must also realize that not all who call themselves leftists and who mislead the masses with lofty and progressive rhetoric are truly leftist.
Leftists must realize this in order to not be deceived by Trojan horses of corporatism and imperialism, such as Barack Obama. Rightists must realize this in order to not be played off against legitimate leftists who could serve as pragmatic allies but are in many cases being institutionalized by the system to support one continuous agenda.
On the international relations scene, it is increasingly necessary to distinguish friend from foe and also the glaring hypocrisy of the establishment in demonizing a particular man who went against the system while defending a man holding similar ideological tools simply because the other man was a tool of the system; this is clearly noted in the comparison between Hugo Chavez of Venezuela and Thaksin Shinawatra of Thailand.
Hugo Chavez, an iconic leftist used progressive and liberal populist ideology to develop his country into a self-sufficient entity outside the grid of western neo-imperialism. He also opposed western geopolitical meddling and propaganda with regards to Libya, Syria, Iraq, and other incidents. Chavez arrayed the summation of his nations’ resources, both human and capital, in opposition to the plans of a western corporate-financier “new world order”. While rightists may criticize Chavez’s ideology, it cannot be denied that Chavez ignited a broad, participatory grassroots democracy in Venezuela. Investment was made into educating and empowering the marginalized masses and for the first time, lower class people were actively dialoging and familiarizing themselves with the political process and the Venezuelan constitution. As a supporter of many of the solutions Tony Cartalucci outlines about empowering the people through education, initiative, and self-sufficiency, this is something I must praise. Because Chavez is a polarizing leader ideologically, I’ll let the individual reader interpret Chavez as they will but the following geopolitical reality is undeniable and apolitical; it is something that must be realized as immutable truth regardless of one’s ideology.
Chavez, being an independent leftist, was a target of the “globalist” establishment for going against their system. While the media leverages what is broadcasts as the failings of his “radical populism and socialism” this same media is entirely disingenuous in supporting and DEFENDING the very same policies when leveraged for their interests in Thailand by Thaksin Shinawatra. Contrary to Chavez, Thaksin used similar populist techniques and socialist tools to build a political support base and leverage him into power but then systematically attempted to integrate Thailand within western corporatist interests. Thaksin, before and DURING his term as Prime Minister from 2001 to 2006, had ties to western corporate-fascist interests including the notorious Council on Foreign Relations and the Carlyle group, working as an advisor. He was interconnected with the elite of such circles including James Baker of Baker Botts (CFR) and tried to perpetuate their economic interests in Thailand at the expense of the King’s “self-sufficiency economy” model and the people’s economic interests. Many of his corporate backers would later lobby for him after his ousting from power in 2006, the day after giving a “progress-report” in front of the globalist Council on Foreign Relations. He additionally had ties to the Bush family and a whole host of compromised and disingenuous individuals. This was manifested even when he would become a criminal fugitive from his country as Tony Cartalucci, who is based in Thailand, notes:
“Since the 2006 coup that toppled his regime, Thaksin has been represented by US corporate-financier elites via their lobbying firms including, Kenneth Adelman of the Edelman PR firm (Freedom House, International Crisis Group, PNAC), James Baker of Baker Botts (CFR), Robert Blackwill of Barbour Griffith & Rogers (CFR), Kobre & Kim, and currently Robert Amsterdam of Amsterdam & Peroff (Chatham House).”
“To say that Thaksin Shinawatra and his “red shirts” have foreign backing would be a profound understatement.”
“Thaksin’s proxy political party maintains the “red shirt” mobs which in turn are supported by several NGOs including the National Endowment for Democracy funded “Prachatai,” an “independent media organization” that coordinates the “red shirt” propaganda efforts. Prachatai was recently nominated for the Deutsche Welle Blog Awards by the “Neo-Con” infested Freedom House, upon which former Thaksin lobbyist Kenneth Adelman sits as a member on the board of directors.”
Thaksin would subsequently and in exile lead a political front in Thailand called the “Red Shirts” or the “United from for Democracy Against Dictatorship” (UDD) who publically operated as a leftist movement. The “Red Siam Manifesto” detailed the ideological talking points of their movement written by Giles Ungpakorn, a self-confessed “Marxist” among the rank-and-file red shirt intelligentsia. Maoist and outright communist elements were pervasive in the movement as point out multiple times by Tony Cartalucci and this served as an ideological backbone to mobilize Thailand’s marginalized peasant masses in an exploitative and unsustainable manner which, unlike Chavez, would serve western interests to the detriment of the country but hypocritical western blessings. The threat this movement poses to Thailand’s sovereign political and economic networks and the “red shirts’” overall position in the geopolitical reordering of Asia by the west against China is noted in “Warning Signs Over Old Siam.”
What made Thaksin so bad, other than his murderous “war on drugs” that saw over 2,500 people extra-judicially killed, most that had nothing to do with the drug trade, or his autocratic tendencies to limit opposition? Chief of his crimes was the attempt to institute a US-Thailand Free-Trade Agreement (FTA) in cooperation with the US-ASEAN Business Council and with the full support of its corporate-fascist overlords, specifically, “3M, war profiteering Bechtel, Boeing, Cargill, Citigroup, General Electric, IBM, the notorious Monsanto...banking houses Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan, Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, Chevron, Exxon, BP, Glaxo Smith Kline, Merck, Northrop Grumman, Monsanto’s GMO doppelganger Syngenta, as well as Phillip Morris.” These same interests, through the US-ASEAN Business Council, would host the leaders of the Red Shirts in April of 2011 during a Washington D.C. visit at a time in which Thaksin was attempting to mobilize his people back into power with his sister as a proxy. In “CONFIRMED: Thailand’s “Pro-Democracy” Movement Working for US”, the real power brokers behind this western front are thoroughly exposed.
The implications that the FTA agreement would have had on Thailand’s sovereignty, both politically and economically, would have been catastrophic as noted by Professor Aziz Choudry, PhD who points out various criticisms of the FTA agreement including its secretive planning and attempt to bypass Thailand’s parliament. The FTA, if it had succeeded, would have usurped Thailand’s food sovereignty, opening its markets to plunder and monopolization by the likes of Monsanto and Syngenta, both who are upon the US-ASEAN Business Council. It would also have disrupted Thailand’s medical sovereignty to “big-pharma interests” who would have opposed the Thai government’s subsidizes on drugs and the production of highly effective generic drugs as opposed to the monopolistic production by western pharmaceutical corporations driven to control markets and not cure people. As Dr. Choudry notes in one example:
“[Thailand produces] cheap reliable generic drugs including one of the cheapest anti-retroviral drugs in the world, GPO-VIR, which the government hopes will reach 70,000 people this year who otherwise would not afford treatment. Under the FTA, Thais can wave goodbye to hopes of accessible treatment.”
Thaksin and his tools actually have the audacity to consider themselves a “people’s power” movement while in reality they are another angle of western corporatism and neo-imperialism and later an attempt of fomenting a “color revolution” in Thailand not unlike the western-engineered Arab Spring. This is but a minor part of the sovereignty erosion and usurpation that Thaksin’s plans would have wrought. Thais pride themselves in being the only nation in Southeast Asia to avoid physical occupation and colonization by western powers and are very defensive about maintaining their economic and political sovereignty which the US-Thailand FTA was openly seeking to destroy not through free, voluntary exchange but through a deliberate evisceration of their economic self-sufficiency.
Political Shadows and Illusions
It is rather ironic that many “free trade” agreements end up supporting not genuine free trade through voluntary exchange but an unbalanced trade arrangement done to the benefit of western corporations and not a mutual benefit to collaborative, individual enterprises. It is for this reason that many libertarians, even Ron Paul, have spoken out against free-trade agreements like NAFTA. The purpose of free-trade is to keep nations interdependent, bolstering corporate interests and profits at the expense of national sovereignty, self-sufficiency, and the empowering of the masses through the means of technology and education.
The follies of populism are noted in the threat they pose to Thailand’s infrastructure and sustainability. Rather than investing in much-needed mass transportation and failing educational institutions, Thaksin’s sister and current proxy PM Yingluk Shinawatra has invested efforts into a ” first-time car buyer tax rebate scheme” encouraging MORE cars and had by November of 2012 subsidized 300,000 new vehicles, adding to Thailand’s already abysmally congested and polluted streets. The money invested into this venture could have been more than sufficient in expanding Thailand’s mass-transportation but instead, the “30 million Thai baht” in revenue lost in the subsidizing will go not into a financial “blackhole” but into the gleeful hands of the car manufactures behind Shinawatra’s foreign support base. Other members of the US-ASEAN Business Council like Exxon, BP, Ford and GM are undoubtedly pleased with this modified form of wealth redistribution from Thailand’s state coffers and into the Fortune-500, money LOST and not invested by Thais and for pragmatic Thai enterprise and solutions to everyday problems, like mass-transit for traffic. Handouts are more convenient for Shinawatra’s political machine.
The administration is even subsidizing free tablet computers for first grades where they would probably be misused, stolen, and rendered pointless as Tony Cartalucci points out instead of investing in Information Technology and engineering to empower the society to be innovative and self-sufficient electronically. Thailand’s “rice buy-back program” has become a colossal failure along with the rest of “Thaksinomics” and ultimately the people are losing out because of their ruling establishment using populism to both build a support base and then transfer state revenue into unsustainable, non-pragmatic, temporary fixings. Yet amidst the failure, somehow, the SAME pundits who point the finger at Chavez’s failures on mainstream media ended up PRAISING Thailand’s populist failure such as Stanley Weiss. The difference? Chavez worked AGAINST Wall Street and London’s “new world order”; Thaksin worked FOR it.
Keep this glaring hypocrisy and the role of ideologies as tools of a false left/right division when moving forward in analysis of the global elite’s agenda. Also, keep in mind the fact that as a tool for social and wealth control, “Bankers Love Socialism” as Dr. Anthony Sutton’s brilliant books and lecture on the topic demonstrates; let it be known again that not all who have used socialism as leaders are assets of the imperialists and many have used it in resilient opposition to it. From Dr. Carroll Quigley’s detailed and professional assessment of the “globalist” reality in the book “Tragedy and Hope” to the condensed “None Dare Call it Conspiracy” (free PDF here) by Gary Allen, let it be known that there is a dominant corporate elite, operating from high finance and often using leftism, among other tools, as a means of control. They do this to create “captive markets” within their orbit and, as Dr. Sutton explains, and prevent rival and independent “free-enterprise economies”, similar to Thailand’s current entrepreneurial market which western interests are attempting to undermine with a Free-Trade Agreement perpetuated by a “leftist” cover.
While Gary Allen’s book may overestimate the role of communism, which is not surprising considering that it was published during the 1970s under a different political environment, he nevertheless offers many insightful and undeniable facts on cases where communism was definitely used by western financiers. In context to Quigley’s more detailed and professional book, a transparent reality emerges for the researcher. It is this transparent reality that must be noted as the prequel to modern-day neo-imperialism. Gary Allen’s book will be cited below with page numbers noted in parenthesis according the page numbers found in the PDF linked to above; the information may vary from page numbers in published copies of the book.
The Bankers and the “Reds”
What must be understood most significantly regarding the rise of the 20th century world communist movement are the preceding historical realities and who the dominant financial forces were. When people think of Communism, they immediately equate it with the likes of Karl Marx and Frederick Engels who wrote the Communist Manifesto and Soviet leaders like Vladimir Lenin and Joseph Stalin. While those were the actors on stage, the real masters of communism were the average communist proletariat’s supposed mortal enemies, the echelons of high finance including the Rockefeller, JP Morgan, and the Kuhn, Leob and Co. financial circles who were the driving forces behind Bolshevik financing (Allen 17, 55). Communism’s rise is best understood by noting its financiers’ corresponding actions in the west as well as a basic understanding of international finance and banking.
International banking thrives on the financing of governments in the same manner in which local banks finance individuals. Governments tend to spend more money than they procure through taxes, requiring them to borrow from international, cosmopolitan bankers. These bankers are, by their nature, close to the government and along with their orbits of financial interests, they exploit governments in order to centralize for themselves power and guarantee themselves a monopoly, the opposite of free-market capitalism. The bankers take out collateral on their loans by ensuring the government dictates policies according to their own interests and also, as history has demonstrated, maintaining connections with respective governments’ enemies in order to keep a balance of power in their favor (29).
Preeminent in this was the expansive Rothschild banking dynasty that began in Frankfurt, Germany, founded by Mayer Amschel Rothschild who lived from 1743 to 1812. The dynasty and its successive generations became incredibly wealthy by financing different European governments to fight against each other, sponsoring both sides of conflicts that would usually end in a balance of power around the House of Rothschild in France, England, or Austria. The Rothschilds would balance power in a manner in which they could manipulate political events through their financing in the case war broke out (30). They solidified their international grasp by interlocking with other banking fronts. JP Morgan is documented by many, including the former head of the House Banking Committee, Congressman Louis McFadden, as the chief American agent for the Rothschilds (33).
As a prelude to the rise of Communism, its western financiers had engineered a virtual coup in the United States through their creation of the Federal Reserve banking system. This was created under the pretext of preventing economic panics, especially after the artificial Panic of 1907 that was admittedly induced by JP Morgan’s rumors about the “insolvency of the Knickerbocker Banker and the Trust Company of America” (33). The Panic would be leveraged by individuals like Nelson Aldrich, Morgan’s “mouth” on the Senate floor, to introduce measures for a Senate bill to establish a central bank.
