RT's blast and cruise log

I would like feedback on the idea of splitting my cruise/TRT dosage between Test cyp and Deca as opposed to just Testosterone.

Something for a cruise such as:
60mg /week Testoserone Cyp
60mg /week Deca

-or maybe-

50mg /week cyp
80mg /week Deca

Suggestions welcome on ratio or compounds.


1) to try to eliminate the need for an AI or SERM during cruise.
2) to enjoy some Deca joint relief.
3) to see if it is milder on my skin (I do get acne from the testosterone)
4) Avoid more slow longer term usage gyno (related to #1).

For about a year now I have experimented with my TRT to dial in what works for me (I have also run one mild blast of Prop and NPP logged here).

At 100mg /week of test cyp I am in the 600-700 range with E2 in the 40-50.
At 120mg /week of test cyp I am in the 700-800 range with E2 in the 50-60.
Addition of 250 iu of HCG E3D adds approximately another 100 to my TT value and 10 to my E2.

Therefore, at 120mg cyp + 250 iu E3D HCG I am at about 900 TT and 70 E2 (the target TT value I want).

I noticed gyno lumps popping up at anything above 40-50 E2 (also, I did have pubescent natural gyno as I have stated earlier in my log).

As such I have had to add adex even during cruise/TRT dosages.
With 1mg adex a week (diveded doses) I brought the 120mg cyp + HCG from 70 E2 down to 40; with 2mg of adex the E2 value dropped down to 15.
I still have to run 10-20mg ED Tamoxifen even with the 1mg of adex or the lump will appear.

I would really like to cruise without adex and just give my body some time with less crap, less playing with adex, I hate Tamoxifen as it makes me feel like shit and I break out on my arms and back more, and I want to take it as easy on the liver with less pills so I can enjoy going all-out on my cycles with front loaded orals etc.

What are your thoughts on half Deca/half test for cruising?
My mind is set on the goal of eliminating life-long usage of AI and SERMS during cruise/TRT
(I understand they will for sure be necessary during blasts/cycles).
any advice or suggestions and other ideas are greatly appreciated.
I would like feedback on the idea of splitting my cruise/TRT dosage between Test cyp and Deca as opposed to just Testosterone.

Something for a cruise such as:
60mg /week Testoserone Cyp
60mg /week Deca

-or maybe-

50mg /week cyp
80mg /week Deca

Suggestions welcome on ratio or compounds.


1) to try to eliminate the need for an AI or SERM during cruise.
2) to enjoy some Deca joint relief.
3) to see if it is milder on my skin (I do get acne from the testosterone)
4) Avoid more slow longer term usage gyno (related to #1).

For about a year now I have experimented with my TRT to dial in what works for me (I have also run one mild blast of Prop and NPP logged here).

At 100mg /week of test cyp I am in the 600-700 range with E2 in the 40-50.
At 120mg /week of test cyp I am in the 700-800 range with E2 in the 50-60.
Addition of 250 iu of HCG E3D adds approximately another 100 to my TT value and 10 to my E2.

Therefore, at 120mg cyp + 250 iu E3D HCG I am at about 900 TT and 70 E2 (the target TT value I want).

I noticed gyno lumps popping up at anything above 40-50 E2 (also, I did have pubescent natural gyno as I have stated earlier in my log).

As such I have had to add adex even during cruise/TRT dosages.
With 1mg adex a week (diveded doses) I brought the 120mg cyp + HCG from 70 E2 down to 40; with 2mg of adex the E2 value dropped down to 15.
I still have to run 10-20mg ED Tamoxifen even with the 1mg of adex or the lump will appear.

I would really like to cruise without adex and just give my body some time with less crap, less playing with adex, I hate Tamoxifen as it makes me feel like shit and I break out on my arms and back more, and I want to take it as easy on the liver with less pills so I can enjoy going all-out on my cycles with front loaded orals etc.

What are your thoughts on half Deca/half test for cruising?
My mind is set on the goal of eliminating life-long usage of AI and SERMS during cruise/TRT
(I understand they will for sure be necessary during blasts/cycles).
any advice or suggestions and other ideas are greatly appreciated.

I moved that quoted question to the steroid section to get more views and hopefully responses.

Reply there if possible and we can hopefully get a good informative thread out of it because I am sure many others besides myself are interested in the same things.
Post-cycle Bloods
Took the sample during my 4th week into cruise (been off short-ester cycle for at least 3 weeks). Looks all good for my endo TRT appointment tomorrow.

Most likely going to up my cruise to 120 mg /week cyp or a combo of cyp/deca (60mg/60mg)



Once again great contribution with the GH testing RT. I would be really interested in what @mands has to say about the numbers.
I just noticed this in all that information under the GH score:


does not make a huge difference but at least worth noting to be accurate.

Once again great contribution with the GH testing RT. I would be really interested in what @mands has to say about the numbers.

thanks, and I agree I would like to get some feedback from anyone that understands these numbers better than I do.

