RT's blast and cruise log

About the fatigue during the day...are you getting enough sleep?? How much per night?? You still walking in the evenings??
About the fatigue during the day...are you getting enough sleep?? How much per night?? You still walking in the evenings??

Yes not awesome sleep but decent most night. I did have a couple where stress kept me up but things are starting to settle down in my schedule here and the past few days have been much better. I have not walked this past week because of not feeling well but about to resume that today.

It could be so many things... Or a combo. I know I got some bad luck and was a little sick with some slight soar throat and sinus issues--they have past. Some higher outside the gym stress this week that will be resolved going into next week so that is good. So it could be some of those factors interacting and maybe nothing at to do with my cycle.

But I just wanted to list how I feel regardless for accuracy of the log and incase anyone that knows more than I do that could point something out for me to look into.
Yes not awesome sleep but decent most night. I did have a couple where stress kept me up but things are starting to settle down in my schedule here and the past few days have been much better. I have not walked this past week because of not feeling well but about to resume that today.

It could be so many things... Or a combo. I know I got some bad luck and was a little sick with some slight soar throat and sinus issues--they have past. Some higher outside the gym stress this week that will be resolved going into next week so that is good. So it could be some of those factors interacting and maybe nothing at to do with my cycle.

But I just wanted to list how I feel regardless for accuracy of the log and incase anyone that knows more than I do that could point something out for me to look into.

Stress is a motherfucker. Enjoy reading your log man...the way you type it out makes for an easier read. Keep killin' it!!
12 Sep 2015 (Week 3: pin 4)
100 mg Test Prop
100 mg NPP
@ Left Thigh

Oral (ED)
30 mg Var (split across 3 even spaced 10 mg dosages)

Man I look forwards to those quad pin days -- seriously! I love being able to just sit down and do it all while being able to clearly see everything. I know a lot of guys say they hate pins in the legs but for me this is the easiest and today's went smooth.

Pack landed today from Reliable with some new HCG. I just could not afford the HCG from the source I use for my AI. Everything looks legit and unless I specifically comment about a concern just assume I notice no changes from switching to the new HCG. I went with Ovidac this time.

Also got some acne meds from the same place because I have noticed a little more acne than usual. Grabbed 3 tubes of Retin-A, a salicilic acid, and a benzoyl peroxide gel.

Had to sign for the pack from Reliable, never had to do that before and just don't like signing shit.
Het RT, i was having the same issues as you with feeling lethargic and tired as hell all day and i couldnt figure it out. When i would get to the gym it would take a good 15 min for me to start to feel better and by the midway point i was hittin it hard but never had that before a d it made working out tough.
I stopped taking adex and after about 4 days i felt 100% again. Im not prone to gyno issues on low dose test so i say fuck it, no more adex for me. I dont know if others feel this way but for me adex absolutely wipes me out.
Think im gonna try aro and see if i feel better on that.
I dont know if this is your issue, but our symptoms are identical.
12 Sep 2015 (Week 3: pin 4)
100 mg Test Prop
100 mg NPP
@ Left Thigh

Oral (ED)
30 mg Var (split across 3 even spaced 10 mg dosages)

Man I look forwards to those quad pin days -- seriously! I love being able to just sit down and do it all while being able to clearly see everything. I know a lot of guys say they hate pins in the legs but for me this is the easiest and today's went smooth.

Pack landed today from Reliable with some new HCG. I just could not afford the HCG from the source I use for my AI. Everything looks legit and unless I specifically comment about a concern just assume I notice no changes from switching to the new HCG. I went with Ovidac this time.

Also got some acne meds from the same place because I have noticed a little more acne than usual. Grabbed 3 tubes of Retin-A, a salicilic acid, and a benzoyl peroxide gel.

Had to sign for the pack from Reliable, never had to do that before and just don't like signing shit.
Vg is just as good as quads too as far as being able to use both hands goes.
@RThoads and fellas. Got my lab results back. I was feeling fatigued at the end of my cycle. A lot like the symptoms RT was displaying. My initial guess was low estrogen, my diet change (drastically reduced red meat, eggs, dark poultry meat etc.. From my diet) and blood donation causing my symptoms. Testosterone 200mg pharm cyp pinned 1 week ago, test prop 50mg pinned 1 week ago.