However, the corporate interests propagating this would be revealed and the bill killed only to have the bill reintroduced under a leftist, progressive cover. It has been documented by people such as Dr. Gabriel Kolko in The Triumph of Conservatism that the banking and related corporate interests had infiltrated the leftist parties in America and Europe because the ideologies could be used to centralize power in the government and the government then controlled to the interest of the bankers. The rightist circles were already seen as being overtly tied to the corporate fronts but the leftist facade would ultimately make way for the establishment of the Federal Reserve in 1913 under Woodrow Wilson which was legitimized as helping to prevent economic crashes but in reality, setting the stage for crashes to be “scientifically created” (34-38, 41).
The Federal Reserve would manipulate the money supply and interest rates to direct the economy as it willed. Congressman Wright Patman, former chairman of the House Banking Committee, would describe it as an uncontrolled, uncoordinated “second government” (39). It would provide the greatest benefit to corporate-fiancier insiders aware of its intentions and directions who could then make millions off the markets through their foresighted investments. The majority of the U.S.’s debt is owned by private institutions connected with the Federal Reserve and their networks of international bankers in the U.S.; the nature of the Federal Reserve’s financiers was to promote debt and the national debt increased under Woodrow Wilson by 800 percent after the creation of the Federal Reserve and its elastic money supply (46). The Great Depression and a plethora of other recessions would be deliberately engineered by the Federal Reserve to cut off competition to the Wall Street/London central bankers’ interests and bring in desired legislation in the wake of the crash. Montagu Norman of the Bank of England would have a hand in engineering the Great Depression by meeting with Secretary of the Treasury Andrew Mellon in February 1929, right before the Federal Reserve would reverse its easy-money policy of the 1920s and manipulate the economy into a crash. Montagu Norman made no secret of his desire that the “that the Hegemony of World Finance should reign supreme over everyone, everywhere, as one whole super-national control mechanism”(41-44).
In order to pay off the government’s debt and the corresponding interest to the Federal Reserve, the same financial networks, including Nelson Aldrich, would push in the Senate for a progressive income tax, marketed to the masses as a class tax (44). In reality, those who supported such a tax tended to be from the upper echelons of society including the Rockefeller and Carnegie foundations which have been found to have direct ties of funding to the world socialist movement and communism by the Congressional Reece Committee. Morgan interests would also be heavily involved through men like Aldrich. The income tax would serve as a means to both pay interest into the hands of the corporatist elite, a wealth distribution from the middle class into the hands of the “1%” similar to how populism in Thailand under Shinawatra established a distribution of wealth into the hands of corporate-financier interests. It would also cut off competition to international mega-financiers, by circumventing the free market system, making it difficult for competitors to amass capital, and therefore establishing a virtual monopoly of corporate hegemony (46-48).
In addition to the Morgan interests, the Rockefellers, Kuhn, Loeb, Co., and their international banking connections with the Warburg banking family from Germany and the Rothschilds also promoted the progressive income tax (49). The Warburgs were among the conspirators of the Federal Reserve with Paul and Felix Warburg establishing their presence in the U.S. while Max Warburg would play a role in Germany, especially with the financing of the Bolsheviks, along with American Jacob Schiff, also in the Warburg and the Kuhn, Loeb, and Co. orbit. The elites pushing the progressive income tax would build “escape hatches” for their wealth by directing their money into offshore accounts and tax-free foundations like the Rockefeller Foundation, responsible for connections to communism as a political tool of control (48). It should be no surprise that two of the ten planks for communizing a society include a central bank and a progressive income tax. Communism is a pseudo-economic system made to cater for the hegemonic designs and wealth of the bankers and crony finance capitalism, distinct from voluntary exchange capitalism and national capitalism that put the interests of a nation’s enterprisers and economic development first and not cosmopolitan corporate elite.
The same interests who helped set a prelude to their world domination by hijacking the U.S. economy and setting the stage for communism as a tool would begin their actions in Russia during the midst of World War I (WWI) which was itself an illegitimate conflict. WWI was divided along banking interests; open admissions were made after the war of immense propaganda and demonization of Germany to justify U.S. intervention on behalf of Morgan investments in England. Woodrow Wilson was controlled by his “alter ego” Colonel Edward Mandel House who wrote a book called Phillip Dru: Administrator talking about establishing a world socialist government as envisioned by Marx, that is, global banking-corporate hegemony under a leftist, progressive cover (63). House was instrumental in both the creation of the Federal Reserve and U.S. involvement in WWI. WWI was meant to serve as a gateway to a global government, which was foiled by the U.S. Senate’s unwillingness to join the League of Nations. However, the stage was set up for the Bolsheviks would rise from the midst and the later engineered World War II environment would lead to the United Nations, itself controlled by the same interests (49-50).
During the WWI, Lenin was in Switzerland while Trotsky was in New York (Sutton “Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution”). The Czar Nicholas II had abdicated in March 1917; Prince Lvov then tried to establish a government patterned after the U.S. only to give way to the Kerensky regime that would grant amnesty to exiled communists, paving the way for the November 1917 Bolshevik Revolution. Max Warburg in Germany would finance Lenin to overtake the government in Russia including Lenin’s trip across Europe to Petrograd, Russia with the tune of up to $6,000,000 while Lord Alfred Milner, a British Rothschild agent, would contribute $5,000,000. Jacob Schiff, one of the Federal Reserve founders connected with Kuhn, Loeb, and Co. would also contribute aid under the cover of “Jewish war relief” which was later found to be a business investment of $10 million (Allen 53-56). Woodrow Wilson would issue the passport for Trotsky, under the influence of “Colonel” House, and oversaw his safe passage into Europe after being detained by Canada (Sutton “Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution”). Bolshevik Communism was not imposed by the will of the oppressed masses but was rather a trickle-down oppression instituted by these western financiers.
It is true that in the technicalities of the Communist revolutionary movement, there would be factionalism and a split across various interests, especially among the foot-soldiers of the revolution. One prime example of this is that throughout the multi-faceted history of the Soviet Union, inter-party rivalries existed such as that which was witnessed after the post-Stalin era. During this era, there were stories of conspiracies against the party leadership coupled with a “clash of issues and personalities” (McClosky 162-163). Even in the midst of the Bolshevik Revolution and during the post-revolutionary 1920s, dissent among different ideological groups was present. One example was the 1920s conflict between the Bolsheviks and the more moderate Mensheviks which disputed with regards to the philosophy of the nature and timing of revolution, theories about party organization, morality, and tactics (48-54). Nevertheless, the pinnacle of the “revolutionary” communist movements always intersected with western mega-financial circles that were providing the leverage for such movements in order to bolster their own power; communism was merely a glove that they wore to do so. This is not too different from the fact that even though factionalism and division exists in the “post-Arab Spring” Middle East, it is still western corporate-financiers pulling the strings.
Even more critically important is the transfer of business and technology to the Soviets by the same interests. The pre-Soviet Czarist economy is often portrayed as backwards but in reality, they had a highly extensive manufacturing capability and even produced an airplane bigger in wingspan than a Boeing 747 (Sutton “Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution”). The Soviets would build no independent plants and infrastructure of their own. According to the authoritative Dr. Anthony Sutton, every manufacturing plant in the Soviet Union was built by Rockefeller, Ford, and Morgan-allied interests (Sutton “The Best Enemies Money Can Buy”). Even in the midst of the Bolshevik Revolution, Chase Manhattan Bank, a merger of the Rockefellers’ Chase Bank and the Warburgs’ Manhattan Bank, would finance a Red Cross mission to Russia to aid the Soviets. It was directed by William Bois Thomson of Chase Manhattan Bank and of the Federal Reserve System (Sutton “Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution”). Lenin and later Stalin’s Five Year Plans would be financed through these outlets as well including Rockefeller and Kuhn, Loeb, and Co. connections (Allen 80).
Rockefeller’s Standard Oil Company of New Jersey would build a refinery in Soviet Russia and establish a $75,009,000 deal with the Bolsheviks in 1927 (79). Chase Manhattan Bank would be instrumental in founding the American-Russian Chamber of Commerce to serve western banking interests in 1922. It was also involved in selling the Bolsheviks American bonds as revealed by Congressman Louis McFadden. Negotiations between Chase and Russian banks would go beyond the financing of raw materials and would even deal with machinery and U.S. cotton exports along with an entire mapped out program including plethora of “non-strategic items” that would further Soviet manufacturing and weapons capability (80-84).
The transfer of technology and money to the Soviets would be pursued in almost identical means throughout presidential administrations from Franklin D. Roosevelt to Richard Nixon which is not surprising as they were all in the hands of the Federal Reserve interests and later the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). The CFR was established by the same figureheads and for the purpose of global hegemony; it served as a “school for statesmen” (67). Dr. Carroll Quigley, an insider on this and a personal mentor to Bill Clinton, admits to this as being an agenda of domination in finance and politics by mega-corporate interests and audaciously approves of this plan as being good for humanity. He even wrote a 1,300 page book, “Tragedy and Hope”, detailing the technicalities of this plan (10-12). The Council on Foreign Relations still survives to this day along with other corporate-financier think-tanks like the Brookings Institute, the International Crisis Group, and Chatham House, perpetuating western corporate-financier hegemony.
According to Dr. Anthony Sutton, critical to Soviet military capability was the transfer of western technology to the Soviets. The Ford Motor Company played a role in this, financing the Goki Plant in Russia, which produced much of the Soviet war technology including armored vehicles used in Vietnam against Americans demonstrating again that “war is a racket” (Sutton “The Best Enemies Money Can Buy”). These western banking and corporate interests would also arrange for the transfer of western technology to the Soviet Union and even overseeing the Soviet capability to direct their missiles. These same interests, including Max Warburg, would also pour money into Hitler’s war machine.
The Modern-Day Reality
The global elite’s ambition was (and still is by different but similar means) global conquest, an international order built to their liking. They use conflicts and international manipulation such as the rise of Communism and Nazism as geopolitical leverages to advance themselves economically and politically on the world stage, compounding their wealth and co-opting national governments with the ultimate intention of a global government that would preferably be “corporate-fascist” under the façade and techniques of socialism (Sutton “The Best Enemies Money Can Buy”). They are continually active today, though with different political “gloves” that arose after the fall of communism but through the same command centers like the Council on Foreign Relations. Their mission is to target potential rivalries and replace them with proxies, using whatever political tool available to divide and control.
This “globalist” system is now is a mechanism that propagates itself in a more disingenuous manner where human rights are leveraged, nationalist governments are targeted and overthrown, and an imperial administrative network, funded by the global oligarchy, is instituted to manage targeted regions’ affairs. This is run through groups like the National Endowment for Democracy and George Soros’ Open Society Institute which have been active in the so-called “Arab Spring” in a geopolitical gambit similar to the rise of Communism in the fact that corporate interests dominate and shape the playing field for their hegemony. We must realize the continuity of the interests behind the rise of communism in history and their present, continuous agenda to divide opposition and control our futures.
It is through this that we must recognize the controlled nature of both political parties and how each side is propped up only in accordance with designs of global hegemony. After all, Woodrow Wilson’s handler, Colonel House, admitted this in his book, Phillip Dru: Administrator. He approvingly spoke of a global socialist (i.e. corporate-fascist in socialist “clothing”) government, which is not surprising considering him being a mouthpiece of Wall Street and London. Under the establishment of the Council on Foreign Relations, the political foot-soldiers for this “conspiracy”, a word Colonel House himself used to describe this agenda, from across political parties would be gathered together under an umbrella where in essence, there would be no difference at the apex of the political parties with who is coordinating world affairs (Allen 37-38). This was seen clearly in the 1960s where Richard Nixon, supposedly a “conservative”, was leveraged into office by the “liberal” Nelson Rockefeller and did more to institute liberal techniques of government control to control wealth according to the “1%” structure over the economy than the previous “liberal” (i.e. authoritarian) Democratic administrations he had denounced. This ultimately would funnel control to the New York Wall Street oligarchs in the Rockefeller, Morgan, and Rothschild circles. Henry Kissinger and many of Nixon’s advisors were direct Council on Foreign Relations members with a certified record of using leftist ideology to control the economy on behalf of banking interests (85-89).
The Real Revolution
The volatile century of the 1900s has much to teach humanity in the drama of human tragedy and deceitful megalomaniacs. While Communism and Nazism take center stage, the greatest evil was that coordinating them from behind the scenes, the corporate and international banking interests. From the prelude to and direct financing of the Bolshevik Revolution, to the transfer of western technology to the Soviet Union and the controlled nature of both political parties, we see a singular agenda marching forward. We need a real revolution. On this, Tony Cartalucci offers us:
“They need us, we don’t need them. That’s the big secret. We get our freedom back as soon as we take back our responsibilities for food, water, security, the monetary system, power, and manufacturing; that is independence. Independence is freedom, freedom is independence. We’ll never be free as long as we depend on the Fortune 500 for our survival.”
“Fixing these problems unfolding overseas starts with fixing the problems in our own backyards. Boycott the globalists, cut off their support, undermine their system, and they lose their ability to commit these atrocities. That will be a real revolution and it can start today. Not burning cities and masked rebels waving flags, but communities no longer dependent and fueling a corrupt system we all know must come to an end.”
Sam Muhho is a student of history and an advocate of anti-imperialism and anti-globalism. He can be reached at [email protected] and runs the Facebook page “Globalist Watch” at in order to explain the reality at play in global affairs.
Copyright © 2013 Global Research
speaking of the bushes, gorge bushes grand father played like a devils advocate toward the Nazis, also a few other company's like cocola, ford, and a couple other I cannot remember right now...
quote from:
Ben Aris in Berlin and Duncan Campbell in Washington

