RT's blast and cruise log

I will have to look into that . if you know any other supps or even foods that help let me know. I also snore at night and I read some study that linked snoring to poor oxygen levels and the physiological response is to make more RBC.

I do need to up my cardio , damn I need more hours in the day ya'all know how life is fitting everything in
I do ten minutes of hiit cardio five days a week. Two minutes slow pace, thirty seconds all out... Repeat four times. Seems to get the job done without spending too much time on it.
I do ten minutes of hiit cardio five days a week. Two minutes slow pace, thirty seconds all out... Repeat four times. Seems to get the job done without spending too much time on it.

I will try to add in some HIIT instead of steady-state and see how I feel with it. I never really did HIIT but I am in better shape now and it may be a better option for me at this point.

Hey, sorry to keep asking you stuff but I just tried to read about the IP6 and all I can find is a wikipedia on the chemical. Do you have any links to supplements or any other info? sorry, I just never heard of or thought about taking an iron chelator and want to learn more.
I will try to add in some HIIT instead of steady-state and see how I feel with it. I never really did HIIT but I am in better shape now and it may be a better option for me at this point.

Hey, sorry to keep asking you stuff but I just tried to read about the IP6 and all I can find is a wikipedia on the chemical. Do you have any links to supplements or any other info? sorry, I just never heard of or thought about taking an iron chelator and want to learn more.
There's no real studies that show ip6 lowering hematocrit that I'm aware of... If there were we'd all be using it by now. I'm taking it based on some anecdotal evidence from some guys I trust.
31 Aug 2015 (Week 2: pin 1)
even though this is week #2 it will be my first full dosage week since I had to wait for my other compounds to arrive and that delayed me starting until mid week in week one.

100 mg Test Prop
100 mg NPP
50 mg Test Cyp

@ Left Glute

Oral (ED)
30 mg Var (split across 3 even spaced 10 mg dosages)
Mon: 31 Aug 2015

Body weight: 196 lb

Zero PIP remaining in first site (Left Quad)
Very minor PIP in second site (Right Quad)
Moderately Sore in this morning’s site (Left Glute)
Overall feeling good!

Warmup circuit
5 mins bike
leg extensions
hamstring curls
leg adductor
leg abductor
cable internal and external rotations for rotator cuffs


Flat Bench Press
245x3 to fail
245x2 to fail <<drop set>> 225x2 to fail

Chest supported DB Rows
45s x10
55s x10
65s x10
75s x9 to fail
75s x9 to fail


BW x15
BW+45 x10

BW x7 (wide) to fail
BW x7 (wide) to fail
BW x5 (extreme wide grip) to fail
Well first noticeable effect -- I am getting hungry a lot!
About to say fuck it and add 50g protein per day and some more good fats (olive oil) to the meal plan so I can fit another meal because I am seriously feeling like I am starving.

Nothing else changed except going on cycle but I am the most hungry I have have ever been without actively trying to lose weight. I train the same, same schedule, same foods etc... maybe it is the NPP!
01 Sep 2015 (Week 2: pin 2)

100 mg Test Prop
100 mg NPP

@ Right Glute

Oral (ED)
30 mg Var (split across 3 even spaced 10 mg dosages)


Wed: 01 Sep 2015 Workout
Bodyweight = 197 lb.

Good workout tonight. I am weak on pressing because I had shoulder impingement and pain that caused me to be inconsistent but this time overheads felt better than they have in months! Overall I feel all my joints are doing better (maybe placebo or maybe the NPP).

Warmup circuit
5 mins bike
leg extensions
hamstring curls
leg adductor
leg abductor
cable internal and external rotations for rotator cuffs

245x5 (backoff set was much easier than Monday's even though I added +10 lb)

Strict Standing Overhead Press



BW x15
BW+45 x10

BW x8 (wide) to fail
BW x8 (extreme wide) to fail

Reverse Fly Machine
04 Sep 2015 (Week 2: pin 3)
100 mg Test Prop
100 mg NPP
50 mg Test Cyp
@ Left Thigh

Oral (ED)
30 mg Var (split across 3 even spaced 10 mg dosages)

in right glute is super intense--has me a bit worried if I did something wrong. I was clean, used alcohol, changed draw needle out and used fresh pin to shoot with—did everything exactly the same as all other pins. Heating pad makes it feel worse this time :/ very odd. I will simply monitor it and hopefully it is good to go soon.

ALL other sites feel great, 100% perfect! Right thigh never really had any PIP to note and I pinned the left thigh today so far all good.

Friday: 04 Sep 2015 Workout
Bodyweight = 198 lb.

