RT's blast and cruise log

How many times do you blast a year and how long each time? What is your cruising altitude? lol aka cruising dosage?

This is my first real blast. I plan on taking about as much time "off" as I am on. So I did 8 weeks with this, so I will do at least 8 weeks off.
I cruise at 100 mg cyp /week (divided Sun/Weds) plus cycle 3 month on/off with HCG. I am thinking to bump my cruise up to 125 mg when I am off HCG but it will depend on my E2 -- I want to get away with cruising without an AI if possible.
Wednesday: 14 Oct 2015

Week 8: Pin 2

100 mg Test Prop
100 mg NPP
@ Right Thigh

100 mcg Mod GRF(1-29) + 120 mcg ipamorelin twice daily (pre-bed and mornings)
@ SubQ

600 mcg BPC-157 ED
@ Right Bicep (near elbow joint) and/or SubQ as needed
Wednesday: 14 Oct 2015

Bodyweight = 205 lb.
(UP↑ 10 lb since the start of the cycle)

Good stuff: Deadlift PR! And Standing Overhead Press 5RM PR! That’s two more goals checked off in this last week -– only bench PR left to hit and I bench tomorrow (will either go for 5RM or if my arm feels ok enough a 1RM).

Bad stuff:Right bicep tendon—old news.
PIP none – I think I am just used to it.

Warmups and Circuit:
Bike 3 mins
body weight squats
leg extensions
hamstring curls
leg adductor
leg abductor
Cable internal and external rotations
Band pull-a-parts
Back Hyper extensions

455x1 PR!
495x0 miss/fail (455 went up very solid so I figured I may as well just go for the milestone)

Standing Overhead Press (strict):
115x3 (went with triples ramping up to give it my all for the last set)
155x5 5RM PR! (+10 from last Friday)

Barbell Shrugs:
315x7 to fail (I like to get full ROM and hold at the top for a count – fail if I cannot do that)
315x6 to fail

Side DB lateral raise:
15s x12
20s x12
25s x12
25s x12 to fail (good shit, wow was I burning sticking with the 25s and doing 12 good strict reps)
Wednesday: 14 Oct 2015

Bodyweight = 205 lb.
(UP↑ 10 lb since the start of the cycle)

Good stuff: Deadlift PR! And Standing Overhead Press 5RM PR! That’s two more goals checked off in this last week -– only bench PR left to hit and I bench tomorrow (will either go for 5RM or if my arm feels ok enough a 1RM).

Bad stuff:Right bicep tendon—old news.
PIP none – I think I am just used to it.

Warmups and Circuit:
Bike 3 mins
body weight squats
leg extensions
hamstring curls
leg adductor
leg abductor
Cable internal and external rotations
Band pull-a-parts
Back Hyper extensions

455x1 PR!
495x0 miss/fail (455 went up very solid so I figured I may as well just go for the milestone)

Standing Overhead Press (strict):
115x3 (went with triples ramping up to give it my all for the last set)
155x5 5RM PR! (+10 from last Friday)

Barbell Shrugs:
315x7 to fail (I like to get full ROM and hold at the top for a count – fail if I cannot do that)
315x6 to fail

Side DB lateral raise:
15s x12
20s x12
25s x12
25s x12 to fail (good shit, wow was I burning sticking with the 25s and doing 12 good strict reps)

Late to the party but good log.

Shrugs are one lift I would not try to go to failure on at all. I'd always aim to leave one rep in the tank at least.
Late to the party but good log.

Shrugs are one lift I would not try to go to failure on at all. I'd always aim to leave one rep in the tank at least.

I agree -- I think I was just burnt out from deadlifts; it was more an issue of my grip starting to fail that ended the sets more than anything.

Thanks for checking out the log!
get wrist straps! your back is way bigger muscle than your grip.

I do have some in my bag, but my grip is lagging and I want to do a PL meet one day -- I think my grip is really the main thing holding back some lifts (deadlifts being the most notable). Hence, I am trying to really challenge grip whenever I get the chance by doing everything I can find with bare hands.

However, I may start using straps on weighted pullups so I can really focus on making the lats do work instead of the arms getting so involved (ironically, this bicep injury has helped me in my pullups form by punishing me if I use too much arms but very little discomfort if I do them correctly and fire with the lats).