The Guardian,
"George Bush's grandfather, the late US senator Prescott Bush, was a director and shareholder of companies that profited from their involvement with the financial backers of Nazi Germany.
The Guardian has obtained confirmation from newly discovered files in the US National Archives that a firm of which Prescott Bush was a director was involved with the financial architects of Nazism.

His business dealings, which continued until his company's assets were seized in 1942 under the Trading with the Enemy Act, has led more than 60 years later to a civil action for damages being brought in Germany against the Bush family by two former slave labourers at Auschwitz and to a hum of pre-election controversy."

the fucked up part these companies seen dollar sings in aiding the enemy, for profit for them, because its no secrete that war does bring income in for our country, the middle class may not see but the congress, war funded companies, and military men and women....
speaking of the bushes, gorge bushes grand father played like a devils advocate toward the Nazis, also a few other company's like cocola, ford, and a couple other I cannot remember right now...
quote from:
Ben Aris in Berlin and Duncan Campbell in Washington

The Guardian,
"George Bush's grandfather, the late US senator Prescott Bush, was a director and shareholder of companies that profited from their involvement with the financial backers of Nazi Germany.
The Guardian has obtained confirmation from newly discovered files in the US National Archives that a firm of which Prescott Bush was a director was involved with the financial architects of Nazism.

His business dealings, which continued until his company's assets were seized in 1942 under the Trading with the Enemy Act, has led more than 60 years later to a civil action for damages being brought in Germany against the Bush family by two former slave labourers at Auschwitz and to a hum of pre-election controversy."

the fucked up part these companies seen dollar sings in aiding the enemy, for profit for them, because its no secrete that war does bring income in for our country, the middle class may not see but the congress, war funded companies, and military men and women....

I've said this before. "to many young men and women are dying" in some God forsaken shithole that we shouldn't be in. And an awful lot of those that are coming home always leave something behind, and it's not a body part or their brothers.
Are YOU that guy on the internet with that funny mask..?! LOL:D

I'm gonna have to come back to this one when I am feeling a bit more existential. But you caught my attention mentioning the Bush family. And for a long time I did not appreciate "W" for all that he truly is. Which my final formed opinion is that he is probably a really nice and genuine person. Further, the prodigy evolutionary child of a family with Power$, and who DID/DOES not necessarily WANT the conditions that come with all that $$. Really, could you imagine if W just threw his hands in the air and said, "Fuck-it Dad, I don't need all this horse shit. Hell, I just want to go hunting, play some games, and then catch a good beer buzz. And lets give the bulk of our money to charity.:eek: HE would probably catch a "political adult spanking" the likes of which MOST of us could not even conceive...!

And for those that don't realize - Bush money is a DROP$ in the Ocean as compared to Rockefeller and Rothschilds. They are apples and oranges in scope. The relationship I don't dare to contemplate, and would not want to even try on those shoes for even a glimmer...!

MY POINT WOULD BE - $MONEY$ is a LIVING, BREATHING, Entity and force all to its own. In the realm of "be careful what you wish for", I am not talking about wishing you had something and then regretting getting it. More like, be careful what you do because YOU are ONLY WISHING... MORE LIKE the late Biggy Smalls (Notorious B.I.G.), " EHhhuugghhh - Mo money, more problems..." LOL

[/B said:
kawilt;929977]This is a rather long post. But I see in here some familiar names. Bush and Rockefeller. No mention that one of the Bushes were involved with shipping oil to the Germans in world war 1, both before our entry and after. And I think I remember something about oil going to the wrong side during Nam. I brought up our banking System before, and I see the name Warburg mentioned here. He was one of the "gentleman" at the meeting on Jekyll Island when the draft and wording was penned for the Federal Reserve System bill for going before congress. We seem to see the same names popping up all the time in one way or another. George Soros and Hillary. Soros needs an entire article just for himself. Obama! just where in the hell did he come from in the first place? Ever here of the "Chicago political machine"?
This article is possibly a little to the left, and I personally can't go much farther to the right. But it has a lot of verifiable facts.

