RT's blast and cruise log

Good to see someone else doing the standing OH press , it gets forgotten a lot of times and really helped build my delts and my overall power too . Great log RT !

Thanks! yes, in my opinion they are the king of upper body lifts (and pretty much work everything else too--I usually fail because of core fatigue). I have been doing them very strict too so one day if I sub in a push press I should be able to put up some respectable weights. The strict overhead are starting to get heavy for me but I will keep loading on them and hope to get to 155 lb in this log. Been getting a lot of positive comments about my shoulders the past few week so even though it is lighter weight than I can move seated it is definitely working for me.
Sunday: 04 Oct 2015

Right bicep bothering me a lot
over the weekend. I am not very open to accepting a set-back and resting so I will try to push through and try things to heal while attempting to keep moving forward.

I iced it Friday evening after the gym, yesterday afternoon, and this morning and wrapped with an ace bandage for pressure.
I added BPC-157 tonight and will run it until my vial runs out. Did the first pin on that directly into the very bottom on the right bicep (read on datBtrue that it works best if you get it as close to the injury as possible) and that pin sucked so I will see how I feel and maybe do every other pin subQ in the abs for systemic effects while hitting the direct site when I can deal with doing so.

Week 7: Pin 1
100 mg Prop
100 mg NPP
50 mg Cyp
@ Right Glute


100 mcg Mod GRF(1-29) + 100 mcg ghrp-2 twice daily (pre-bed and mornings)
@ SubQ

500 mcg BPC-157 ED
@ Right Bicep (near elbow joint) and/or SubQ as needed
Monday: 05 Oct 2015 Workout
Bodyweight = 204 lb.
(UP↑ 9 lb total since the start!)

Good stuff:
Up another +1 lb of bodyweight! Hoping to get a couple more quality pounds—I have two weeks left to do it. Everything on the top set of squats above 5x315 is a 5RM PR at this point. Added to overhead to get a couple sets of 5x140.

Bad stuff: Right bicep is for sure an injury—it has been many weeks now and not really getting anywhere with it; some days are good some are bad. Tonight I have it wrapped and iced but it is really feeling weird, almost like it is cramped up. I was able to lift and I have 48 hours to get it good enough to lift again—just got to take it day-by-day.
PIPhas continued to be much more noticeable since switching to the amps—hoping to get used to whatever is different and enjoy these last two weeks.

Warmup circuit:
Bike 3 mins
leg extensions
hamstring curls
leg adductor
leg abductor
Cable internal and external rotations
Alt DB curls and DB hammer curls
body weight squats

320x5 5RM PR (+5lb from last Friday)

Standing Overhead Press (Strict):
140x5 (+5lb from last Weds)

Romanian Deadlifts:
225x10 to fail

Barbell Shrugs (TUT 2 second hold at the top):

BW x10
BW x10 to fail
BW x8 to fail (these started to bother my bicep)

Rev Fly Machine (rear delts):
Simec Results on the NPP I am running are here!

HPLC shows it is 110 mg/mL NPP

makes sense since I have had zero joint pain--actually the best my joints have ever felt and maybe turned me into a believer of adding a small dose of Nandrolone to every cycle.
Also my recent bloodwork showed my test levels were up +1300 above my pre-cycle TRT baseline but not as high as they would have been if my NPP was actually more testosterone. LM did show the presence of steroid but we could not all agree upon what steroid that fluorescence was coming from -- now we know it is indeed NPP I am working with :D Makes me feel very relieved, too bad I lost a vial to the testing (Frank reimbursed me for my vial and for all testing expenses) so I do not have any left after this last vial.


IDK how I've never seen this log before, well I'm here now.

Looking good! I noticed you were suffering from PIP from the Prop., has that mellowed out? You can always cut it with some sterile GSO, even 1 part GSO to 2 parts prop. will make a huge difference. If you're blasting and cruising, though, not entirely sure why you opted for prop? I always heat the oil, and injection site. Try to pin where you intend to workout that day. A few hours post injection, I hit the spot with a really intense electric massager....

Still glad to see the NPP tested well, I really like NPP.
IDK how I've never seen this log before, well I'm here now.

Looking good! I noticed you were suffering from PIP from the Prop., has that mellowed out? You can always cut it with some sterile GSO, even 1 part GSO to 2 parts prop. will make a huge difference. If you're blasting and cruising, though, not entirely sure why you opted for prop? I always heat the oil, and injection site. Try to pin where you intend to workout that day. A few hours post injection, I hit the spot with a really intense electric massager....

Still glad to see the NPP tested well, I really like NPP.

Yes, the PIP mellowed out; I just was not used to it at first but after some weeks it was hardly any issue. Now I just switched to amps (I was using vials) and the PIP is a little stronger again but nothing I can't handle and I am starting to already notice my body getting used to the formulation in the amps.

I opted for prop (and NPP) because I wanted short esters so that everything will clear fast upon stopping. This is because I have a endo appt in Nov and since I lost my local lead I was delayed starting this blast because I needed to research and pick a source. Finding a decent source online took much more than a couple days--it was months--so that pushed me too close to my endo appt to mess around with longer esters.

