RT's blast and cruise log

Tuesday: 22 Sep 2015

Week 5: Pin 2

100 mg Test Prop
100 mg NPP
50 mg Test Cyp
@ Left Thigh


100 mcg Mod GRF(1-29) + 100 mcg ghrp-2 twice daily (pre-bed and mornings)
@ SubQ

Week 5 Updates:
I have not mentioned the unexplained fatigue as much the past week because it has not been noticeable lately. Most days I am fine and on some days it could just be like anyone else's normal life and a matter of stress/sleep/work.
Possibly I was just sick -- I did get a soar throat and some sinus issues so the fatigue may have been just illness leading up to when the symptoms showed.
Some have suggested maybe my prolactin or E2 being too high or too low could have been it or even just my own reaction to the AI.
Bottom line is the fatigue has been less pronounced and my opinion is the fatigue was not compound related.

noticing a mild increase everywhere but a big increase on my upper arms and outer lower back (I never had it on the lower back this severe before).

Gyno Feeling a little sensitive/sore nips and getting puffy. Really hope my Bloodwork results comes back today because It is feeling like AI needs to be increased.

My back feels like shit today and so I stayed home. This was not workout related--I hurt it at work and was able to lift regardless. I know I am bias but I honestly felt better while lifting; after sleeping on it and not moving during the night it has stiffened up and if it does not improve I may consider missing or at least modifying Weds workout. No biggy, it is life and many of us run the injury obstacle course -- I will be fine.

Hunger I have been really hungry this week. It may be from adding the GHRP-2 although most say it does not have a big effect on hunger. Whatever it is, I am going to be upping food intake by about 25g P / 25g C / 10g F (approximate, just adding a decent clean snack/"half meal" at night in between some meals). Maybe needed anyway because my weight has plateaued at 203 lb.

Last edited:
Gyno sensitivity definitely flaring up. Noticed some puffy nips and a little sore over the past 48 hours. Now this evening I feel a small but hard spot--very small but I have a lot of experience with gyno (I hope one day to get surgery) and this is for sure gyno.

My bloodwork result should be in very soon, maybe tomorrow or at least by the end of the week at the latest. However, I am not waiting to act on this because I am confident this early signs of a gyno flare-up. Therefore, I popped a 1 mg adex a few hours ago and will take 10mg Tamoxifen before bed tonight. I will continue the 10mg Tamoxifen each night until there is no lumps/pain/puffy in the nip's area.

So in summary I feel I am noticing gyno and until I get better info via my mid cycle bloodwork results I am going to assume my E2 is high.

Adding/upping dosage:
10 mg Tamoxifen ED (added until gyno symptoms decline)
0.5 mg Adex EOD (up from 0.25 mg EOD)

Any comments or advice are appreciated on this adjustment. I do not want to totally crash E2 but obviously no one wants the lumps in the nips. Is the Tamoxifen a bad combo with Adex? I have it on hand in-case of Gyno but some say it interferes with Adex.
Hopefully bloodwork results come in tomorrow so I can feel more comfortable making a mire informed and specific adjustment.
Any comments or advice are appreciated on this adjustment. I do not want to totally crash E2 but obviously no one wants the lumps in the nips. Is the Tamoxifen a bad combo with Adex? I have it on hand in-case of Gyno but some say it interferes with Adex.
Hopefully bloodwork results come in tomorrow so I can feel more comfortable making a mire informed and specific adjustment.

I think @HuckingFuge said its not a good idea to run 'em together (maybe he'll pop in an explain why), but it seems they're used together in just about every cycle I've seen. I can tell ya from experience crashed e2 sucks....sucks real fucking bad!! I was using letro and nolva and pretty much felt like shit at the end of my cycle, but kept telling myself I was fine. I've also read that nolva can reduce gyno from puberty, but can take up to 6 months.

Hope your #'s from your blood work comes back where ya want 'em.
I think @HuckingFuge said its not a good idea to run 'em together (maybe he'll pop in an explain why), but it seems they're used together in just about every cycle I've seen. I can tell ya from experience crashed e2 sucks....sucks real fucking bad!! I was using letro and nolva and pretty much felt like shit at the end of my cycle, but kept telling myself I was fine. I've also read that nolva can reduce gyno from puberty, but can take up to 6 months.

Hope your #'s from your blood work comes back where ya want 'em.

This morning the nips have gone down a bit, no more acute pain or soreness in the area, and any noticeable lump is almost gone.

That is 3 days on tamoxifen from "pharmacist," popped a one time extra dose 1 mg adex, and upped the AI protocol to 0.5 mg adex EOD. AI also from "pharmacist" and I can tell both are solid legit products because I already see the improvements in my condition.