High Finance, Geopolitical Leverage and the Rise of the New World Order
By Sam Muhho
Global Research, November 05, 2013
Url of this article:
High Finance, Geopolitical Leverage and the Rise of the New World Order | Global Research

World domination is a topic that is frequently dramatized across a variety of genres. From action cartoons to epic movies, the plot of a power hungry madman or clique of madmen bent on absolute control has provided the foundation for dynamic plots that have captivated various people. No other person has masterfully spun such personalities and plots than history itself. While everybody is familiar with megalomaniacal leaders like the fascist Adolf Hitler and strongman Soviet leader Joseph Stalin, few realize the pivotal and directing role of high level western corporate-financier interests, or “globalist”, insiders acting backstage throughout some of the most grotesque portions of history.
This clique of insiders operates at the apex of world finance and politics and emanates from the Wall Street/London center of power. One crucial and undeniable tool that they have leveraged to further their influence and interests of domination was the rise of international communism and the cover of leftist ideology, which often works strangely with “neo-liberal reforms” (as will be noted regarding Thailand) to mask what was in many cases a corporate-fascist driven agenda. At its core, however, this is neither a capitalist nor a communist “conspiracy” because such ideologies by themselves are merely tools of leverage to hammer together a structure of control depending on the hands that use them.
Not All Socialists Are Created Equal: Hugo Chavez vs. Thaksin Shinawatra
While leftist ideology is cited in this essay as one of the historical tools used by high finance to centralize wealth and power into hands they can control and manipulate for their benefit, let it be known that many in leftist circles are NOT such pawns. I consider leftists, along with well-intentioned and anti-imperialist rightists, my allies in forming a broad and united political front against neo-imperialism and globalization. Regardless of what political ideology one gravitates to, it is increasingly necessary for people to realize that they are part of a bigger reality. We must realize that in order to defeat a collective enemy that uses any political tool it can when necessary, we as good people must collectively join together with knowledge of the true power-brokers and their tools regardless of political ideologies exploited by media pundits to divide us. We must also realize that not all who call themselves leftists and who mislead the masses with lofty and progressive rhetoric are truly leftist.
Leftists must realize this in order to not be deceived by Trojan horses of corporatism and imperialism, such as Barack Obama. Rightists must realize this in order to not be played off against legitimate leftists who could serve as pragmatic allies but are in many cases being institutionalized by the system to support one continuous agenda.
On the international relations scene, it is increasingly necessary to distinguish friend from foe and also the glaring hypocrisy of the establishment in demonizing a particular man who went against the system while defending a man holding similar ideological tools simply because the other man was a tool of the system; this is clearly noted in the comparison between Hugo Chavez of Venezuela and Thaksin Shinawatra of Thailand.
Hugo Chavez, an iconic leftist used progressive and liberal populist ideology to develop his country into a self-sufficient entity outside the grid of western neo-imperialism. He also opposed western geopolitical meddling and propaganda with regards to Libya, Syria, Iraq, and other incidents. Chavez arrayed the summation of his nations’ resources, both human and capital, in opposition to the plans of a western corporate-financier “new world order”. While rightists may criticize Chavez’s ideology, it cannot be denied that Chavez ignited a broad, participatory grassroots democracy in Venezuela. Investment was made into educating and empowering the marginalized masses and for the first time, lower class people were actively dialoging and familiarizing themselves with the political process and the Venezuelan constitution. As a supporter of many of the solutions Tony Cartalucci outlines about empowering the people through education, initiative, and self-sufficiency, this is something I must praise. Because Chavez is a polarizing leader ideologically, I’ll let the individual reader interpret Chavez as they will but the following geopolitical reality is undeniable and apolitical; it is something that must be realized as immutable truth regardless of one’s ideology.
Chavez, being an independent leftist, was a target of the “globalist” establishment for going against their system. While the media leverages what is broadcasts as the failings of his “radical populism and socialism” this same media is entirely disingenuous in supporting and DEFENDING the very same policies when leveraged for their interests in Thailand by Thaksin Shinawatra. Contrary to Chavez, Thaksin used similar populist techniques and socialist tools to build a political support base and leverage him into power but then systematically attempted to integrate Thailand within western corporatist interests. Thaksin, before and DURING his term as Prime Minister from 2001 to 2006, had ties to western corporate-fascist interests including the notorious Council on Foreign Relations and the Carlyle group, working as an advisor. He was interconnected with the elite of such circles including James Baker of Baker Botts (CFR) and tried to perpetuate their economic interests in Thailand at the expense of the King’s “self-sufficiency economy” model and the people’s economic interests. Many of his corporate backers would later lobby for him after his ousting from power in 2006, the day after giving a “progress-report” in front of the globalist Council on Foreign Relations. He additionally had ties to the Bush family and a whole host of compromised and disingenuous individuals. This was manifested even when he would become a criminal fugitive from his country as Tony Cartalucci, who is based in Thailand, notes:
“Since the 2006 coup that toppled his regime, Thaksin has been represented by US corporate-financier elites via their lobbying firms including, Kenneth Adelman of the Edelman PR firm (Freedom House, International Crisis Group, PNAC), James Baker of Baker Botts (CFR), Robert Blackwill of Barbour Griffith & Rogers (CFR), Kobre & Kim, and currently Robert Amsterdam of Amsterdam & Peroff (Chatham House).”
“To say that Thaksin Shinawatra and his “red shirts” have foreign backing would be a profound understatement.”
“Thaksin’s proxy political party maintains the “red shirt” mobs which in turn are supported by several NGOs including the National Endowment for Democracy funded “Prachatai,” an “independent media organization” that coordinates the “red shirt” propaganda efforts. Prachatai was recently nominated for the Deutsche Welle Blog Awards by the “Neo-Con” infested Freedom House, upon which former Thaksin lobbyist Kenneth Adelman sits as a member on the board of directors.”
Thaksin would subsequently and in exile lead a political front in Thailand called the “Red Shirts” or the “United from for Democracy Against Dictatorship” (UDD) who publically operated as a leftist movement. The “Red Siam Manifesto” detailed the ideological talking points of their movement written by Giles Ungpakorn, a self-confessed “Marxist” among the rank-and-file red shirt intelligentsia. Maoist and outright communist elements were pervasive in the movement as point out multiple times by Tony Cartalucci and this served as an ideological backbone to mobilize Thailand’s marginalized peasant masses in an exploitative and unsustainable manner which, unlike Chavez, would serve western interests to the detriment of the country but hypocritical western blessings. The threat this movement poses to Thailand’s sovereign political and economic networks and the “red shirts’” overall position in the geopolitical reordering of Asia by the west against China is noted in “Warning Signs Over Old Siam.”
What made Thaksin so bad, other than his murderous “war on drugs” that saw over 2,500 people extra-judicially killed, most that had nothing to do with the drug trade, or his autocratic tendencies to limit opposition? Chief of his crimes was the attempt to institute a US-Thailand Free-Trade Agreement (FTA) in cooperation with the US-ASEAN Business Council and with the full support of its corporate-fascist overlords, specifically, “3M, war profiteering Bechtel, Boeing, Cargill, Citigroup, General Electric, IBM, the notorious Monsanto...banking houses Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan, Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, Chevron, Exxon, BP, Glaxo Smith Kline, Merck, Northrop Grumman, Monsanto’s GMO doppelganger Syngenta, as well as Phillip Morris.” These same interests, through the US-ASEAN Business Council, would host the leaders of the Red Shirts in April of 2011 during a Washington D.C. visit at a time in which Thaksin was attempting to mobilize his people back into power with his sister as a proxy. In “CONFIRMED: Thailand’s “Pro-Democracy” Movement Working for US”, the real power brokers behind this western front are thoroughly exposed.
The implications that the FTA agreement would have had on Thailand’s sovereignty, both politically and economically, would have been catastrophic as noted by Professor Aziz Choudry, PhD who points out various criticisms of the FTA agreement including its secretive planning and attempt to bypass Thailand’s parliament. The FTA, if it had succeeded, would have usurped Thailand’s food sovereignty, opening its markets to plunder and monopolization by the likes of Monsanto and Syngenta, both who are upon the US-ASEAN Business Council. It would also have disrupted Thailand’s medical sovereignty to “big-pharma interests” who would have opposed the Thai government’s subsidizes on drugs and the production of highly effective generic drugs as opposed to the monopolistic production by western pharmaceutical corporations driven to control markets and not cure people. As Dr. Choudry notes in one example:
“[Thailand produces] cheap reliable generic drugs including one of the cheapest anti-retroviral drugs in the world, GPO-VIR, which the government hopes will reach 70,000 people this year who otherwise would not afford treatment. Under the FTA, Thais can wave goodbye to hopes of accessible treatment.”
Thaksin and his tools actually have the audacity to consider themselves a “people’s power” movement while in reality they are another angle of western corporatism and neo-imperialism and later an attempt of fomenting a “color revolution” in Thailand not unlike the western-engineered Arab Spring. This is but a minor part of the sovereignty erosion and usurpation that Thaksin’s plans would have wrought. Thais pride themselves in being the only nation in Southeast Asia to avoid physical occupation and colonization by western powers and are very defensive about maintaining their economic and political sovereignty which the US-Thailand FTA was openly seeking to destroy not through free, voluntary exchange but through a deliberate evisceration of their economic self-sufficiency.
Political Shadows and Illusions
It is rather ironic that many “free trade” agreements end up supporting not genuine free trade through voluntary exchange but an unbalanced trade arrangement done to the benefit of western corporations and not a mutual benefit to collaborative, individual enterprises. It is for this reason that many libertarians, even Ron Paul, have spoken out against free-trade agreements like NAFTA. The purpose of free-trade is to keep nations interdependent, bolstering corporate interests and profits at the expense of national sovereignty, self-sufficiency, and the empowering of the masses through the means of technology and education.
The follies of populism are noted in the threat they pose to Thailand’s infrastructure and sustainability. Rather than investing in much-needed mass transportation and failing educational institutions, Thaksin’s sister and current proxy PM Yingluk Shinawatra has invested efforts into a ” first-time car buyer tax rebate scheme” encouraging MORE cars and had by November of 2012 subsidized 300,000 new vehicles, adding to Thailand’s already abysmally congested and polluted streets. The money invested into this venture could have been more than sufficient in expanding Thailand’s mass-transportation but instead, the “30 million Thai baht” in revenue lost in the subsidizing will go not into a financial “blackhole” but into the gleeful hands of the car manufactures behind Shinawatra’s foreign support base. Other members of the US-ASEAN Business Council like Exxon, BP, Ford and GM are undoubtedly pleased with this modified form of wealth redistribution from Thailand’s state coffers and into the Fortune-500, money LOST and not invested by Thais and for pragmatic Thai enterprise and solutions to everyday problems, like mass-transit for traffic. Handouts are more convenient for Shinawatra’s political machine.
The administration is even subsidizing free tablet computers for first grades where they would probably be misused, stolen, and rendered pointless as Tony Cartalucci points out instead of investing in Information Technology and engineering to empower the society to be innovative and self-sufficient electronically. Thailand’s “rice buy-back program” has become a colossal failure along with the rest of “Thaksinomics” and ultimately the people are losing out because of their ruling establishment using populism to both build a support base and then transfer state revenue into unsustainable, non-pragmatic, temporary fixings. Yet amidst the failure, somehow, the SAME pundits who point the finger at Chavez’s failures on mainstream media ended up PRAISING Thailand’s populist failure such as Stanley Weiss. The difference? Chavez worked AGAINST Wall Street and London’s “new world order”; Thaksin worked FOR it.
Keep this glaring hypocrisy and the role of ideologies as tools of a false left/right division when moving forward in analysis of the global elite’s agenda. Also, keep in mind the fact that as a tool for social and wealth control, “Bankers Love Socialism” as Dr. Anthony Sutton’s brilliant books and lecture on the topic demonstrates; let it be known again that not all who have used socialism as leaders are assets of the imperialists and many have used it in resilient opposition to it. From Dr. Carroll Quigley’s detailed and professional assessment of the “globalist” reality in the book “Tragedy and Hope” to the condensed “None Dare Call it Conspiracy” (free PDF here) by Gary Allen, let it be known that there is a dominant corporate elite, operating from high finance and often using leftism, among other tools, as a means of control. They do this to create “captive markets” within their orbit and, as Dr. Sutton explains, and prevent rival and independent “free-enterprise economies”, similar to Thailand’s current entrepreneurial market which western interests are attempting to undermine with a Free-Trade Agreement perpetuated by a “leftist” cover.
While Gary Allen’s book may overestimate the role of communism, which is not surprising considering that it was published during the 1970s under a different political environment, he nevertheless offers many insightful and undeniable facts on cases where communism was definitely used by western financiers. In context to Quigley’s more detailed and professional book, a transparent reality emerges for the researcher. It is this transparent reality that must be noted as the prequel to modern-day neo-imperialism. Gary Allen’s book will be cited below with page numbers noted in parenthesis according the page numbers found in the PDF linked to above; the information may vary from page numbers in published copies of the book.
The Bankers and the “Reds”
What must be understood most significantly regarding the rise of the 20th century world communist movement are the preceding historical realities and who the dominant financial forces were. When people think of Communism, they immediately equate it with the likes of Karl Marx and Frederick Engels who wrote the Communist Manifesto and Soviet leaders like Vladimir Lenin and Joseph Stalin. While those were the actors on stage, the real masters of communism were the average communist proletariat’s supposed mortal enemies, the echelons of high finance including the Rockefeller, JP Morgan, and the Kuhn, Leob and Co. financial circles who were the driving forces behind Bolshevik financing (Allen 17, 55). Communism’s rise is best understood by noting its financiers’ corresponding actions in the west as well as a basic understanding of international finance and banking.
International banking thrives on the financing of governments in the same manner in which local banks finance individuals. Governments tend to spend more money than they procure through taxes, requiring them to borrow from international, cosmopolitan bankers. These bankers are, by their nature, close to the government and along with their orbits of financial interests, they exploit governments in order to centralize for themselves power and guarantee themselves a monopoly, the opposite of free-market capitalism. The bankers take out collateral on their loans by ensuring the government dictates policies according to their own interests and also, as history has demonstrated, maintaining connections with respective governments’ enemies in order to keep a balance of power in their favor (29).
Preeminent in this was the expansive Rothschild banking dynasty that began in Frankfurt, Germany, founded by Mayer Amschel Rothschild who lived from 1743 to 1812. The dynasty and its successive generations became incredibly wealthy by financing different European governments to fight against each other, sponsoring both sides of conflicts that would usually end in a balance of power around the House of Rothschild in France, England, or Austria. The Rothschilds would balance power in a manner in which they could manipulate political events through their financing in the case war broke out (30). They solidified their international grasp by interlocking with other banking fronts. JP Morgan is documented by many, including the former head of the House Banking Committee, Congressman Louis McFadden, as the chief American agent for the Rothschilds (33).