Gym had to be over 100 degrees today and Vietnam level humidity! Seriously—no AC and all the garage doors up to try to get air flow and sun was blazing outside. It was tough just sitting in traffic driving there so I am happy to still have gotten a decent session! I kept it simple and just did more sets of the big compounds because I just was not feeling motivated to do a bunch of different things or set up stations etc. With the heat and humidity in mind I feel like I killed it on squats today. Had some pain on bench in the right shoulder and elbow so instead of adding weight I added volume in terms of more sets (also I have not been hitting my target 5 reps so I felt it better to drop weight and add sets then start loading back up across the increased new volume from session to session with +5lb additions). Rows felt easy—only reason I did not go heavier was the pain in the inside surface of right my elbow joint. I cannot say I feel any strength increase but I have to be enjoying at least a slight recovery benefit because I am hitting frequent squats all very deep 3x a week and just pulled 405x3 again on weds but was fresh enough today to hit it even in the 100+ degrees!

Warmup circuit
5 mins treadmill walk
leg extensions
hamstring curls
leg adductor
leg abductor
Rear, front, side delt DB lateral raises

315x5 (felt like I might have been able to hit a tough 6th rep)
255x5 (added +10 lb from weds)

Bench Press
225x5 (pain during the negatives making it difficult to lower but easy to throw it up)

Pendlay Rows

Seated 2handed OverHead DB Tri Ext

Seated Incline DB Curls (have not done these in 20 years and I was totally burnt out by this point so 25s were enough to get a pump).
25s x12
25s x12
25s x10
25s x10
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oh also, I am for sure adding +50-75 more grams of protein a day with a little more carbs and fats to go with it! I have just been too hungry and since this is not a cut and I am getting bloods done in a few weeks (remember my protein was kept lower because I was worried about my BUN value) I thought I can go for it.

@HuckingFuge hope I can make you proud of me ;)
06 Sep 2015 (Week 3: pin 1)
100 mg Test Prop
100 mg NPP
50 mg Test Cyp
@ Right Thigh

Oral (ED)
30 mg Var (split across 3 even spaced 10 mg dosages)

Good News PIP everywhere has mostly gone away -- I feel very relieved. Today's pin went smooth and I took my time with it going well over 30 seconds to almost a minute of slowly and evenly pushing the oil through.

Bad News is that the pain I was feeling in the inside surface of my right elbow joint during the last workout (it limited my weight on bench and curls) may not have been elbow join pain at all -- my entire right bicep is very sore and not DOMS but more of a strain. During the workout I could not really feel what was hurting because I was all warmed up and hyped to lift etc but now that time has past it is easy to tell it is a mild bicep strain. Pissed because it might effect pullups and that was one of the main lifts I was really trying to bring up during this phase. On rows I may switch to lighter weight and to 10s or 12s instead of 5s. I guess I can just hope it heals fast and that nothing has to be adjusted but if it is strained I am ready to work with it and will make the changes needed to keep moving forward and still progress on my lifts.

I wish you all a happy and safe Labor day -- I am going to head out to a cook out right now and then later this evening I have a birthday party for a friend--she turned 40! so This will be a cheat day :D I Already had big breakfast and about to kill some chicken breasts for lunch before heading out to eat all day! #gainz ;)
You have a great labor day as well RT !!
Pop some alleve and ice that bicep, should help it heal quicker..
Thats my go to when my biceps tendon is hurtin from the heavy liftin.
Monday: 07 Sep 2015 Workout

Bodyweight = 201 lb. !!! Hell yeah broke into the 200s
(I am sure all the eating at two cookouts/parties yesterday helped with that)

Tired from a very long day and night on Sunday. But I had fun visiting many olds friends at two different holiday cookouts and birthday parties. No macro counting! Just eat eat eat all day and night—slab of ribs, burgers, nachos, tacos, cake etc – I went big on about 8 meals and lots of little stuff in between!

Right bicep still hurting so I will omit pullups and just add another set of weighted dips and RDL instead of conventional just so I may still get posterior chain work with holding a much lighter weight.

No notable PIP anywhere today.

Warmup circuit
5 mins bike
leg extensions
hamstring curls
leg adductor
leg abductor
Cable internal and external rotations

315x5 (felt a little tougher than Friday—but I was really tired)
265x5 (added +10 lb from Fri)

Strict Overhead Press
115x5 (+5 lb from last weds)

Romanian Deadlift + Shrug at top


BW x15

Supported Reverse DB flys
15s x12
20s x12
20s x10 (rear delts so pumped and burning from doing these strict and TUT that I pussed out at ten instead of hitting all 12)
08 Sep 2015 (Week 3: pin 2)
100 mg Test Prop
100 mg NPP
@ Left Glute

Oral (ED)
30 mg Var (split across 3 even spaced 10 mg dosages)

Anyone know if anything I am running may cause a lazy or fatigued/flu feeling?

again a reminder I am running:
test prop
test cyp

Even though I am hitting my lifts regardless of feeling tired the past few sessions, I have been feeling really sluggish and just lazy for more than a couple days now -- I have not read anything that points to anything I am running and maybe I am just a little sick or something or simply tired from work and shit. But I truly feel really lazy without any explanation or cause and it does not hurt to ask and always try to learn more.
Weds: 09 Sep 2015 Workout

Bodyweight = 201 lb.

