Correction: the post and workout for Oct 31st should have been listed as Saturday.
I used my last pull workout as a template and then changed any weights or lifts and must have left a typo of the day being listed as Weds. Not sure it matters to anyone, but for accuracy sake let me simply state it was Saturday 31 Oct 2015.
Update: I have continued to hold the 207 lb body-weight. Therefore, it was not any error or fluke, for some reason (maybe the GH) I jumped 3 lb in a week.
I used my last pull workout as a template and then changed any weights or lifts and must have left a typo of the day being listed as Weds. Not sure it matters to anyone, but for accuracy sake let me simply state it was Saturday 31 Oct 2015.
Update: I have continued to hold the 207 lb body-weight. Therefore, it was not any error or fluke, for some reason (maybe the GH) I jumped 3 lb in a week.