As a prelude to the rise of Communism, its western financiers had engineered a virtual coup in the United States through their creation of the Federal Reserve banking system. This was created under the pretext of preventing economic panics, especially after the artificial Panic of 1907 that was admittedly induced by JP Morgan’s rumors about the “insolvency of the Knickerbocker Banker and the Trust Company of America” (33). The Panic would be leveraged by individuals like Nelson Aldrich, Morgan’s “mouth” on the Senate floor, to introduce measures for a Senate bill to establish a central bank.
However, the corporate interests propagating this would be revealed and the bill killed only to have the bill reintroduced under a leftist, progressive cover. It has been documented by people such as Dr. Gabriel Kolko in The Triumph of Conservatism that the banking and related corporate interests had infiltrated the leftist parties in America and Europe because the ideologies could be used to centralize power in the government and the government then controlled to the interest of the bankers. The rightist circles were already seen as being overtly tied to the corporate fronts but the leftist facade would ultimately make way for the establishment of the Federal Reserve in 1913 under Woodrow Wilson which was legitimized as helping to prevent economic crashes but in reality, setting the stage for crashes to be “scientifically created” (34-38, 41).
The Federal Reserve would manipulate the money supply and interest rates to direct the economy as it willed. Congressman Wright Patman, former chairman of the House Banking Committee, would describe it as an uncontrolled, uncoordinated “second government” (39). It would provide the greatest benefit to corporate-fiancier insiders aware of its intentions and directions who could then make millions off the markets through their foresighted investments. The majority of the U.S.’s debt is owned by private institutions connected with the Federal Reserve and their networks of international bankers in the U.S.; the nature of the Federal Reserve’s financiers was to promote debt and the national debt increased under Woodrow Wilson by 800 percent after the creation of the Federal Reserve and its elastic money supply (46). The Great Depression and a plethora of other recessions would be deliberately engineered by the Federal Reserve to cut off competition to the Wall Street/London central bankers’ interests and bring in desired legislation in the wake of the crash. Montagu Norman of the Bank of England would have a hand in engineering the Great Depression by meeting with Secretary of the Treasury Andrew Mellon in February 1929, right before the Federal Reserve would reverse its easy-money policy of the 1920s and manipulate the economy into a crash. Montagu Norman made no secret of his desire that the “that the Hegemony of World Finance should reign supreme over everyone, everywhere, as one whole super-national control mechanism”(41-44).
In order to pay off the government’s debt and the corresponding interest to the Federal Reserve, the same financial networks, including Nelson Aldrich, would push in the Senate for a progressive income tax, marketed to the masses as a class tax (44). In reality, those who supported such a tax tended to be from the upper echelons of society including the Rockefeller and Carnegie foundations which have been found to have direct ties of funding to the world socialist movement and communism by the Congressional Reece Committee. Morgan interests would also be heavily involved through men like Aldrich. The income tax would serve as a means to both pay interest into the hands of the corporatist elite, a wealth distribution from the middle class into the hands of the “1%” similar to how populism in Thailand under Shinawatra established a distribution of wealth into the hands of corporate-financier interests. It would also cut off competition to international mega-financiers, by circumventing the free market system, making it difficult for competitors to amass capital, and therefore establishing a virtual monopoly of corporate hegemony (46-48).
In addition to the Morgan interests, the Rockefellers, Kuhn, Loeb, Co., and their international banking connections with the Warburg banking family from Germany and the Rothschilds also promoted the progressive income tax (49). The Warburgs were among the conspirators of the Federal Reserve with Paul and Felix Warburg establishing their presence in the U.S. while Max Warburg would play a role in Germany, especially with the financing of the Bolsheviks, along with American Jacob Schiff, also in the Warburg and the Kuhn, Loeb, and Co. orbit. The elites pushing the progressive income tax would build “escape hatches” for their wealth by directing their money into offshore accounts and tax-free foundations like the Rockefeller Foundation, responsible for connections to communism as a political tool of control (48). It should be no surprise that two of the ten planks for communizing a society include a central bank and a progressive income tax. Communism is a pseudo-economic system made to cater for the hegemonic designs and wealth of the bankers and crony finance capitalism, distinct from voluntary exchange capitalism and national capitalism that put the interests of a nation’s enterprisers and economic development first and not cosmopolitan corporate elite.
The same interests who helped set a prelude to their world domination by hijacking the U.S. economy and setting the stage for communism as a tool would begin their actions in Russia during the midst of World War I (WWI) which was itself an illegitimate conflict. WWI was divided along banking interests; open admissions were made after the war of immense propaganda and demonization of Germany to justify U.S. intervention on behalf of Morgan investments in England. Woodrow Wilson was controlled by his “alter ego” Colonel Edward Mandel House who wrote a book called Phillip Dru: Administrator talking about establishing a world socialist government as envisioned by Marx, that is, global banking-corporate hegemony under a leftist, progressive cover (63). House was instrumental in both the creation of the Federal Reserve and U.S. involvement in WWI. WWI was meant to serve as a gateway to a global government, which was foiled by the U.S. Senate’s unwillingness to join the League of Nations. However, the stage was set up for the Bolsheviks would rise from the midst and the later engineered World War II environment would lead to the United Nations, itself controlled by the same interests (49-50).
During the WWI, Lenin was in Switzerland while Trotsky was in New York (Sutton “Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution”). The Czar Nicholas II had abdicated in March 1917; Prince Lvov then tried to establish a government patterned after the U.S. only to give way to the Kerensky regime that would grant amnesty to exiled communists, paving the way for the November 1917 Bolshevik Revolution. Max Warburg in Germany would finance Lenin to overtake the government in Russia including Lenin’s trip across Europe to Petrograd, Russia with the tune of up to $6,000,000 while Lord Alfred Milner, a British Rothschild agent, would contribute $5,000,000. Jacob Schiff, one of the Federal Reserve founders connected with Kuhn, Loeb, and Co. would also contribute aid under the cover of “Jewish war relief” which was later found to be a business investment of $10 million (Allen 53-56). Woodrow Wilson would issue the passport for Trotsky, under the influence of “Colonel” House, and oversaw his safe passage into Europe after being detained by Canada (Sutton “Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution”). Bolshevik Communism was not imposed by the will of the oppressed masses but was rather a trickle-down oppression instituted by these western financiers.
It is true that in the technicalities of the Communist revolutionary movement, there would be factionalism and a split across various interests, especially among the foot-soldiers of the revolution. One prime example of this is that throughout the multi-faceted history of the Soviet Union, inter-party rivalries existed such as that which was witnessed after the post-Stalin era. During this era, there were stories of conspiracies against the party leadership coupled with a “clash of issues and personalities” (McClosky 162-163). Even in the midst of the Bolshevik Revolution and during the post-revolutionary 1920s, dissent among different ideological groups was present. One example was the 1920s conflict between the Bolsheviks and the more moderate Mensheviks which disputed with regards to the philosophy of the nature and timing of revolution, theories about party organization, morality, and tactics (48-54). Nevertheless, the pinnacle of the “revolutionary” communist movements always intersected with western mega-financial circles that were providing the leverage for such movements in order to bolster their own power; communism was merely a glove that they wore to do so. This is not too different from the fact that even though factionalism and division exists in the “post-Arab Spring” Middle East, it is still western corporate-financiers pulling the strings.
Even more critically important is the transfer of business and technology to the Soviets by the same interests. The pre-Soviet Czarist economy is often portrayed as backwards but in reality, they had a highly extensive manufacturing capability and even produced an airplane bigger in wingspan than a Boeing 747 (Sutton “Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution”). The Soviets would build no independent plants and infrastructure of their own. According to the authoritative Dr. Anthony Sutton, every manufacturing plant in the Soviet Union was built by Rockefeller, Ford, and Morgan-allied interests (Sutton “The Best Enemies Money Can Buy”). Even in the midst of the Bolshevik Revolution, Chase Manhattan Bank, a merger of the Rockefellers’ Chase Bank and the Warburgs’ Manhattan Bank, would finance a Red Cross mission to Russia to aid the Soviets. It was directed by William Bois Thomson of Chase Manhattan Bank and of the Federal Reserve System (Sutton “Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution”). Lenin and later Stalin’s Five Year Plans would be financed through these outlets as well including Rockefeller and Kuhn, Loeb, and Co. connections (Allen 80).
Rockefeller’s Standard Oil Company of New Jersey would build a refinery in Soviet Russia and establish a $75,009,000 deal with the Bolsheviks in 1927 (79). Chase Manhattan Bank would be instrumental in founding the American-Russian Chamber of Commerce to serve western banking interests in 1922. It was also involved in selling the Bolsheviks American bonds as revealed by Congressman Louis McFadden. Negotiations between Chase and Russian banks would go beyond the financing of raw materials and would even deal with machinery and U.S. cotton exports along with an entire mapped out program including plethora of “non-strategic items” that would further Soviet manufacturing and weapons capability (80-84).
The transfer of technology and money to the Soviets would be pursued in almost identical means throughout presidential administrations from Franklin D. Roosevelt to Richard Nixon which is not surprising as they were all in the hands of the Federal Reserve interests and later the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). The CFR was established by the same figureheads and for the purpose of global hegemony; it served as a “school for statesmen” (67). Dr. Carroll Quigley, an insider on this and a personal mentor to Bill Clinton, admits to this as being an agenda of domination in finance and politics by mega-corporate interests and audaciously approves of this plan as being good for humanity. He even wrote a 1,300 page book, “Tragedy and Hope”, detailing the technicalities of this plan (10-12). The Council on Foreign Relations still survives to this day along with other corporate-financier think-tanks like the Brookings Institute, the International Crisis Group, and Chatham House, perpetuating western corporate-financier hegemony.
According to Dr. Anthony Sutton, critical to Soviet military capability was the transfer of western technology to the Soviets. The Ford Motor Company played a role in this, financing the Goki Plant in Russia, which produced much of the Soviet war technology including armored vehicles used in Vietnam against Americans demonstrating again that “war is a racket” (Sutton “The Best Enemies Money Can Buy”). These western banking and corporate interests would also arrange for the transfer of western technology to the Soviet Union and even overseeing the Soviet capability to direct their missiles. These same interests, including Max Warburg, would also pour money into Hitler’s war machine.
The Modern-Day Reality
The global elite’s ambition was (and still is by different but similar means) global conquest, an international order built to their liking. They use conflicts and international manipulation such as the rise of Communism and Nazism as geopolitical leverages to advance themselves economically and politically on the world stage, compounding their wealth and co-opting national governments with the ultimate intention of a global government that would preferably be “corporate-fascist” under the façade and techniques of socialism (Sutton “The Best Enemies Money Can Buy”). They are continually active today, though with different political “gloves” that arose after the fall of communism but through the same command centers like the Council on Foreign Relations. Their mission is to target potential rivalries and replace them with proxies, using whatever political tool available to divide and control.
This “globalist” system is now is a mechanism that propagates itself in a more disingenuous manner where human rights are leveraged, nationalist governments are targeted and overthrown, and an imperial administrative network, funded by the global oligarchy, is instituted to manage targeted regions’ affairs. This is run through groups like the National Endowment for Democracy and George Soros’ Open Society Institute which have been active in the so-called “Arab Spring” in a geopolitical gambit similar to the rise of Communism in the fact that corporate interests dominate and shape the playing field for their hegemony. We must realize the continuity of the interests behind the rise of communism in history and their present, continuous agenda to divide opposition and control our futures.
It is through this that we must recognize the controlled nature of both political parties and how each side is propped up only in accordance with designs of global hegemony. After all, Woodrow Wilson’s handler, Colonel House, admitted this in his book, Phillip Dru: Administrator. He approvingly spoke of a global socialist (i.e. corporate-fascist in socialist “clothing”) government, which is not surprising considering him being a mouthpiece of Wall Street and London. Under the establishment of the Council on Foreign Relations, the political foot-soldiers for this “conspiracy”, a word Colonel House himself used to describe this agenda, from across political parties would be gathered together under an umbrella where in essence, there would be no difference at the apex of the political parties with who is coordinating world affairs (Allen 37-38). This was seen clearly in the 1960s where Richard Nixon, supposedly a “conservative”, was leveraged into office by the “liberal” Nelson Rockefeller and did more to institute liberal techniques of government control to control wealth according to the “1%” structure over the economy than the previous “liberal” (i.e. authoritarian) Democratic administrations he had denounced. This ultimately would funnel control to the New York Wall Street oligarchs in the Rockefeller, Morgan, and Rothschild circles. Henry Kissinger and many of Nixon’s advisors were direct Council on Foreign Relations members with a certified record of using leftist ideology to control the economy on behalf of banking interests (85-89).
The Real Revolution
The volatile century of the 1900s has much to teach humanity in the drama of human tragedy and deceitful megalomaniacs. While Communism and Nazism take center stage, the greatest evil was that coordinating them from behind the scenes, the corporate and international banking interests. From the prelude to and direct financing of the Bolshevik Revolution, to the transfer of western technology to the Soviet Union and the controlled nature of both political parties, we see a singular agenda marching forward. We need a real revolution. On this, Tony Cartalucci offers us:
“They need us, we don’t need them. That’s the big secret. We get our freedom back as soon as we take back our responsibilities for food, water, security, the monetary system, power, and manufacturing; that is independence. Independence is freedom, freedom is independence. We’ll never be free as long as we depend on the Fortune 500 for our survival.”
“Fixing these problems unfolding overseas starts with fixing the problems in our own backyards. Boycott the globalists, cut off their support, undermine their system, and they lose their ability to commit these atrocities. That will be a real revolution and it can start today. Not burning cities and masked rebels waving flags, but communities no longer dependent and fueling a corrupt system we all know must come to an end.”
Sam Muhho is a student of history and an advocate of anti-imperialism and anti-globalism. He can be reached at [email protected] and runs the Facebook page “Globalist Watch” at in order to explain the reality at play in global affairs.
Copyright © 2013 Global Research
Are YOU that guy on the internet with that funny mask..?! LOL:D