I am leaning towards doing 0.5 mg Adex MWF for a total of 1.5mg /week.
I was running ~.75 to 1 mg /week originally and I do not want to go overboard with the increase. At 0.5 EOD I would have 2 mg a week on weeks with 4 dosage days which could be too severe a jump.

Guess that is why it is called "dialing in." Nothing replaces personal experience and at least I am learning from this gyno flare-up so I will be better able to plan my next cycle.
Thursday: 24 Sep 2015

Pissed off!
I still have not received my bloodwork results. I sent in last Saturday and in the past I got the results back in two business days. My GF got her’s back on Monday morning (she also went in on Saturday—she runs Var only cycle). I really hope they did not fuck something up or mess up my name or patient number—I searched the site I don’t see any way to follow-up of pursue making sure everything is correct with it. One more business day left this week; hope the results are in tomorrow.

Week 5: Pin 3
100 mg Test Prop
100 mg NPP
50 mg Test Cyp
@ Left Glute


100 mcg Mod GRF(1-29) + 100 mcg ghrp-2 twice daily (pre-bed and mornings)
@ SubQ

Might just be all in my head but I swear I feel a drop-off in recovery since discontinuing the Var. That Var did LM legit and results at anaboliclab where perfect -- I think it was the real deal and even at only 30 mg a day I miss it already.

(Typo on Week-5: Pin #2 -- the location of Week-5 pin #2 was the right thigh; I accidentally wrote left thigh and noticed today. my rotation is Left then Right thigh followed by Left then Right glute and repeat starting back at left thigh)


Yesterdays’ workout

Wednesday: 23 Sep 2015 Workout
Bodyweight = 203 lb.
(no change)

Good stuff:
Gyno flare-up seems under control and retreating. Good Bench session even though I was working through the bicep and back pain. Really felt strong on all my bench sets and if it was not for those pains I am confident I can do much more.

Bad stuff:Back and bicep pains forced me to adjust and omit of substitute a few lifts. Not complaining, it is something many of us deal with—likely most people over 30 work around issues—so just stating it for completeness and detail.
PIP minor nothing worth noting.

Warmup circuit:
3 mins bike
leg extensions
hamstring curls
leg adductor
leg abductor
cable internal and external rotations for rotator cuffs
Light alt DB curls, and hammer curls

(stopped at 275 because of my back. Going to let it rest and hope to come back strong on lower body lifts for Friday).

Bench Press:
240x5 (+5lb from Friday)
240x6 to failure (back pain made me lose my tightness/form so I racked it)

Chest supported T-Bar Rows:
1-Plate x12
2-Plates x10
3-Plates x10
3-Plates x10
3-Plates x10 to fail
(subbed these in instead of Pendlay Row to take my lower back out of the lift. Second time doing these and was much stronger this time; last time I did two work sets of 3 plates and failed on the 8h rep of the second set---this time I got 3 solid killer nasty sets of 10 good reps.)

BW x12
BW+45 x10
BW+45 x10 to fail

BW x8
+25 x6 to fail (not even sure if that 6th rep was a rep lol – fried from the t-bar rows)
+25 x4 to fail <<drop set>> BWx 4 to fail
This morning the nips have gone down a bit, no more acute pain or soreness in the area, and any noticeable lump is almost gone.

That is 3 days on tamoxifen from "pharmacist," popped a one time extra dose 1 mg adex, and upped the AI protocol to 0.5 mg adex EOD. AI also from "pharmacist" and I can tell both are solid legit products because I already see the improvements in my condition.

I am leaning towards doing 0.5 mg Adex MWF for a total of 1.5mg /week.
I was running ~.75 to 1 mg /week originally and I do not want to go overboard with the increase. At 0.5 EOD I would have 2 mg a week on weeks with 4 dosage days which could be too severe a jump.

Guess that is why it is called "dialing in." Nothing replaces personal experience and at least I am learning from this gyno flare-up so I will be better able to plan my next cycle.

In the past running prop alone made my e2 difficult to control. I found keeping my cyp at 200mg per week and adjusting my prop dosage to say 200ish per week (EOD injections) made it much easier. Not saying it'll work for you but it helped me quite a bit. May be worth a try next blast. Also it keeps my TRT dosage consistent so when I drop the prop I drop the Adex.
In the past running prop alone made my e2 difficult to control. I found keeping my cyp at 200mg per week and adjusting my prop dosage to say 200ish per week (EOD injections) made it much easier. Not saying it'll work for you but it helped me quite a bit. May be worth a try next blast. Also it keeps my TRT dosage consistent so when I drop the prop I drop the Adex.

yeah I agree. I thought splitting my overall mg/week with a nandrolone ester would help with less E2 since it does not aromatize as much as testosterone (in theory)--will get Simec results soon and know if it was indeed Nandrolone I am working with here.