@mands how do these numbers look to you?
igf-1 = 365 (normal range is 53-331)
GH = 4.5

with (to rule out any effect of out of range TT):
TT = 628 (normal range 250-1100)
E2 = 29
I just noticed this in all that information under the GH score:


does not make a huge difference but at least worth noting to be accurate.

thanks, and I agree I would like to get some feedback from anyone that understands these numbers better than I do.

@mands how do these numbers look to you?
igf-1 = 365 (normal range is 53-331)
GH = 4.5

with (to rule out any effect of out of range TT):
TT = 628 (normal range 250-1100)
E2 = 29
How old are you @RThoads? Or about how old?

IGF-1 levels look low for 5 iu's but not horrible. Obviously the product contains GH but most likely not the correct concentration.

What was your pre GH and IGF-1 bloods?

Your GH serum level is low for 10 iu's but this isn't the end of the world. A lot of factors play into this. I don't like the glute injection when delts are usually the norm for the 3 hour window.

How old are you @RThoads? Or about how old?

IGF-1 levels look low for 5 iu's but not horrible. Obviously the product contains GH but most likely not the correct concentration.

What was your pre GH and IGF-1 bloods?

Your GH serum level is low for 10 iu's but this isn't the end of the world. A lot of factors play into this. I don't like the glute injection when delts are usually the norm for the 3 hour window.


thank you for your reply.

I am approx 40 years old.

My apologies but I do not have baseline (pre-GH) serum GH and IGF-1 values.
I now realize how valuable those number would have been since GH responses are more an individual thing and does not work like TT values so without baseline it is hard to draw a definitive conclusion.
This was my first time ever to run GH. Also, I have been given great advice by you and others -- If I ever run GH again with plans to get tested I will get baseline values and pin the delt (I did not know the delt was preferred so I went with my standard).

It was international shipping, the weather was still warm here, and took a little over two weeks to get here; could these conditions and time-frame have any effect on the product?

I have already drops about two pounds since the last pin of GH -- those rapid weight gains I experienced must have been some GH related water retention.
Weighed in at the gym today at only 205 lb.
From my peak weight of 210, this is a rapid (as fast as I gained the +5lb) loss of 5lb in one week after discontinuation of the PCOM GH. Therefore, we know it was water bloat.
thank you for your reply.

I am approx 40 years old.

My apologies but I do not have baseline (pre-GH) serum GH and IGF-1 values.
I now realize how valuable those number would have been since GH responses are more an individual thing and does not work like TT values so without baseline it is hard to draw a definitive conclusion.
This was my first time ever to run GH. Also, I have been given great advice by you and others -- If I ever run GH again with plans to get tested I will get baseline values and pin the delt (I did not know the delt was preferred so I went with my standard).

It was international shipping, the weather was still warm here, and took a little over two weeks to get here; could these conditions and time-frame have any effect on the product?

I have already drops about two pounds since the last pin of GH -- those rapid weight gains I experienced must have been some GH related water retention.
I doubt there was any degradation of the product I'm guessing.

And yes your weight loss is from discontinuing the gh. It happens to me as well.

I have missed a little time in the gym here recently as I have picked up the flu or something and just not being able to shake it off (I go in get a workout and then sick for a day or two; then feel ok and try again and get a shitty session and another day off...headcold and cough etc) -- really sucks and I hate the cold damp winters here.

Overall this has been a great run and my cruise was going good until the sudden illness, but I am sure I will pick up where I left off and do fine as soon as this passes.

I will continue to cruise on TRT dosage 100 mg test cyp for a few more week and then the fun will start again with my next cycle!

Currently I am leaning towards a recomp next cycle of something such as:
600 mg Test E /week
300 mg Deca /week
0.5 adex EOD
and adding in Masteron Mix (prop/Enanth) half way through.

But I am still undecided and not sure of the quality of the Masteron (as many have reported no luck finding good drostanolone products for a while now).

I also have access to:
EQ, Tren-A, and Dbol on hand as well as access to my GF's new Var stash if I really needed or wanted it. Also, I do have good mod GRF(1-29), Ipam, GHRP-2, and a little bit of BPC-157 stocked in my freezer and if finances permit I will get some full sequence TB4 (TB500 full seq) from TOMs. Finally, I have a decent collection of goodies from Pharmasist's recent promo -- besaides the basic nesecities of AI and SERM, I picked up some Albuterol, Caber, and T3/T4 combo.

Post-cycle bloods (posted a few posts earlier) look good to me.
So for now I will continue doing research while I enjoy the mild 100 mg cyp cruise, let my body recover, and decide what I want to do moving forward.

This will conclude this log.
I hope too see all of you in my next log, and thank you for all the help and support thus far!
Excellent log RT!! What you have shared with this community has been outstanding...I thank you. I hope you do another log. Good luck brother.

Btw you might try Emergen-C paks to help kick that cold/flu. Whatever you do DO NOT get a flu shot...them fuckers are nasty.
Get better man. As many of the post above stated, thank you for sharing and contributing to the community. It's great having you on board. See you around brother.