I'm gonna have to come back to this one when I am feeling a bit more existential. But you caught my attention mentioning the Bush family. And for a long time I did not appreciate "W" for all that he truly is. Which my final formed opinion is that he is probably a really nice and genuine person. Further, the prodigy evolutionary child of a family with Power$, and who DID/DOES not necessarily WANT the conditions that come with all that $$. Really, could you imagine if W just threw his hands in the air and said, "Fuck-it Dad, I don't need all this horse shit. Hell, I just want to go hunting, play some games, and then catch a good beer buzz. And lets give the bulk of our money to charity.:eek: HE would probably catch a "political adult spanking" the likes of which MOST of us could not even conceive...!

And for those that don't realize - Bush money is a DROP$ in the Ocean as compared to Rockefeller and Rothschilds. They are apples and oranges in scope. The relationship I don't dare to contemplate, and would not want to even try on those shoes for even a glimmer...!

MY POINT WOULD BE - $MONEY$ is a LIVING, BREATHING, Entity and force all to its own. In the realm of "be careful what you wish for", I am not talking about wishing you had something and then regretting getting it. More like, be careful what you do because YOU are ONLY WISHING... MORE LIKE the late Biggy Smalls (Notorious B.I.G.), " EHhhuugghhh - Mo money, more problems..." LOL

That guy with the mask as a lot of good points some of them are a little extreme, but all are facts, wether it will happen tomorrow, the next day or even a 100 years from now... I was referring to Katrina...
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"MY POINT WOULD BE - $MONEY$ is a LIVING, BREATHING, Entity and force all to its own."
Is fire a living, breathing, entity and force all its own?
That guy with the mask as a lot of good points some of them are a little extreme, but all are facts, wether it will happen tomorrow, the next day or even a 100 years from now... I was referring to Katrina...

I'm a little slow today, but who is a guy with a funny mask? and who is Katrina?
I'm a little slow today, but who is a guy with a funny mask? and who is Katrina?

Okay I have failed to pull up any vids of the masked speaker, but here is another speaker who is out in the open... Do I think this would ever happen no, shit would hit the fan if it was tried on the masses, but don't think it won't happen if you are in a natural disaster where you live... Am I against my government no, do I agree with them no, but when it comes down to defending my land and my fellow Americans land yes I will.... my bad Katrina was a big hurcian that hit Florida, New Orleans , bama, a couple other surrounding areas ....
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@ Smiles. - I agree.

I see the common denominators as WAR, Disease, & Famon.... All superceded by the MASTER SET - DIVINE INTERVENTION; which MAY exist in various forms...:)

@NUNCAQUITE. - No, I do NOT see fire as an entity to its own. Fire always requires DEVINE INTERVENTION, - OR - MONEY to "buy matches"....:D;) But this is apples and oranges; as fire is EASILY transferred, stolen, given, received, and utilized - and ALWAYS GOVERNED by the (2) Factors above. It should ALSO be noted that BOTH Fire & Money are DIFFICULT TO HANDLE & CONTROL.; So can we agree to disagree and call them "Ugly Cousins"...? LOL

PROOF - We ALL WISH we had MONEY to BURN......!:cool: The funny part being that NO MATTER how much $$ we have, THE FIRE will ALWAYS BURN for MO MONEY..:drooling: The NOTION is CONTAGIOUS and Perpetrated only by the DEVIL Himself. THEREFORE - Fire DOES NOT Equal $Money..

Lastly, I point out RESPECT for the DEVIL as Highly Recommended. I no longer challenge him publicly as he has been dishing my ass to me lately. In the past when younger I had INERTIA TO SPARE with Big Balls Swingin to keep this ASS IN MOTION... I'm getting old...:drooling:
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@ Smiles. - I agree.