Was my first real run of anything above TRT. I rushed to get things in before my November appt with the Endo. I will do much better of planning to allow more time before doc appt next run so I may use long esters and have more stable levels with less pins--a win-win for me.

I am leaning towards planning a recomp (not a full blown pre-contest style cut but definitely an attempt to drop body fat as the priority) based mostly on test E. I will have to base it on Testosterone and some low dosage deca for joints because that is what I have a lot of (I understand people do not consider that "cut" gear but it will still help retain muscle in a deficit and may help my joints feel good and the bottom line: that is what I have my hands on); not ready to try tren yet; I am open to including Mast (if I can find some legit) or Var the last few weeks to dry out a bit, preserve lean mass while into a deeper caloric deficit at the end.

Still just brainstorming; that may all change.

Right now the focus is getting everything good on this current run, gain experience, and make gains on all my big compound lifts -- specifically I want that back-off set on squats to become another work set of 2x5x315 lb+ and Strict Standing Overheads of 3x5x135 lb+
Who did you order labs through? I use labsmd and usually get a female hormone panel back in 3-5 days, but i ordered a full male hormone panel with sensitive e2 and cholesterol etc and it took them 11 days. And in the end refunded the e2 portion because they said something messed up its results lol.
Who did you order labs through? I use labsmd and usually get a female hormone panel back in 3-5 days, but i ordered a full male hormone panel with sensitive e2 and cholesterol etc and it took them 11 days. And in the end refunded the e2 portion because they said something messed up its results lol.

labsmd to order (female hormone panel)
quest for the lab

last time I got it back in 48 hours. I guess it varies then.
thanks for your input, I appreciate it since I have no one in real life to talk to about this other than my GF and her's came back in two days.
Got the results just now. 30 mins after that last posts haha.
So it took about 5 business days (6 calendar days) this time.
My 48 hours turn around last time may have just been luck, but I did not know since that was all I had to go on I thought 48 hours was standard.
Results post to come as soon as I crop out my personal info
Mid Cycle Bloodwork results.

TT = 2204
E2 = 65

Blood sample was taken about 27 hours after last Friday's pin.
I am very happy with the TT levels for an average of 350 mg prop and 100 mg cyp per week (this is assuming my 350 mg a week of NPP is real nandrolone and not more testosterone -- waiting on Simec for those results).

Other good news is that my
BUN level is corrected! I dropped creating and reduced my protein intake for a couple months. I have slowly been upping the protein and now I am confident I can really go all out on the last few weeks of this cycle!
Liver values look great!
Hemocrit value looks good (I donated a few days before starting this cycle)


Indeed labs was a learning thing for me too.

The sensitive e2 takes about 10 days if you ever get that one. Also,there is a labsmd phone number in your order confirmation email that you can call and a real american human answers. They will log into quests site with you on the phone and make sure there are no hiccups. Friendly everytime ive called
Saturday: 26 Sep 2015

Week 5: Pin 4
100 mg Prop
100 mg NPP
50 mg Cyp (I had to do this extra Cyp for week 5 because I messed up and rather end up with a little too much than too long a gap between Cyp and a drop off)
@ Right Glute


100 mcg Mod GRF(1-29) + 100 mcg ghrp-2 twice daily (pre-bed and mornings)
@ SubQ

Adex will now be 0.5 mg MWF for a total of 1.5 mg a week.

Tamoxifen 10 mg ED I am considering running for another week to make sure the gyno is completely blocked and give my higher adex dosage time to reduce E2 levels.

Overall feeling pretty good these past few days!

yesterday's workout

Friday: 25 Sep 2015 Workout
Bodyweight = 203 lb.
(no change)

Good stuff:
Back feeling better, not much bicep pain, and I hit 135 lb on my Strict (legs locked no push) Standing Overhead Press worksets. Squats “back-off set” is almost not a back off set anymore as I am closing in on 315 lb for that set at which point I will decide to either keep loading that set or stay at 2x5x315 and add a new back-off set starting at 225 lb then start the process of loading on that.

Gyno lump and pain is gone—took care of that asap as soon as I noticed anything! (as can been seen bloodworks came confirming I was correct with E2 levels being high and as such I am sticking with an increased Adex dosage).