Next time around I will plan better and secure everything I need before my check-up bloodwork so that I may start asap after any doc appointments and give myself the maximum time to run what I want at my own pace.

You"ll be squatting 350 soon RT , that was a game changer for me when I hit 350 for 1rm then later reps . NPP looks gtg !!

Thanks bro, I hope to keep adding and get to 350 soon. The main goal of this training phase was to get the compound lifts up and squat is #1 -- so far everything is moving up!

I know it is not huge weight or anything but I will add that while the weight is modest my form is solid--these are true deep below parallel full squats :) sometimes I pause at the bottom and have actually have felt my hams touch my calves. I like to mess with the half repping gym bros and ask them to watch me to "check my depth" just so I can see the reaction on their lazy ass slacker faces when I say, was that deep enough? ;)
Yes, the PIP mellowed out; I just was not used to it at first but after some weeks it was hardly any issue. Now I just switched to amps (I was using vials) and the PIP is a little stronger again but nothing I can't handle and I am starting to already notice my body getting used to the formulation in the amps.

I opted for prop (and NPP) because I wanted short esters so that everything will clear fast upon stopping. This is because I have a endo appt in Nov and since I lost my local lead I was delayed starting this blast because I needed to research and pick a source. Finding a decent source online took much more than a couple days--it was months--so that pushed me too close to my endo appt to mess around with longer esters.

Next time around I will plan better and secure everything I need before my check-up bloodwork so that I may start asap after any doc appointments and give myself the maximum time to run what I want at my own pace.

Thanks bro, I hope to keep adding and get to 350 soon. The main goal of this training phase was to get the compound lifts up and squat is #1 -- so far everything is moving up!

I know it is not huge weight or anything but I will add that while the weight is modest my form is solid--these are true deep below parallel full squats :) sometimes I pause at the bottom and have actually have felt my hams touch my calves. I like to mess with the half repping gym bros and ask them to watch me to "check my depth" just so I can see the reaction on their lazy ass slacker faces when I say, was that deep enough? ;)

I miss my beloved squats. , I'm on a job site in Alaska right now and the only gym I have access to only has a jumbo Universal machine with leg press . So I do leg presses . Got 1rm with 715 and been doing reps with 635 but it's still not squats and doesn't tax me the same as squats . But it also gives me a break from squats ....
I miss my beloved squats. , I'm on a job site in Alaska right now and the only gym I have access to only has a jumbo Universal machine with leg press . So I do leg presses . Got 1rm with 715 and been doing reps with 635 but it's still not squats and doesn't tax me the same as squats . But it also gives me a break from squats ....

Working in Alaska and still found a gym! that is dedication, already a win right there haha
that is awesome!

I may soon switch to a push/pull/legs 3 on 1 off, or 6 on with Sunday off for a couple reasons (so just two legs days and week instead of the fullbody 3 squat days a week); 1) I do feel sometimes like I need a break from so many days of squats, and 2) it would allow me to add in things like leg press for a little more variation and volume.
Tuesday: 06 Oct 2015

Week 7: Pin 2

100 mg Prop
100 mg NPP
@ Left Thigh

100 mcg Mod GRF(1-29) + 100 mcg ghrp-2 twice daily (pre-bed and mornings)
@ SubQ

500 mcg BPC-157 ED
@ Right Bicep (near elbow joint) and/or SubQ as needed

Only thing to note is continued right bicep discomfort all day. Feels like when you curl to failure on some drop sets of seated curls -- that point where it just feels painful, tight, and cramping up -- that is how it feels all day the past couple days. But ZERO bruising or sharp pain, nothing happened acutely that I can site as the point when it got injured, and so I think it is just tendonitis or a strain that is slowly getting more aggravated.

Icing it, wrapping it for pressure, and taking it day-by-day -- hope to still make gains tomorrow in the gym!
Wednesday: 07 Oct 2015 Workout

Bodyweight = 204 lb.
(UP↑ 9 lb total since the start)

Good stuff: Got in there and still made gains despite bicep pains. I do feel like I am making some progress with healing from the peptides and ice-compression at least inflammation is definitely lessened.

Bad stuff:Right bicep tendon—old news. Did not recover enough since Monday to hit squats again – no biggy might be getting to the point that 3x a week linear progress is a bit much and will get at them again with more weight on Friday.
PIP is a little more noticeable so far for every pin since I switched to the amps—but I am getting used to it and it is already less than last week’s pins.