I see the common denominators as WAR, Disease, & Famon.... All superceded by the MASTER SET - DIVINE INTERVENTION; which MAY exist in various forms...:)

@NUNCAQUITE. - No, I do NOT see fire as an entity to its own. Fire always requires DEVINE INTERVENTION, - OR - MONEY to "buy matches"....:D;) But this is apples and oranges; as fire is EASILY transferred, stolen, given, received, and utilized - and ALWAYS GOVERNED by the (2) Factors above. It should ALSO be noted that BOTH Fire & Money are DIFFICULT TO HANDLE & CONTROL.; So can we agree to disagree and call them "Ugly Cousins"...? LOL

PROOF - We ALL WISH we had MONEY to BURN......!:cool: The funny part being that NO MATTER how much $$ we have, THE FIRE will ALWAYS BURN for MO MONEY..:drooling: The NOTION is CONTAGIOUS and Perpetrated only by the DEVIL Himself. THEREFORE - Fire DOES NOT Equal $Money..

Lastly, I point out RESPECT for the DEVIL as Highly Recommended. I no longer challenge him publicly as he has been dishing my ass to me lately. In the past when younger I had INERTIA TO SPARE with Big Balls Swingin to keep this ASS IN MOTION... I'm getting old...:drooling:

I know this maybe hard for some to believe, but they are using the wether system as a weapon of war, soon they will have it down to a tee... It is a great way to get more money, they drop a storm nobody as seen before on a some country that has an abundits of un taped natural resources, boom they got them selfs a way of getting to it with out having to start a war... Mo money no problems... :) lol it's sad but true, they all ready have a land one set up in Alaska it is said it creates it's own aurora borealis...
I'm a little slow today, but who is a guy with a funny mask? and who is Katrina?

I was jesting about the link below. They have apparently gained the attention of several governing authorities around the world over recent years via their apparent "Hijinks"... It remains unclear if they even are as publicized. Its the ultimate conundrum of FEAR of the unknown as an empowering enigma onto ITSELF... Who knows... LOL

awe you found it right on, I couldn't find it for the life of me, it was because I was typing in the wrong words, "anonymous speaker"... snowdin maybe? perhaps.. lol
maybe this is how they are gonna try to take our guns from us, they already practiced it with Katrina... It's a little fishy how Katrina was such a bad storm, global warming fucking up the climate, messing with the shifts of the jet streams? Maybe or maybe not... Time will tell... If tornados start dropping in New York City than you know it's more than global warming messing with our earth...
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So then, wild horses and crazy women are also cousins to fire and money?

@ Smiles.
@NUNCAQUITE. - No, I do NOT see fire as an entity to its own. Fire always requires DEVINE INTERVENTION, - OR - MONEY to "buy matches"....:D;) But this is apples and oranges; as fire is EASILY transferred, stolen, given, received, and utilized - and ALWAYS GOVERNED by the (2) Factors above. It should ALSO be noted that BOTH Fire & Money are DIFFICULT TO HANDLE & CONTROL.; So can we agree to disagree and call them "Ugly Cousins"...? LOL

PROOF - We ALL WISH we had MONEY to BURN......!:cool: The funny part being that NO MATTER how much $$ we have, THE FIRE will ALWAYS BURN for MO MONEY..:drooling: The NOTION is CONTAGIOUS and Perpetrated only by the DEVIL Himself. THEREFORE - Fire DOES NOT Equal $Money..

Lastly, I point out RESPECT for the DEVIL as Highly Recommended. I no longer challenge him publicly as he has been dishing my ass to me lately. In the past when younger I had INERTIA TO SPARE with Big Balls Swingin to keep this ASS IN MOTION... I'm getting old...:drooling:
Yea - Ive seen that on Jessie Ventura's show about conspiracy. I think it lasted one season before it got shut down. He raided that place in Alaska and got rejected at the gates. He advertised his history as both a State Governor, as well as a Navy Seal, and of course no go. The rumor he passed was that the microwaves produced by that antenna array are so strong that it was started up with a guy in there maintenancing one time and was instantly cooked. The funny thing about his show is that he seemed to have no holds barred, but still appeared to have been forced to sensor or deliver false information in the end on this one. I don't recall if he advertised it as a Mind Reading weapon perhaps. You call it the notorious "George Bush Weather Machine"/ and perhaps it is on off days and current application. TRUTHFULLY - I am not technically astute enough to determine if the components appear as if to BROADCAST OR RECEIVE. You say broadcast. I would agree. I think my initial interpretation of it was that it is a massive heat generating array to bring down ICBMs made in the cold war era, and perhaps fired into space with direct precision OR even bounced off a satellite deflector like The Move Spies Like us.. LOL But clearly, its not whatever the govt defended it to Jessie as on his show. I think the show was called CONSPIRACY THEORY if you want to look up the episode..:)

The Military's Mystery Machine - Haarp Weather Modification Technology in Alaska - YouTube maybe this is how they are gonna try to take our guns from us, they already practiced it with Katrina... It's a little fishy how Katrina was such a bad storm, global warming fucking up the climate, messing with the shifts of the jet streams? Maybe or maybe not... Time will tell... If tornados start dropping in New York City than you know it's more than global warming messing with our earth...
Yea - Ive seen that on Jessie Ventura's show about conspiracy. I think it lasted one season before it got shut down. He raided that place in Alaska and got rejected at the gates. He advertised his history as both a State Governor, as well as a Navy Seal, and of course no go. The rumor he passed was that the microwaves produced by that antenna array are so strong that it was started up with a guy in there maintenancing one time and was instantly cooked. The funny thing about his show is that he seemed to have no holds barred, but still appeared to have been forced to sensor or deliver false information in the end on this one. I don't recall if he advertised it as a Mind Reading weapon perhaps. You call it the notorious "George Bush Weather Machine"/ and perhaps it is on off days and current application. TRUTHFULLY - I am not technically astute enough to determine if the components appear as if to BROADCAST OR RECEIVE. You say broadcast. I would agree. I think my initial interpretation of it was that it is a massive heat generating array to bring down ICBMs made in the cold war era, and perhaps fired into space with direct precision OR even bounced off a satellite deflector like The Move Spies Like us.. LOL But clearly, its not whatever the govt defended it to Jessie as on his show. I think the show was called CONSPIRACY THEORY if you want to look up the episode..:)

I seen that on its a good episode.. I didn't like them censoring it, but that's the government's iron grip on main stream media... there are some documentaries, (this is what winning looks like), on the internet, and only the internet, where you can see a lot of raw, life events of operation freedom Afghanistan... but even there they reporter was only able to get some access, but did stumble a crossed some stuff he wasn't supposed to during a interviews with a retired special ops, over there as a civilian contractor... I think those reporters where a little scared about what they heard... lol I understand what they have to do in war, also why they do it, but to use it against us to control the masses is not okay, I hope the day never comes where people allow to become blind, because it will only lead to the surrender of our freedom... all governments what to, but not all are so out in the open about it like some other governments....
I agree with you general thought process and concur. Whether or not Jessie's show got shut down due to too RAW on SENSITIVE MATTER, or just poor funding due to poor network reviews is unclear really in my mind. I like the guy simply because of his "Jackass-Power":D alone(which is the ability to have a damn good time in life as I define it). He's got charisma, and a good attitude that is successful in life. He may come off as negative or poorly effective to some, however, I feel he does take on too much and with intent due to some slight delusion perhaps(athletic type/related).. But he bites off more than he can chew some these days I think. I also think politics was too much for his straight up attitude, and THE FACT that he made it OUT without PERMANENT SCARRING is a testimony to his ABILITY to SUCCEED..! I DO recall some pretty strong allegations towards the end of his political career. So I place his "professional Judgement" at an overall 7, which falls somewhere right in the middle of Hulk Hogan today. and Rick Flair in the 80's, OR Terry Bradshaw after an ECT (LOL), and NEVER "The SNAKE" Ken Stabler worthy of UTTER in a contiguous VERBAL discussion - LOL...:eek::p:eek: His POTENCY @ #10, just directed in CHALLENGING Directions. And give him an OVERALL RATING of PURE CHEWING SATISFACTION...! :)

OPPS - Back on track...:rolleyes:

The show was good. He broached topics like MK, RViewing, Mind Control, and other really interesting TABOO and possibly real subjects. I recall one show where a guy had a frequency broadcaster of some sort and could point it at him and place audible sounds in "his head" without saying a word..! WHich I just HOPE never happens to me..! Perhaps "They" will spare me till me kids are out - LOL... JK .. But honestly and in the end, I believe the show simply failed to get ratings and funding, as MOST FOLKS don't know shit about wresting, athletics, DEVOTION & DEDICATION. They have never seen HOW FAR OUT he can be with HIS ACT, and did not realize that his public persona WAS Chilled down.. LOL While I don't think he possesses the mental faculties at his age to maintain the POISE to ever make it thru a presidential election, there is no question he had the capability background and talent considered. He could have been the next "Ronald Regan" EXCEPT with the difference of ONLY PURVEYING DELUSION as a front, INSTEAD of Hiding the REAL DEAL... LOL I suspect an interpersonal interaction with his is very REAL, friendly, and GENUINE; with no underlying presentation of menace, deceit, or ambiguity. He would have made a solid international politician where those kind of things are more opposite to success in "playing nice with others"... So how this pertains as to detail HOW I did NOT get off track again, is that I suspect he would rather enjoy life from here on - he made his mark in history... I DO think it was a Regan Era ICBM "scorcher" that can probably be directed precisely with 100% accuracy and highly dynamic action, and perhaps a "weather Machine" today, as determined as a "Side effect" in trial military use. It would be purposed to bring down orbital missiles coming in from West coast side. There is probably another one in Burmuda or the NE Woods for the other side. or more like the UK or some other european allied location which would afford our allies the same protection. There is probably a REASON its located in a COLD area too, as a natural COOLANT for operation - else it would melt its-self after a few bursts... There you have it - The islands are OUT.. LOL

The simple truth is that he would NEVER have jeopardized our country's national security in any way. The thing is old newz, else he would not have gotten near it, and he knows that. The only threat ICBM type action realizes today is a DANGEROUS ACCIDENT in wait, and due to some kind of computer bug, natural disaster triggering an accidental detonation right here, OR them just falling apart in their cilos.. I have no doubt that any rocket SLOW enough to have to toss into ORBIT and wait half a day for any result is OBSOLETE. They are really the equivalent of a SCUD MISSILE in the Desert now aren't they(Just lobb and cross LOL)??!! THIS is REALLY what ended the cold war. In that, it was not the "suffering of the Russian folks under the communist regime", it was the fundamental breakdown of the FLOW OF TECHNOLOGY which prefered the direction of the democratic and Capita$T MARKET.. The day the cold war ender was most likely the day that IF,, The Russians launched ICBMs, that we could simply "turn loose a bunch of smart bombs" that would seek them out and destroy them before they even got out of Russian Air Space.