I'm not a doctor just know enough to be dangerous.

Hemoglobin 12.9. 12.6 - 17.7
Hematocrit 42.6. 37.5 - 51
So pretty close to low value on hemoglobin.

Things outside of normal limits
MCH 24.4. L 26.6-33.0
MCHC 30.3. L 31.5 - 35.7
AST. 48. H 0- 40
Testosterone 1511. H. 348-1197

My guess is diet change and frequent donations causing my iron to be on the low side. @HuckingFuge no need to kill me , lol ... I'm already back on my steak and eggs.
Het RT, i was having the same issues as you with feeling lethargic and tired as hell all day and i couldnt figure it out. When i would get to the gym it would take a good 15 min for me to start to feel better and by the midway point i was hittin it hard but never had that before a d it made working out tough.
I stopped taking adex and after about 4 days i felt 100% again. Im not prone to gyno issues on low dose test so i say fuck it, no more adex for me. I dont know if others feel this way but for me adex absolutely wipes me out.
Think im gonna try aro and see if i feel better on that.
I dont know if this is your issue, but our symptoms are identical.

I am actually thinking of dropping it once this cycle is over and trying no AI or low dosage Aromasin during my cruise. A lot of people report a decrease in strength while on Adex. Also, I have been ready about the BUN levels and found some reporting of kidney issues from adex. Might be a good idea for me to get a break from it when I can. I will keep logging during my cruise and let you and others know how any adjustments go with thing such as AI change or dropping an AI.

Vg is just as good as quads too as far as being able to use both hands goes.

I have to learn that spot. I never tried and for some reason I have trouble understanding exactly where the proper location is for VG. But a lot of my reading says that is one of the ideal locations. I am going to look for some videos etc. thanks for the tip bro

@RThoads and fellas. Got my lab results back. I was feeling fatigued at the end of my cycle. A lot like the symptoms RT was displaying. My initial guess was low estrogen, my diet change (drastically reduced red meat, eggs, dark poultry meat etc.. From my diet) and blood donation causing my symptoms. Testosterone 200mg pharm cyp pinned 1 week ago, test prop 50mg pinned 1 week ago.

I'm not a doctor just know enough to be dangerous.

Hemoglobin 12.9. 12.6 - 17.7
Hematocrit 42.6. 37.5 - 51
So pretty close to low value on hemoglobin.

Things outside of normal limits
MCH 24.4. L 26.6-33.0
MCHC 30.3. L 31.5 - 35.7
AST. 48. H 0- 40
Testosterone 1511. H. 348-1197

My guess is diet change and frequent donations causing my iron to be on the low side. @HuckingFuge no need to kill me , lol ... I'm already back on my steak and eggs.

thanks for the update. I am going to try to get mine draw on this coming Sat.
Is that your cruise dosage -- the 200mg/week cyp? I only get about 600 TT on my 100mg cruise and 900 with the addition of 3x250iu hcg/week. you got a nice TT level bro, grats.
To find the vg sit in a chair and lift your foot off the ground. It's the muscle that bulges out right at the top of your pants pocket.
14 Sep 2015 (Week 4: pin 1):
100 mg Test Prop
100 mg NPP
50 mg Test Cyp
@ Right Thigh

Oral (ED):
30 mg Var (split across 3 even spaced 10 mg dosages)

Monday: 14 Sep 2015 Workout

Bodyweight = 202 lb.
(no change from Friday)

Good stuff:
Good session. Getting close to rep PR territory on Pendlay-Rows. Nothing really bothered my arm and the only discomfort I felt was very slight on the negatives when benching. Squats are still going up with consistent additions to the last set session-to-session.

Bad stuff:slight abdominal strain, very mild, not gym related—happened at work—and I am confident it will be fine by weds workout.
PIP minor nothing worth noting.

Warmup circuit:
2 mins bike
leg extensions
hamstring curls
leg adductor
leg abductor
cable internal and external rotations for rotator cuffs

315x5 (Killed it on depth--Hams actually pressed hard against my calves)
280x5 (+5lb from Friday)

Bench Press:

Pend Rows:
200x5 (+5lb from sept 4th)

BW x12
BW+45 x12
BW+45 x12 to fail

BW x8
BW+10 x6 to fail
BW+10 x6 to fail
(+10lb plate on the chain looked kinda pitiful but I have to start somewhere and try to get these moving up)

EZ-Bar Preacher Curl (strict with slow negs):
60x12 to fail
I am actually thinking of dropping it once this cycle is over and trying no AI or low dosage Aromasin during my cruise. A lot of people report a decrease in strength while on Adex. Also, I have been ready about the BUN levels and found some reporting of kidney issues from adex. Might be a good idea for me to get a break from it when I can. I will keep logging during my cruise and let you and others know how any adjustments go with thing such as AI change or dropping an AI.

I have to learn that spot. I never tried and for some reason I have trouble understanding exactly where the proper location is for VG. But a lot of my reading says that is one of the ideal locations. I am going to look for some videos etc. thanks for the tip bro

thanks for the update. I am going to try to get mine draw on this coming Sat.
Is that your cruise dosage -- the 200mg/week cyp? I only get about 600 TT on my 100mg cruise and 900 with the addition of 3x250iu hcg/week. you got a nice TT level bro, grats.

200mg/wk is my cruise dose. I'm going to drop it down to 100mg. My doc only had me at 200mg pwk to get my levels up because I restarted TRT. I'm sure she'll agree on my next visit. She did the same thing years ago when I initially started TRT. She kept me at 200mg wk for about 4-5 months. It was awesome. Is the 600 TT your trough?

My TT values may be skewed a little by the test prop I pinned the week prior to the draw. I can normally get 10X on my peak values. I'd bet you can get by cruising without an AI. Arimidex can be a bitch on your LDL as well. When I dropped my prop I dropped my AI.

It's going to be good to follow your log into a cruise. That's a good idea.
200mg/wk is my cruise dose. I'm going to drop it down to 100mg. My doc only had me at 200mg pwk to get my levels up because I restarted TRT. I'm sure she'll agree on my next visit. She did the same thing years ago when I initially started TRT. She kept me at 200mg wk for about 4-5 months. It was awesome. Is the 600 TT your trough?

My TT values may be skewed a little by the test prop I pinned the week prior to the draw. I can normally get 10X on my peak values. I'd bet you can get by cruising without an AI. Arimidex can be a bitch on your LDL as well. When I dropped my prop I dropped my AI.

It's going to be good to follow your log into a cruise. That's a good idea.

Honestly, I do not recall off-hand how many days after pin the 600 TT on my TRT cruise was but I could not have been very far off from a pin day; I have always used two pins a week (Sun and Weds) for my TRT and so I do not get very big fluctuations.
16 Sep 2015 (Week 4: pin 2)
100 mg Test Prop
100 mg NPP
@ Left Glute

Oral (ED):
30 mg Var (split across 3 even spaced 10 mg dosages)

Wednesday: 16 Sep 2015 Workout

Bodyweight = 203 lb.
(+1 lb)
Good stuff:
1RM PR on squats and overheads moving on up.
Bad stuff:Right bicep nagging me again today.
PIP minor nothing worth noting.

Warmup circuit:
2 mins bike
leg extensions
hamstring curls
leg adductor
leg abductor
cable internal and external rotations for rotator cuffs

355x1 1RM PR
(355 lb went up really easy and wanted to go for heavier but my right bicep pain was bothering me enough that it compromised my confidence in setting up and distracted me enough I did not want to risk losing good form on a heavy squat).

Strict Standing Overhead Press:
125x5 (+5lb from Friday)

Romain Deadlift + Shrug at top:
225x10 to fail
225x9 to fail

Supported Rev DB fly (rear delt laterals):
25x10 to fail

Side DB lateral raises:

Wednesday: 18 Sep 2015

Week 4: pin 3

100 mg Test Prop
100 mg NPP
50 mg Test Cyp
@ Right Glute

Oral (ED):
30 mg Var (split across 3 even spaced 10 mg dosages)


Bodyweight = 203 lb.
(no change)

Good stuff:
Rows getting heavy—finally over 200lb. Felt really strong on bench. Less fatigue today throughout the day.

Bad stuff:Right bicep nagging really bothered me this workout—basically worked through pain on this session. I am thinking it is tendonitis or something because it seems to flare up bad some days and not so bad on others. It was the worst on the negatives of bench press and limited the amount of arm work I did at the end of the workout (I had planned to do seated DB curls after EZ-bar).
PIP minor nothing worth noting.