Warmup circuit:
Bike 3 mins
body weight squats
leg extensions
hamstring curls
leg adductor
leg abductor
Very light weight DB curls

(hit 5RM PR on Monday and when I am feeling it during my pre-fatigue/warm-up circuit and then cramping on warm-up sets – going to just listen to my body and rack these for today)

Chest supported T-Bar Rows:
1-Plate x12
2-Plates x10
3-Plates x10
3-Plates + 5lb x10 to fail (bicep pain limited my performance)
3-Plates + 5lb x9 to fail (good lat pump)

Bench Press:
255x5 (+5 lb from last Friday)
255x7 to fail

Hammer Strength Row (New lift for me – looking for bicep pain work-arounds):
2-plates x15
4-plates x10
4-plates x10 to fail

Cable Rope Overhead Tricep Extensions:
80x10 to fail (nice Tri pump on these)
Thursday: 08 Oct 2015

Good stuff:
Right bicep is feeling the best it has in a few weeks today. Just feels a little strained today but not inflamed and constantly annoying. Will take it easy and work-around but lets hope maybe I am getting close to healing! I think the BPC-157 has some anti-inflammation activity. Wish I had some Tβ4 (TB500) left because that for sure is some strong anti-inflammatory but I gave my stash away thinking I would not need it after my shoulder had healed fully.

Week 7: Pin 3

100 mg Prop
100 mg NPP
50 mg Cyp
@ Left Glute w/1"-25g

100 mcg Mod GRF(1-29) + 100 mcg ghrp-2 twice daily (pre-bed and mornings)
@ SubQ w/slin-pin

500 mcg BPC-157 ED
@ Right Bicep and/or SubQ as needed w/slin-pin
still two hours of work to go and I feel like I could take an nap instantly -- one of those ass dragging days. I should have gone into the gym in the morning instead.
lol I will try to find some aggressive ass youtube vids to try to get myself hyped for the upcoming evening workout.
Friday: 09 Oct 2015 Workout

Bodyweight = 205 lb.(UP↑ 10 lb since the start of the cycle)

Good stuff: Got in there and got at shit even though I was tired and it was really late – hit some more 5RM PRs!

Bad stuff:Stuff really tired from a tough day outside of the gym. Right bicep still far from being 100% and hinders lifts.
PIP I am used to it and it is hardly noticeable again.

Warmups and circuit:
Bike 3 mins
body weight squats
leg extensions
hamstring curls
leg adductor
leg abductor
Light weight 20 reps DB curls

325x6 PR! (+5lb from Monday)

(went ahead and got a sixth rep on 325 lb since I had to get so hyped to get up for this lift on a tired day—had snot rocket shoot out my nose on first rep and I just kept going with it hanging down my shirt and I was yelling shit at myself like CT Fletcher, I think my GF got nervous lol…But fuck it, I got the PR).

Standing Overhead Press (Strict):
145x5 matched 5RM (+5lb from Monday)
145x5 Volume PR (getting 2 sets of 5x145)

Romanian Deadlifts:
225x10 to fail

Barbell Shrugs (TUT 2 second hold at the top):
265x10 to fail

Barbell Curls:
75x10 to fail (bicep pains made me stop at 75)

EZ-bar Tricep Extentions:
100x9 to fail
Saturday: 10 Oct 2015

Week 7: Pin 4

100 mg Prop
100 mg NPP
@ Right Glute w/1"-25g

Off yesterday and for the weekend to take a break -- they will be back tomorrow night pre-bed


Hey RT, awesome log, is your NPP still at 350mg/week?

thanks and yes, I post every pin the day I do them (still on the 100mg prop / 100mg NPP EOD).
Monday: 12 Oct 2015

Week 8: Pin 1

100 mg Test Prop
100 mg NPP
50 mg Test Cyp
@ Left Thigh

100 mcg Mod GRF(1-29) + 120 mcg ipamorelin twice daily (pre-bed and mornings)
@ SubQ

500 mcg BPC-157 ED
@ Right Bicep (near elbow joint) and/or SubQ as needed

NOTE: I switched my ghrelin analog from GHRP-2 to ipamorelin -- I bevel in rotating them every time a vial or two is finished. So now it is Ipam for until that vial runs out. I use a little more Ipam than I would GHRP-2 because it is weaker in terms of resulting GH pulse and it has much less side effects.



Bodyweight = 206 lb.
(UP↑ 11 lb since the start of the cycle)

Good stuff: New Squat 5RM PR. Matched bench 3x5 volume PR and set a 6RM (previously the most I have done at 265 is 5 reps).

Bad stuff:Right bicep tendon—old news.
PIP none.

Warmups and Circuit:
Bike 3 mins
body weight squats
leg extensions
hamstring curls
leg adductor
leg abductor
Very light weight DB curls

335x5 PR! (+10lb from last Friday)

Chest supported T-Bar Rows:
1-Plate x12
2-Plates x10
3-Plates x10
3-Plates +10lb x6 (bicep pain so I stopped at 6)
2-Plates x10

Bench Press:
265x5 (+10 lb from last Weds)
265x6 PR!

Reverse Machine Flys (Rear delt machine):
130x10 to fail <<drop set>> 100x5 to fail

yes sir! as it should be :D in my last week of the cycle and I have reached almost all of my goals. I am up 10 lb; I still need to add a little more on bench to actually break a PR, and I need to beat a 425 deadlift -- that will be everything I set out to do in these 8 weeks if I get those last couple goals.

I am feeling ready for some higher volume training and higher rep work though -- A change will be nice since I been at the 5 rep stuff for a few months.
How many times do you blast a year and how long each time? What is your cruising altitude? lol aka cruising dosage?