RT's blast and cruise log

Correction: the post and workout for Oct 31st should have been listed as Saturday.
I used my last pull workout as a template and then changed any weights or lifts and must have left a typo of the day being listed as Weds. Not sure it matters to anyone, but for accuracy sake let me simply state it was Saturday 31 Oct 2015.

Update: I have continued to hold the 207 lb body-weight. Therefore, it was not any error or fluke, for some reason (maybe the GH) I jumped 3 lb in a week.
Monday: 02 Nov 2015

Bodyweight =207 lb.

Warmups and Circuit:
Bike 3mins
body weight squats
leg extuensions
hamstring crls
leg adductor
leg abductor

315x8 rep PR!

DB Reverse Lunges(reps per leg):
30s x8
40s x8
45s x8

Leg Press:
2-plates x10
4-plates x10
6-plates x10
8-plates x10

Lying Leg Curls:
110x8 to fail

Standing Calf Raise Machine(slow TUT reps with 1 sec flex hold at top):
320x8 to fail
Tuesday: 03 Oct 2015

Workout: Push
Bodyweight = 207 lb.

Warmups and Circuit:
Internal and External rotations
band pull-aparts
Light DB curls
Machine Flys

225x9 to fail (bad form and too slow of reps cost me)
225x7 to fail

Machine Flys:

Seated DB Overhead Press:
25s x12
35s x12
45s x12
45s x12 to fail

Cable Rope Overhead Tri Ext:
100x5 to fail
I guess testing is gonna be the only way to tell if the GH is gtg.
So you gained 3lbs , hows your strength? Still feeling strong?
Wednesday: 04 Nov 2015

Workout: Pull
Bodyweight = 207 lb.

NOTE: used straps for the first time ever because right forearm has been starting to hurt outside of the gym at work etc. Just need to give my grip a rest and let forarms recover.

Warmups circuit:
Cable internal and external rotations
Light DB curls
Light band pull-aparts
Cable wide-grip pull-downs

Pendlay Rows:
225x8 rep PR! (likely because of the help of the straps)

BW x10 to fail
BW x7 to fail
BW x6 to fail
BW x6 to fail

DB Rows (each side):
45s x10
55s x10
65s x10 to fail

Reverse Fly Machine:
110x10 to fail

DB Curls:
25s x10
30s x10
35s x10
40s x10
45s x10 to fail

DB Preacher Curls (slow TUT with 2 sec peak contraction):
20s x10
I guess testing is gonna be the only way to tell if the GH is gtg.
So you gained 3lbs , hows your strength? Still feeling strong?

yeah, I still been hitting some PRs, but rep PRs as I am not trying right now for new max. But rep PR sometimes are harder anyway and significant.

I will get bloods taken next week -- Serum GH, IGF-1, and typical hormone panel.

Today was the first day I felt some real sides; I had pretty noticeable tingle in my hands -- I have never felt this before and can not think of anything else that would have caused it.
So for the record I got the pins-and-needles tingle today in hands and holding onto the 207 lb bodyweight. I have no explanation for these things. Bloods will tell us what is the cause, or at least what is not.
Great log, RT. Your effort in recording all of this information is appreciated. I'm sure you got just as much back from posting. Inspires me to do a log whenever I decide to do a blast one day.
Great log, RT. Your effort in recording all of this information is appreciated. I'm sure you got just as much back from posting. Inspires me to do a log whenever I decide to do a blast one day.

thanks , I appreciate the kind words
Thursday: 05 Nov 2015

Bodyweight =208 lb.

Warmups and Circuit:
Bike 3mins
body weight squats
leg extuensions
hamstring curls
leg adductor
leg abductor

Machine Sled-Squats:
400x12 (whole stack – machine’s limit)

DB Step-Ups(step set just below waste height; reps per side):
30s x6
40s x6
40s x6 (these totally kicked my ass – I never have done them and thought they would be easy compared to lunges but I was wrong and they were nasty after the pre-fatigue from the Machine-Squats)

Lying Leg Curls:
110x10 to fail

Standing Leg Curl (one leg individually each side):
30x5 to fail (lol was burnt out, maybe another time I will try these)

Abductor Machine:

Seated Calf Raise:
1-plate x10
2-plates x10
1-plate x10 (one leg individually at a time)
Friday: 06 Nov 2015

Workout: Push
Bodyweight = 208 lb.

Warmups and Circuit:
Internal and External rotations
band pull-aparts
Light DB curls
Machine Flys

Standing Overhead Press:
135x6 to fail

Machine Flys:

Bench Press:
225x14 to fail

Lying EZ-bar Tri Ext:
90x9 to fail
90x8 to fail
90x8 to fail

DB Side Laterals:
20s x12
25s x12
30s x12 to fail
30s x8 to fail

One-Arm Overhead DB Tri Ext:
20s x10 to fail
Saturday: 07 Nov 2015

Workout: Pull
Bodyweight = 210 lb. PR! Heaviest I have ever weighed in – this was a late workout and I ate a ton of food over the past 48 hours (literally at one point I ate 4 meals in about 5 hours – big meals – I do not know why I was so hungry but I went at it because I am not trying to recomp or cut yet).

Warmups circuit:
3 mins Elliptical
2 mins bike
Light band pull-aparts
Cable wide-grip pull-downs
BW squats

455x1 to fail (tied PR)

BW x10 to fail
BW x10 to fail
BW x7 to fail

Chest Supported T-bar Rows:
1-plate x10
2-plates x10
3-plates x8 to fail
2-plates x10 to fail

DB Concentration Curls:
20s x10
25s x10
25s x10
25s x6 to fail

Strait Arm Cable Pulldowns:
70x8 to fail

DB Hammers Curls:
25s x10
20s x10 to fail
Sorry, haven't been able to completely keep up with the log.. I see you have gained some weight up to 210 now congratulations [emoji322], have you dropped bf along with that?