Bad stuff: Missed a rep on my middle workset of Overheads so it is not a PR yet (I need ot get more than 3x5x135lb) -– forms got a little sloppy and I let the bar get out front too far.
PIP is minor nothing worth noting.

Warmup circuit:
Lots of body weight squats (no bike at the gym I was visiting)
leg extensions
hamstring curls
leg adductor
leg abductor
Side and Rear DB lateral raises

295x5 (+10lb from Monday)

Standing Overhead Press (Strict):
135x5 (+5lb from Monday)
135x4 to failure (form error cost me my 5th rep)
135x5 to fail


1-Arm Overhead DB Tri Ext:
30x8 to fail
30x6 to fail

Alt DB Curls:
25s x15
35s x10
45s x10
45s x10 to fail
Great log RT, i look forward to some feedback on the peptides. Like you i deal with a banged up bicep the limits me in certain exercises and also i sacrifice strength as the pain limits me. And of course theres the shoulders[emoji6]
Anyway keep pushin hard [emoji4]
Monday: 28 Sep 2015

Week 6: Pin 1

100 mg Prop
100 mg NPP
50 mg Cyp
@ Left Thigh


100 mcg Mod GRF(1-29) + 100 mcg ghrp-2 twice daily (pre-bed and mornings)
@ SubQ

Monday: 28 Sep 2015 Workout
Bodyweight = 203 lb.
(no change) I have already upped my intake but might have to go balls to the wall all out and force feed to break this plateau

Good stuff:
Killed it on my flat bench work today; everything was solid and tight, weight went up very easy with great form and no pain -– best bench session in a long time. Considering rowing first and see if I do better again on bench next time because it had my lats pumped and arms very warm—maybe this is why I did better?

Got plans to drive two hours and meet with some people from a FB lifting group for Weds night and have a deadlift session (you know it will get competitive so maybe I go for a PR) so the shorter workout today may serve me well in being fresh for that on Weds.

Bad stuff: Had a pretty nasty bad headache and tough schedule today so my workout was cut down to minimal. I would have missed and likely should have but I did not want to miss my bench session because I have been making good progress and need to keep the frequency high.
PIP is minor nothing worth noting.

Warmup circuit:
body weight squats
leg extensions
hamstring curls
leg adductor
leg abductor
Cable internal and external rotations

Chest supported T-Bar Rows:
1-Plate x12
2-Plates x10
3-Plates x10
3-Plates x10
3-Plates x10 to fail

Bench Press:
245x5 (+5lb from last Weds)
245x7 to failure

Barbell Curls (strict with slow TUT negs):
65x10 to fail
Hows everything going RT? Hope that injury is feeling better with the npp.
Wednesday: 30 Sep 2015

Week 6: Pin 2

100 mg Prop
100 mg NPP
@ Right Thigh


100 mcg Mod GRF(1-29) + 100 mcg ghrp-2 twice daily (pre-bed and mornings)
@ SubQ


Hows everything going RT? Hope that injury is feeling better with the npp.

Thanks @Mr.B66
Injury is feeling much better. I am suffering some headaches not sure whats up with that--just been kinda sick on an off throughout this which is unfortunate.

However, the peptides are helping me get some deep sleep! and I have zero shoulder pain which is a first for me :). Hitting some PRs so overall still doing good regardless of the little nagging things. Tonight the bicep did not hurt at all. BAck felt about 90% and I was able to squat and deadlift. I will post tonight's workout tomorrow when I have some more free time -- I hit my goal on standing overheads and still have some weeks to add to it, maybe PR on it!
Wednesday: 30 Sep 2015 Workout
Bodyweight = 203 lb.
(no change; been ill the past few days—still got all meals in except for tonight's miss due to delays but maybe a little dehydrated)

NOTE: I forgot to mention, this week I switched over to using the Prop Amps. I was using vials up until now but I have some pharmacom amps so I wanted to put those to use – so amps from here on out for the prop.

Good stuff:
Hit my Standing Overhead Press goals of 3x5x135lb – got 6 easy reps on last workset. I will continue to load on the last two worksets session-to-session and see how far I can get! Was a good workout even though I was not feeling well and had to drive over an hour then wait for people to get into the gym. Really a fun session with people from the FB group and I am glad I made the drive.

Bad stuff: Had a pretty bad headache again and the over hour drive was topped off with waiting in the parking lot late at night for the guy with our passes—he got stuck in traffic and overall it put out about 4 or 5 hours from the last time I ate anything (this contributed to my headache). I am not used to lifting at 10 pm either so while I did hit my overheads hard, overall I felt a little weaker than I normal. As such I did not go for a deadlift PR and just repped 405 to participate with everyone.
PIP left thigh was still sore—maybe I moved too much during that pin.

Machine Circuit:

Bike 3 mins
body weight squats
leg extensions
hamstring curls
leg adductor
leg abductor
Cable internal and external rotations


Standing Overhead Press (Strict):
135x6 (This time I got it! – will go for 140 next week)

405x5 (felt heavy tonight – 10 pm and no food is not my style)

Wide Grip Cable Lat Pulldowns:
140x10 to fail

Side DB lateral raise:
20s x10
25s x10
30s x10 (killed these, very strict and solid reps, got compliments on it)
30s x8 to fail
Friday: 02 Oct 2015

Week 6: Pin 3

100 mg Prop
100 mg NPP
50 mg Cyp
@ Left Glute


100 mcg Mod GRF(1-29) + 100 mcgghrp-2twice daily (pre-bed and mornings)
@ SubQ

Bodyweight = 203 lb.
(no change) But lifts keep going up and again I got comments/compliments at the gym about looking bigger.

Good stuff: Reached my goal on Squats on 2x5x315 for this cycle. So that makes squats and overheads both where I wanted them to be and I have two more weeks left to add to it!
Only goals I still have not hit yet are a deadlift PR (need to beat 425) and I wanted to Pendlay row 5x225 for good solid reps. Very happy to hit those squats and it really did not tax me as much as I thought so I hope to either add a back-off set next session and start adding to that or just start adding to the top workset and have no back-off—either way I am adding something.

Bad stuff:Right bicep tendon flared up nasty again today – and again oddly it least effected rows but hurt bad on the negatives of presses. I switched lift order and puts rows first because last week when I did that I had no pain on bench (it really warms it up) but this week I forgot to do curls in my warmup circuits and it hurt on every big lifts—even simply supporting the bar during squats.

PIP is a little more noticeable so far for every pin since I switched to the amps—not super bad or anything but just slightly more than the vials were giving me.

Warmup circuit:
Bike 3 mins
body weight squats
leg extensions
hamstring curls
leg adductor
leg abductor
(simply forgot to do my rotator cuff and bicep work here)

315x5 (volume PR)

Chest supported T-Bar Rows:
1-Plate x12
2-Plates x10
3-Plates x10
3-Plates x10 to fail (bicep pain limited my performance)
3-Plates x10 to fail (the 10th rep was more of a half rep to be honest)

Bench Press:
250x5 (+5 lb from Monday)

Barbell Curls(sloppy, little swing to get it started because of working through pain):
65x10 to fail

Lying EZ-bar Tricep Extensions:
90x10 to fail
Wednesday: 30 Sep 2015 Workout
Bodyweight = 203 lb.
(no change; been ill the past few days—still got all meals in except for tonight's miss due to delays but maybe a little dehydrated)

NOTE: I forgot to mention, this week I switched over to using the Prop Amps. I was using vials up until now but I have some pharmacom amps so I wanted to put those to use – so amps from here on out for the prop.

Good stuff:
Hit my Standing Overhead Press goals of 3x5x135lb – got 6 easy reps on last workset. I will continue to load on the last two worksets session-to-session and see how far I can get! Was a good workout even though I was not feeling well and had to drive over an hour then wait for people to get into the gym. Really a fun session with people from the FB group and I am glad I made the drive.

Bad stuff: Had a pretty bad headache again and the over hour drive was topped off with waiting in the parking lot late at night for the guy with our passes—he got stuck in traffic and overall it put out about 4 or 5 hours from the last time I ate anything (this contributed to my headache). I am not used to lifting at 10 pm either so while I did hit my overheads hard, overall I felt a little weaker than I normal. As such I did not go for a deadlift PR and just repped 405 to participate with everyone.
PIP left thigh was still sore—maybe I moved too much during that pin.

Machine Circuit:

Bike 3 mins
body weight squats
leg extensions
hamstring curls
leg adductor
leg abductor
Cable internal and external rotations


Standing Overhead Press (Strict):
135x6 (This time I got it! – will go for 140 next week)

405x5 (felt heavy tonight – 10 pm and no food is not my style)

Wide Grip Cable Lat Pulldowns:
140x10 to fail

Side DB lateral raise:
20s x10
25s x10
30s x10 (killed these, very strict and solid reps, got compliments on it)
30s x8 to fail

Good to see someone else doing the standing OH press , it gets forgotten a lot of times and really helped build my delts and my overall power too . Great log RT !