Warmup circuit:
2 mins bike
leg extensions
hamstring curls
leg adductor
leg abductor
cable internal and external rotations for rotator cuffs
Light hammer curls and reverse barbell curls (to try to warm-up the lower bicep joint)
Band Rev flys

Off day on squats to let lower body recovery .

Bench Press:
235x5 (+5lb from Monday)
235x7 near failure

Pendlay Rows:
205x5 (+5lb from Monday)

BW x15
+45 x10
+45 x12 to fail

BW x8
+10 x8
+20 x6 to failure (I believe if my right bicep was not hurting I had more in the tank)

EZ-bar lying Tri Extensions:
90x10 to fail

EZ-bar Curls (strict with arm blaster):
80x12 <drop set> 60x7 to fail
Saturday 19 Sep 2015

the last post immediately before this one should have said "Friday 18 Sep 2015"
I made a typo on that date. but week 4 pin 3 was yesterday Friday the 18th and so was that workout listed (I lift MWF).

Since I just concluded the 4th week I went in this morning and got bloods drawn (approx 27 hours after Friday's pin). I will post those result asap when the come in.

I took some pics "cold" after getting home from the blood draw.
I readily admit I am little too high of body fat to tell small gains so not much difference will be visible from the before pics posted at the beginning of the log but those before pics where at 196 lb and pumped after lifting; I am now 203 lb and these are cold pic fasted for 16 hours for blood draw. I do feel slightly bigger and got a few comments in the gym -- might be bloat though and soon bloods will tell what my E2 is at (I have a feeling it is high).





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Sunday 20 Sep 2015

Week 5: Pin 1

100 mg Test Prop
100 mg NPP
@ Left Thigh

NEW Peptides:

100 mcg Mod GRF(1-29) + 100 mcg GHRP-2 twice daily (pre-bed and mornings)
@ SubQ


I did not want to change or add anything until I got the bloods taken;
But now since that is done with I made a few adjustments.

First, since 4 weeks are completed I am dropping the oral as originally planned (and so I don't eat all my GF's gear since she only has enough left to finish her 6 week cycle)--so no more Var or any oral unless noted.

Secondly, I am adding in some peptides with the hopes of boosting GH pulse to aid in collagen synthesis (help heel any micro trauma to my bicep and other tendons).
Mod GRF (1-29) and GHRP-2 Peptides will be taken SubQ with a slin pin right before bed and in the morning before I start cooking breakfast each day.

Monday: 21 Sep 2015 Workout

Bodyweight = 203 lb.
(no change)

Good stuff:
Feeling stronger despite illness and annoying injuries during this cycle.
No bicep pain today. I added some alt DB and hammer curls to warm-up circuit and I was very careful to make sure on all lifts to use perfect form, slower rep speeds though, and monitor bicep comfort. Standing Overhead Press (I do them strict with locked legs and glutes flexed to keep me strait upright) still moving up and 135 lb work sets planned for Friday (as goal soon to be reached).

Bad stuff:Some back pain today from outside the gym work. Tweeked it unloading a truck and it was really seizing up if I rotate to look left -– this is how it is getting old, each workout is an adventure to work around some bullshit. Hurt most while sitting, or in between sets, but really did not bother me during deadlifts. Made squats and overheads a bit more challenging but I tunred to my workout partner and said I am fucking sick of injuries and I aint got time for it so I am just working through it today.
PIP minor nothing worth noting.

Warmup circuit:
5 mins bike
leg extensions
hamstring curls
leg adductor
leg abductor
cable internal and external rotations for rotator cuffs
Light alt DB Curls
Light alt DB hammer curls

285x5 (+5lb from last week Monday)

Strict Standing Overhead Press (strict):
130x5 (+5lb from Weds)
130x6 to fail

(had wanted to add a set to start building upon but held off because of my back today)

BW x8
+20 x6 to fail
+20 x6 to fail

Side DB lateral raises:
15s x12
20s x10
25s x10
25s x10 to fail

Seated Incline DB Curls:
25s x12
30s x10 near fail
30s x10 to fail
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You have a very detailed log man. Thanks for taking the time. I learn so much from this kinda stuff.