Keep up the great work brother, that's what keeps this community strong!
Looks like you had a good run! I'm happy for you brother. Are you glad you chose to run that Npp?

Yes, I am very happy I trusted my gut about how I was feeling and stuck with it. I had zero joint pain for the first time in years. Simec results turned out positive and all my lifts are up. My only regret is that I lost a brand new vial to Simec for the testing efforts and that I did not stock up on more from that batch.

Sorry, haven't been able to completely keep up with the log.. I see you have gained some weight up to 210 now congratulations [emoji322], have you dropped bf along with that?

Keep up the great work brother, that's what keeps this community strong!

Thanks,all kinds of gains in weight and lifts but no I did NOT lose any bodyfat; I mostly likely put on a little but nothing very noticeable. I started at 15-16% range and I am now at about 16-17%. Overall very happy with results on such a light dosage and short cycle. Now I am just eager to do my bigger next run as soon as possible.
Yes, I am very happy I trusted my gut about how I was feeling and stuck with it. I had zero joint pain for the first time in years. Simec results turned out positive and all my lifts are up. My only regret is that I lost a brand new vial to Simec for the testing efforts and that I did not stock up on more from that batch.

Thanks,all kinds of gains in weight and lifts but no I did NOT lose any bodyfat; I mostly likely put on a little but nothing very noticeable. I started at 15-16% range and I am now at about 16-17%. Overall very happy with results on such a light dosage and short cycle. Now I am just eager to do my bigger next run as soon as possible.

That's the game man. You never know when you'll have a good batch or a shit batch. It's just as easy to unknowingly stock up on shit. Lol. I've been there before.

I was talking more to, before you started the cycle you were unsure about what to run. I just remember being in the discussion and mentioning Npp for your true first blast since you were E2 sensitive and wanted to blast. I could be mistaken ... But thought it was you. Getting older and memory is fading. Lol. I'm partial to Npp, if you can't tell. Either way man... I'm happy you have a good log and good gains. 210 and plenty of PR's! Hats off to you man.

As always, thanks for your contribution in the log, simec testing, labmax, money and most important time.
That's the game man. You never know when you'll have a good batch or a shit batch. It's just as easy to unknowingly stock up on shit. Lol. I've been there before.

I was talking more to, before you started the cycle you were unsure about what to run. I just remember being in the discussion and mentioning Npp for your true first blast since you were E2 sensitive and wanted to blast. I could be mistaken ... But thought it was you. Getting older and memory is fading. Lol. I'm partial to Npp, if you can't tell. Either way man... I'm happy you have a good log and good gains. 210 and plenty of PR's! Hats off to you man.

As always, thanks for your contribution in the log, simec testing, labmax, money and most important time.

Thanks again, and yes that was me and I remember and appreciate your help very much!
Next run I will be mostly test-E and will simply have to up the AI, but I will be trying low dose Deca and I hope get to enjoy the same benefits to my joints as with the NPP.

In summary, the NPP was perfect. I just am going long esters next time around to pin less. Its all a learning experience.
Thanks again, and yes that was me and I remember and appreciate your help very much!
Next run I will be mostly test-E and will simply have to up the AI, but I will be trying low dose Deca and I hope get to enjoy the same benefits to my joints as with the NPP.

In summary, the NPP was perfect. I just am going long esters next time around to pin less. Its all a learning experience.

Just glad to help man. Since you're gonna be running mostly Test E next run, See if you can get a Pharma grade AI. If you can get it prescribed now maybe you can start stocking up before your next run. If not, a few have used The pharmacist AI and they seem to work ok. But knowing you're sensitive I'd try to go US pharm grade if possible.

I hear you on long vs short esters. Pinning EOD gets old fast. You're body will thank you for less pinning. It truly is a learning experience. We're all learning and taking this journey in stride brother.

Does your GH make your heart race? I ran some pharma GH a few months back and at 4iu's a day my heart was racing. I finished one kit and jumped off. I hear so many good things about it, wish it would've worked out for me.
Just glad to help man. Since you're gonna be running mostly Test E next run, See if you can get a Pharma grade AI. If you can get it prescribed now maybe you can start stocking up before your next run. If not, a few have used The pharmacist AI and they seem to work ok. But knowing you're sensitive I'd try to go US pharm grade if possible.

I hear you on long vs short esters. Pinning EOD gets old fast. You're body will thank you for less pinning. It truly is a learning experience. We're all learning and taking this journey in stride brother.

Does your GH make your heart race? I ran some pharma GH a few months back and at 4iu's a day my heart was racing. I finished one kit and jumped off. I hear so many good things about it, wish it would've worked out for me.

No, no heart racing here at all. Only (potential as I do not yet know if it is good GH) is a jump in bodyweight and one day I had hand tingle.
Got two blood draws today -- one at the endo appt, and one later (I nailed it exactly 3 hours after GH pin) that I purchased myself for the GH and IGF-1. In all I will have info on my TT, E2, LH, FSH, GH, IGF-1, metabolic panel, CBC, and Lipid profile!

Hit both arms for those bloodworks, and also feel just drained so I am going to take a few days off from training to just recover.

My GF started pinning test prop at 5mg ED (I had a left-over vial and a half left).
She did not want to make an account or log here so I will just add anything I learn from her along the way as a side bonus for those that follow my log. Previously she had taken 1 gel-cap a day of Andriol from "Pharmasist" for a 6 week run but did not feel anything and we did not observe any noticeable gains, recovery, or sides. She plans on getting bloods in about two week to check levels and make any adjustments.