Besides deadlifts variations and shrugs, what other things do you, or anyone else for that matter, think I should add that will best develop a stronger grip?
for grip, get Captains of Crush grippers, not the other brands.


you still should never let your grip hold back your back muscle. you can have the strongest grip in the world and it means nothing if the rest of your body can't handle the weight. you can use your grip until your grip fails, but than you need to put on the wrist straps.
for grip, get Captains of Crush grippers, not the other brands.


you still should never let your grip hold back your back muscle. you can have the strongest grip in the world and it means nothing if the rest of your body can't handle the weight. you can use your grip until your grip fails, but than you need to put on the wrist straps.

thanks, I just might have to buy me some of those!
Would I keep all gains if I cruised after first cycle. My regular test level is 250. So I say fuck it. You seem like a master cruiser lol.
Would I keep all gains if I cruised after first cycle. My regular test level is 250. So I say fuck it. You seem like a master cruiser lol.

No, I am very new myself. Aside from a few PH in the mid 90s, I have been natty until about a year ago. I am humble enough and care about people doing things right enough to say you should look around and find someone with multiple years of cruising experience and you will get much better info than I can give.

I will say this much though -- it will come down to much much more that you PEDs and cycle / cruise schedules; keeping your gains will depend a lot of you as an individual, your choices, lifestyle, dedication, how hard you continue to train, how good you eat, how good you sleep, your genetics, and your overall lifestyle.

I am going to move more into a hypertrophy phase soon; this is for a number of reasons such as giving my connective tissue some love with lower weight and more reps, wanting to change things up since I have been focusing upon strength for most of the year, and my own personal experimentation to see if I can continue to grow by moving into the more growth stimulating rep ranges and higher volume.
What reps are you thinking of? Good advice on other topics...appreciated. Also what is a PH lol.
Friday: 16 Oct 2015

This was supposed to be the last pin of the cycle but I have some NPP left in the vial (one, maybe two pins worth) and one prop amp left -- so I will do another pin to use those up since it is not enough to be useful saving for anything.
NOTE: I started halfway into my first week (gear did not arrive until mid week) so this makes sense and technically it would take a pin or two more to truly be an 8-weeker.
I swear I am not trying to squeeze out some extra days ;)

Week 8: Pin 3

100 mg Test Prop
100 mg NPP
50 mg Test Cyp
@ Left Glute

100 mcg Mod GRF(1-29) + 120 mcg ipamorelin twice daily (pre-bed and mornings)
@ SubQ

600 mcg BPC-157 ED
@ Right Bicep (near elbow joint) and/or SubQ as needed


Bodyweight = 205 lb.
(UP↑10 lb since the start of the cycle)

Good stuff: New max Squat PR. New bench 5RM PR.

Bad stuff:Right bicep tendon—old news, but today it was not as bad and I hope maybe it is finally healing!
PIP none worth noting.

Warmup circuit:
Treadmill Walk 5 mins
body weight squats
leg extensions
hamstring curls
leg adductor
leg abductor
Back extensions

375x1 PR!

Bench Press:
285x5 5RM PR!

Barbell Rows:

BW x7 to fail
BW x6 to fail
BW x6 to fail

Bent Over Cable-Crossover Pull-aparts (Rear delts):
Friday: 16 Oct 2015

This was supposed to be the last pin of the cycle but I have some NPP left in the vial (one, maybe two pins worth) and one prop amp left -- so I will do another pin to use those up since it is not enough to be useful saving for anything.
NOTE: I started halfway into my first week (gear did not arrive until mid week) so this makes sense and technically it would take a pin or two more to truly be an 8-weeker.
I swear I am not trying to squeeze out some extra days ;)

Week 8: Pin 3

100 mg Test Prop
100 mg NPP
50 mg Test Cyp
@ Left Glute

100 mcg Mod GRF(1-29) + 120 mcg ipamorelin twice daily (pre-bed and mornings)
@ SubQ

600 mcg BPC-157 ED
@ Right Bicep (near elbow joint) and/or SubQ as needed


Bodyweight = 205 lb.
(UP↑10 lb since the start of the cycle)

Good stuff: New max Squat PR. New bench 5RM PR.

Bad stuff:Right bicep tendon—old news, but today it was not as bad and I hope maybe it is finally healing!
PIP none worth noting.

Warmup circuit:
Treadmill Walk 5 mins
body weight squats
leg extensions
hamstring curls
leg adductor
leg abductor
Back extensions

375x1 PR!

Bench Press:
285x5 5RM PR!

Barbell Rows:

BW x7 to fail
BW x6 to fail
BW x6 to fail

Bent Over Cable-Crossover Pull-aparts (Rear delts):

Nice PRs brother. You've made some awesome progress. Keep killin it