But I am just a fictional HYPOTHESIST. There is no telling WHAT technology WHO - REALLY - has. I speculate we will hear about the next war when we can no longer financially fuel the Chinese $uperBoom, and they BEAM IN to take all the property we have sold them on retainer.. THEN AGAIN, perhaps the world is run by a master race of Alien Reptilian Masters in Disguise which we are blind to. And notable times of spacecraft observation being ONLY when other species come around to test the "Conquesting Waters". Anyone note how reports of extraterrestrial activity seem to come in waves, and have settled down for about 2 years or so now... Where's Roddy Piper with his special glasses when you really need him...! :D:)

I seen that on its a good episode.. I didn't like them censoring it, but that's the government's iron grip on main stream media... there are some documentaries, (this is what winning looks like), on the internet, and only the internet, where you can see a lot of raw, life events of operation freedom Afghanistan... but even there they reporter was only able to get some access, but did stumble a crossed some stuff he wasn't supposed to during a interviews with a retired special ops, over there as a civilian contractor... I think those reporters where a little scared about what they heard... lol I understand what they have to do in war, also why they do it, but to use it against us to control the masses is not okay, I hope the day never comes where people allow to become blind, because it will only lead to the surrender of our freedom... all governments what to, but not all are so out in the open about it like some other governments....
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@bbc3: I agree with you..
there is no really telling what or if they will ever use it on us, its possible, I like to amuse the subject, awareness is your best friend... hell if I had the money and time I would become a doomsday prepper just for the sake of preparing or the worst...:eek:
his mind reading theory's idk, maybe I don't doubt that it couldn't or already has been experimented...
the weather machine I do think they will be adding that to there list for when we go into another world war, which is smart because we have pissed off a lot of country's, china wants there money and we don't want to pay it back, maybe we do and just realize we cant, now we are trying to find out a way to back out like another world war, if barrack was able to start that war with Syria I believe shit would of hit the fan...:eek:lol
as for aliens, it is possible they have contact with them or maybe not, I know I saw a ufo, when I was 15 years old I wasn't on any heavy drugs just yet, but I was stoned and a good buzz...:D nevertheless what I saw and two other friends, but the third friend was looking down on the ground cause he always got lucky finding money doing that... lol:mad: back to the ufo lol it was a green orb hovering over the bridge everything was silent almost like time stopped, than it moved over just a bit there was a stream of water it was sucking up from the river just before it met with the ocean why the hell would it want that nasty ass water? idk... than it left with unbelievable speed no trace no sound just gone... for years we never talked about it cause it brought chill every time we thought about, till one day I finally brought it up with my dad he laughed at me left it at that, than he starts talking to me later on about how the government has secrete planes or, weapons of war what ever you may call them, that they have been doing for a long time and many people have seen what they thought was aliens... could it have been the government? its possible, or could it have been aliens from a far away planet or galaxy? that is possible too... I will most likely die never knowing really what that was that night....
I don't think Syria is a principle threat, rather another "Closer Freezer Door War" facet/ as well as political caviar. Syria has always been the feared sleeper over there as far as terrorist activity flourishing, and which we have had not physical position of direct presence or even communication for that matter. Its like a BLACK HOLE between/impeding "psychological clairvoyance" SOMEWHERE BETWEEN Israel and Turkey geographically politically speaking. Kinda like working on building a house of cards and not enough THUMBS to hold them all in place for CERTAIN DESIGNS (ILL/yes).. Just my humble opinion.

On the UFO deal, I would not doubt your story as I have lived long enough to believe anything. A few years back I swear I saw one, but it would have been so big that it completely eclipsed the sky over the pool deck I was layin round. And all I saw was a "Smear in the night" so to speak as I glanced up. I actually had to scratch my head for a few seconds after looking back down to even WONDER if that was one. But IF IT WERE... It would have been LARGE, ABSOLUTELY Silent, and to describe the SPEED. Imagine someone having a Wrist Rocket cocked across you field of view and about a foot from your face and RELEASING IT. So we are talking Zero to Max Speed INSTANTLY.. I would never testify on my life if I had to. Even if someone offered, 10million$ if I was right, opposed to a month in Fed Country Club Prison if Wrong... So I really dont think thats what it was. But I did find it odd that a week later, I found out there was a big Air Show in the area that night at a local AF Base... Still the bottom line is that the Universe is LIMITLESS. Hell, the videos are right there to SEE. You can go down to Mexico City on any Good Day and see them up in the sky whilst eating and outdoor lunch. To believe that no other life is out there is RETARDED. To believe that our dumbass civilization made it this far, and that others have not done the same and more? RETARDED. "Mankind" CANT HANDLE THE TRUTH. Its kinda depressing on the one hand, to think about, as I then feel like deprived entity, while on the other hand its always fun to have something to ANTICIPATE and WONDER ABOUT. Really - What else is there...! Look, that statement describing THAT Paradigm, even speaks of IT within ITSELF. Ain't that quaint.. IS there anything else...? I think they are now saying the number of "earth-like" planets in space has gone from Possible, to a few, to a thousand, to limitless... Who says forces that may effect us have to be built or operate like us anyway. Perhaps there is a shortage of METHANE to breathe on Planet FUKYIACHOOMEY in the DISTANT GALAXY OUSHIT12, and that they DIMENSION WARP their "noses" under my sheets at night to STOCKPILE...:p LOL:)

DAMN - I like to procrastinate my REAL JOB. Also its a perk as the wife gets so fuking piss when she knows I'm fuking off... LOL:D;)

@bbc3: I agree with you..
there is no really telling what or if they will ever use it on us, its possible, I like to amuse the subject, awareness is your best friend... hell if I had the money and time I would become a doomsday prepper just for the sake of preparing or the worst...:eek:
his mind reading theory's idk, maybe I don't doubt that it couldn't or already has been experimented...
the weather machine I do think they will be adding that to there list for when we go into another world war, which is smart because we have pissed off a lot of country's, china wants there money and we don't want to pay it back, maybe we do and just realize we cant, now we are trying to find out a way to back out like another world war, if barrack was able to start that war with Syria I believe shit would of hit the fan...:eek:lol
as for aliens, it is possible they have contact with them or maybe not, I know I saw a ufo, when I was 15 years old I wasn't on any heavy drugs just yet, but I was stoned and a good buzz...:D nevertheless what I saw and two other friends, but the third friend was looking down on the ground cause he always got lucky finding money doing that... lol:mad: back to the ufo lol it was a green orb hovering over the bridge everything was silent almost like time stopped, than it moved over just a bit there was a stream of water it was sucking up from the river just before it met with the ocean why the hell would it want that nasty ass water? idk... than it left with unbelievable speed no trace no sound just gone... for years we never talked about it cause it brought chill every time we thought about, till one day I finally brought it up with my dad he laughed at me left it at that, than he starts talking to me later on about how the government has secrete planes or, weapons of war what ever you may call them, that they have been doing for a long time and many people have seen what they thought was aliens... could it have been the government? its possible, or could it have been aliens from a far away planet or galaxy? that is possible too... I will most likely die never knowing really what that was that night....
I don't think Syria is a principle threat, rather another "Closer Freezer Door War" facet/ as well as political caviar. Syria has always been the feared sleeper over there as far as terrorist activity flourishing, and which we have had not physical position of direct presence or even communication for that matter. Its like a BLACK HOLE between/impeding "psychological clairvoyance" SOMEWHERE BETWEEN Israel and Turkey geographically politically speaking. Kinda like working on building a house of cards and not enough THUMBS to hold them all in place for CERTAIN DESIGNS (ILL/yes).. Just my humble opinion.

On the UFO deal, I would not doubt your story as I have lived long enough to believe anything. A few years back I swear I saw one, but it would have been so big that it completely eclipsed the sky over the pool deck I was layin round. And all I saw was a "Smear in the night" so to speak as I glanced up. I actually had to scratch my head for a few seconds after looking back down to even WONDER if that was one. But IF IT WERE... It would have been LARGE, ABSOLUTELY Silent, and to describe the SPEED. Imagine someone having a Wrist Rocket cocked across you field of view and about a foot from your face and RELEASING IT. So we are talking Zero to Max Speed INSTANTLY.. I would never testify on my life if I had to. Even if someone offered, 10million$ if I was right, opposed to a month in Fed Country Club Prison if Wrong... So I really dont think thats what it was. But I did find it odd that a week later, I found out there was a big Air Show in the area that night at a local AF Base... Still the bottom line is that the Universe is LIMITLESS. Hell, the videos are right there to SEE. You can go down to Mexico City on any Good Day and see them up in the sky whilst eating and outdoor lunch. To believe that no other life is out there is RETARDED. To believe that our dumbass civilization made it this far, and that others have not done the same and more? RETARDED. "Mankind" CANT HANDLE THE TRUTH. Its kinda depressing on the one hand, to think about, as I then feel like deprived entity, while on the other hand its always fun to have something to ANTICIPATE and WONDER ABOUT. Really - What else is there...! Look, that statement describing THAT Paradigm, even speaks of IT within ITSELF. Ain't that quaint.. IS there anything else...? I think they are now saying the number of "earth-like" planets in space has gone from Possible, to a few, to a thousand, to limitless... Who says forces that may effect us have to be built or operate like us anyway. Perhaps there is a shortage of METHANE to breathe on Planet FUKYIACHOOMEY in the DISTANT GALAXY OUSHIT12, and that they DIMENSION WARP their "noses" under my sheets at night to STOCKPILE...:p LOL:)

DAMN - I like to procrastinate my REAL JOB. Also its a perk as the wife gets so fuking piss when she knows I'm fuking off... LOL:D;)

yeah me neither really I think it was just more so a flex of strength and Obama saw that he could use it as a deco for his down fall in his presidential term... maybe I haven't really kept up on him too much but from what I have that's what was said.... nevertheless I still don't think its smart to keep a blind eye to them ether... its funny about the war, I got a call from a family member, he asked me if I wanted to make money shooting people over seas in the war... I was down but I had one big problem at that point and time of my life I would of had to turn over custody of my first born to her mother, and I couldn't do that she didn't have her head on straight nor was it a safe environment where she would of been staying... undoubtedly i had to make one of the biggest decisions of my life and i chose not to go... at times i have some regrets not going sometimes cause I would more than likely be a sgt in usmc by now.... that's why I was hoping they did take it to the next level I guess that's the little devil on my shoulder beating down the angle and mediator on that subject... lol

you never know it could of been, or it could of been the g-man and his toys.. lol yeah there has got to be other life out there, i mean there us right, why cant there be other life forces out there... if so how do they have sex? lol[:eek:)]
if Hugh Heffner could get his hands on some of that porn.. lol nevertheless what i say was breathtaking when i saw it i barley could get out look, than, from what i gathered talking to my friends, said they looked up and saw it too, I wonder if they will try to come back and probe me or something maybe just smoke a bowl with me with some interglacial chronic... :eek::drooling: