RT's blast and cruise log

Friday: 28 Aug 2015

PIP is there, full and strong, hard to even get in and out the car; but it is all part of the game. Much respect to you guys running prop--I completely understand now what people have been talking about.
Good solid session tonight.

Actually weighed in a little lighter @ 193 lb.

Warmup circuit
5 mins bike
leg extensions
hamstring curls
leg adductor
leg abductor
cable internal and external rotations for rotator cuffs
light rear, front, and side DB laterals

Squats (A2G with 2 seconds pause in the hole)
225x8 back off set (will load these session to session until it becomes another work set)

Strict Standing Overhead Press (slow TUT)

405x3 (got first one double-overhad grip, then mixed after that)

405 deads are decent for me--my current 1RM is 425.

Pullups (extreme wide)
BW x8 to fail
BW x7 to fail
BW x5 to fail

<<pullups super set with GHR>>

Glute Ham Raises
BW x6 to fail
BW x5 to fail
BW x2 to fail (cramps -- post chain is totally done :D)

Standing DB Curls
25s x10
30s x10
35s x8
40s x8

<<curls super set with tris>>

One-arm overhead DB Tri ext
20s x12
25s x10
35s x6 to fail <drop set> 30s x4 to fail

Friday: 28 Aug 2015

PIP is there, full and strong, hard to even get in and out the car; but it is all part of the game. Much respect to you guys running prop--I completely understand now what people have been talking about.
Good solid session tonight.

Actually weighed in a little lighter @ 193 lb.

Warmup circuit
5 mins bike
leg extensions
hamstring curls
leg adductor
leg abductor
cable internal and external rotations for rotator cuffs
light rear, front, and side DB laterals

Squats (A2G with 2 seconds pause in the hole)
225x8 back off set (will load these session to session until it becomes another work set)

Strict Standing Overhead Press (slow TUT)

405x3 (got first one double-overhad grip, then mixed after that)

405 deads are decent for me--my current 1RM is 425.

Pullups (extreme wide)
BW x8 to fail
BW x7 to fail
BW x5 to fail

<<pullups super set with GHR>>

Glute Ham Raises
BW x6 to fail
BW x5 to fail
BW x2 to fail (cramps -- post chain is totally done :D)

Standing DB Curls
25s x10
30s x10
35s x8
40s x8

<<curls super set with tris>>

One-arm overhead DB Tri ext
20s x12
25s x10
35s x6 to fail <drop set> 30s x4 to fail

Yep, Prop PIP is no joke. Depending on the supplier / batch shit could always be worst. I'm running some from a CP and it's not too bad. I've been pinning quads and glutes EOD for the past 7 wks with it mixed with Npp. For me PIP gets better during the cycle unless the gear is bull shit (badly brewed).

Keep going strong brother.
Yep, Prop PIP is no joke. Depending on the supplier / batch shit could always be worst. I'm running some from a CP and it's not too bad. I've been pinning quads and glutes EOD for the past 7 wks with it mixed with Npp. For me PIP gets better during the cycle unless the gear is bull shit (badly brewed).

Keep going strong brother.

I am new to it, only thing I used before was cyp.
do you have any advice or tips for dealing with it? It was super easy the first 24 hours but pretty nasty now. I am viewing it like a match with me vs the PIP and this shit is trying to get me to tap out.
I have been told do NOT ice!
Use a heating pad on the area.
Warm vial in hot water before pinning it.
Take aspirin.

Is that all good info? appreciate your more experienced opinion brother!
I am new to it, only thing I used before was cyp.
do you have any advice or tips for dealing with it? It was super easy the first 24 hours but pretty nasty now. I am viewing it like a match with me vs the PIP and this shit is trying to get me to tap out.
I have been told do NOT ice!
Use a heating pad on the area.
Warm vial in hot water before pinning it.
Take aspirin.

Is that all good info? appreciate your more experienced opinion brother!

Don't ice it.
The heating pad is good to use to heat the oil and on the injection site.
Massaging the injection site.
Warm compress to the site.
Hell, I even used my heated seats in the car in the dead of summer before.
You could cut the oil (add cotton seed oil, Grape seed oil, or your oil of choice to the vial or your pin).
I used a tens unit on the site as well.
Pin less oil or use larger muscles to pin.
Pinning quads on leg day seems to help.
Stretching the muscle helps me as well.

You could be sensitive to EO that pharmacom uses in their oils. Some people are. For me PIP only last 1 or 2 days following the injection. Not crippling or interfering with my work outs but just enough to know its there when flexing the muscle. Everyone is different.
Edit... It shouldn't last for a week or be swollen, red, fever or chills.
Thanks @strongsafety41 much appreciated. It did not hinder my workout and actually while lifting was the only time it didn't bother me. It is most painful just sitting around and getting into or out of the car.

I will try the heating pad and warm the oil. Tomorrow is right quad up on the rotation and then I move to glutes after that for the next two. Going to try to just use quads and glutes and rotate so each spot only get one pin a week tops.
thanks again for taking time to give me tips!
Thanks @strongsafety41 much appreciated. It did not hinder my workout and actually while lifting was the only time it didn't bother me. It is most painful just sitting around and getting into or out of the car.

I will try the heating pad and warm the oil. Tomorrow is right quad up on the rotation and then I move to glutes after that for the next two. Going to try to just use quads and glutes and rotate so each spot only get one pin a week tops.
thanks again for taking time to give me tips!

No problem. Glad to help. Some guys have problems pinning quads when it comes to pip. I was one and use to prefer pinning delts. But now I'm in love with quads. I like the fact it's right there in front of you without any twisting and torquing the body. Keeping a steady hand helps with pip as well. I use an inch 25g needle when pinning quads. Love it.
Do you pin bevel of the needle up? This can help as well.

Bevel up, relax the muscle that's being pinned.
For example if you're pinning your right glute, shift your weight to left leg and completely relax your right leg. Bevel of needle up, needle parallel to the floor, inject.
Do you pin bevel of the needle up? This can help as well.

Bevel up, relax the muscle that's being pinned.
For example if you're pinning your right glute, shift your weight to left leg and completely relax your right leg. Bevel of needle up, needle parallel to the floor, inject.

yes, I do that and I use a draw needle and then a new needle to pin with. I will try to pn slower tomorrow--just read that helps too.
yes, I do that and I use a draw needle and then a new needle to pin with. I will try to pn slower tomorrow--just read that helps too.

Yep. You've been self injecting TRT for a while, you know what look for and how to inject. Sounds like you may just have to get use to that Prop. It gets better bro.
29 Aug 2015 (Week 1: pin 2)
100 mg Test Prop
100 mg NPP
50 mg Test Cyp

@ Right Thigh

Oral (ED)
30 mg Var (split across 3 even spaced 10 mg dosages)
Good news the PIP in left quad is just about all gone :D (from my first pin on Thursday the 27 Aug 2015).
Was really tough for about a day, got to where it was almost had me thinking it would be hard to walk or move. Used the heating pad, manned up, walked it off today and now I am sitting here with nothing more than the feeling of DOMs after a good workout.

Right quad from the 2nd pin has only a slight discomfort right now. Bottom line is good news I am sticking with the prop!

Bad news is that I seen testing results of the prop and it is 10% under dosed:

However, since this is my first real blast/cycle I am just going to stick with dosages as panned and as if it were fully dosed incase my batch is better. Therefore, my posts will still read 100mg test prop meaning I pinned a mL of the 100mg/mL labeled gear I have.

Labmaxed my Watson as a reference tonight and then my Pharmacom test cyp -- will be posting those results tomorrow when I finished uploading vids/pics to youtube.
Labmaxs are posted for some of the gear I have. I will try to get to the other compounds when time permits but these where my priority because my GF will use the Var (didn't want to end up with a tranny :eek: from dbol or something else) and I am depending upon the cyp to match my Watson for minimum TRT needs.

Pharmacom Oxandrolone:

Pharmacom Test Cyp:


Watson Test Cyp
(for myself to have a reference to compare my other cyp aganst):

To me, the Watson gave the strongest and best results (this was an obvious expectation) and the Pharmacom did look like the correct results but not as strong of color and fluorescence under the UV light. Bloodwork in a few weeks will tell the more important story of how it is all working for me. But for now anyone's guess and LM insights are greatly appreciate in the respective threads listed above. thanks
If pips that bad you obviously should be cutting your gear with some sterile gso.

I am shooting 150 mg of prop four days a week. I have zero pip and I am cutting it with gso @ .5 ml per 1 ml of prop.

Also try warming the oil before injection. I also find massaging the site in the shower with hot water blasting on it helps to.
Good luck! :)
Are you getting pip from the pharmacom test P?? If so thats interesting cause i get zero pip from their prop. I guess it is an individual response.
Are you getting pip from the pharmacom test P?? If so thats interesting cause i get zero pip from their prop. I guess it is an individual response.

yes, everything for this blast is Pharmacom including the test cyp. hoping that the cyp is good; I picked up 4 vials so I can save up some of my Watson because my insurance is about to change and I will need to find a new doc :(.

I am just new to the prop -- I think it is just me with a lack of experience and not the gear. With that said it was only intense for one evening. Plan is to stick with it and gain experience.
Sorry if this was addressed already but your rbc and hematocrit are already out of range. If you're going to be upping your aas I'd suggest a donation asap and retesting sooner than later.
Sorry if this was addressed already but your rbc and hematocrit are already out of range. If you're going to be upping your aas I'd suggest a donation asap and retesting sooner than later.

yes, good advice for sure!
I have recently donated (the week before starting this cycle) and will do bloods again in a couple weeks to 1) make sure those values are not an issue to my health and 2) to see my testosterone levels and know how I respond to these dosages.

I am thinking of waiting until about the end of week 3 to get checked again.
Also, I think I will just go ahead and donate blood every couple months because even on TRT it seems this is going to be an issue for me.

I looked up ways besides donation to help lower those values but it looks like the only other way is literally not eating all the good foods we need to make gains.
I hate donating--it is cool that it helps others though and that is awesome but I just fucking feel shitty in there which is weird since I pin myself so I don;t get it why that needle gives me the creeps.
Aside from donating cardio might help some. I also take ip6 every night as an iron chelator but there's not much science backing it up.
Aside from donating cardio might help some. I also take ip6 every night as an iron chelator but there's not much science backing it up.

I will have to look into that . if you know any other supps or even foods that help let me know. I also snore at night and I read some study that linked snoring to poor oxygen levels and the physiological response is to make more RBC.

I do need to up my cardio , damn I need more hours in the day ya'all know how life is fitting everything in