Good stuff:
Held onto the over 200lb bodyweight so it might NOT be just bloat from the cookouts Sunday--maybe some gains! A couple guys I have not seen at the gym for a few weeks also commented on mew looking bigger and asked if I gained a lot of weight. Zero PIP anywhere.

Bad stuff: Still feeling a little under the weather -- I am thinking I might just be having some bad luck a getting sick and it is nothing to do with the cycle.
Right Bicep is really aggravated--messed with my squat form (stupid and no need to do that) to try to be more upright and I started to lose the 315 lb off my rear delts and caught all the weight into my right hand; I thought I tore it all and racked it asap but the pain was temporary.

Only problem is that side was what was already giving me trouble so it is just getting beat up. Took it easy and subbed in a few changes to make for a quicker and less brutal workout.

Oddly, the issue in the right bicep is most painful on bench press during the negative of the first couple reps, significantly more than any other lift, then later reps not so much pain; so I just did a couple higher rep sets instead of the 5x5.

Warmup circuit:
2 mins bike
leg extensions
hamstring curls
leg adductor
leg abductor
cable internal and external rotations for rotator cuffs


Flat Bench Press:
<less than 1 min rest>
230x8 to fail

Chest supported T-Bar Rows (slow TUT negatives)
1-Plate x12
2-Plates x10
3-Plates x10
3-Plates x8 to fail
really felt a good pump in my lats on these.


BW x12
BW+45 x12
BW+45 x10

<<super set with>>

BW x5 (wide) to fail
BW x4 (wide) to fail
(right bicep bothering me and limited the pullups as I expected)

1 min plank
leg raises x12
10 Sep 2015 (Week 3: pin 3)
100 mg Test Prop
100 mg NPP
50 mg Test Cyp
@ Right Glute

Oral (ED)
30 mg Var (split across 3 even spaced 10 mg dosages)


Working on learning how to send a vial to Simec and also just ordered bloods.
I already got the bloodwork requisition papers tonight. If I am not feeling any better (very fatigued) in the next couple days I will get bloodwork asap because I am told it may be caused my E2 levels. Zero gyno though so not sure what is up. bloods will tell me E2 and much much more!
10 Sep 2015 (Week 3: pin 3)
100 mg Test Prop
100 mg NPP
50 mg Test Cyp
@ Right Glute

Oral (ED)
30 mg Var (split across 3 even spaced 10 mg dosages)


Working on learning how to send a vial to Simec and also just ordered bloods.
I already got the bloodwork requisition papers tonight. If I am not feeling any better (very fatigued) in the next couple days I will get bloodwork asap because I am told it may be caused my E2 levels. Zero gyno though so not sure what is up. bloods will tell me E2 and much much more!

Bloods will tell you the story. You may have crashed your E2 which can cause fatigue. How are you running your AI (E3D?? What dose??). Any dry joint pain?

I just finished up my blast (cyp, prop, Npp) adex 1mg per week (Tues, Saturday). I'm having similar fatigue issues. I'm thinking its E2 related or low iron (seeing I donated last week and my hemoglobin baseline was 13.2). Did bloods today will let you know more tomorrow with the results.
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Bloods will tell you the story. You may have crashed your E2 which can cause fatigue. How are you running your AI (E3D?? What dose??). Any dry joint pain?

I just finished up my blast (cyp, prop, Npp) adex 1mg per week (Tues, Saturday). I'm having similar fatigue issues. I'm thinking its E2 related or low iron (seeing I donated last week and my hemoglobin baseline was 13.2). Did bloods today will let you know more tomorrow with the results.

No joint pains; actually joints feel the best they have in all year. look forward to see your results and I hope everything is good for you.

I run 0.25 mg Adex EOD (good stuff from "Pharmacist" here on Meso). It shouldn't crash me since that is what I am used to running during my cruise (ran it for months) because I automatize easily and sensitive to gyno. It did have me a little--low pre-blast blood showed I was below 20 on the E2 but I stayed with that dosage since I was introducing more test. I am actually worried about maybe running high on the E2 but I am not looking bloated and no gyno. Might be completely unrelated. As you know I did donate as well right before the blast.

I will get bloods most likely a week from tomorrow at the end of my 4th week on this cycle. I already have paid privatemdlabs and have my papers in so I will for sure be getting bloods very soon.

Off to the gym. The arm if feeling a little better today and so I am ready to get at it!
No joint pains; actually joints feel the best they have in all year. look forward to see your results and I hope everything is good for you.

I run 0.25 mg Adex EOD (good stuff from "Pharmacist" here on Meso). It shouldn't crash me since that is what I am used to running during my cruise (ran it for months) because I automatize easily and sensitive to gyno. It did have me a little--low pre-blast blood showed I was below 20 on the E2 but I stayed with that dosage since I was introducing more test. I am actually worried about maybe running high on the E2 but I am not looking bloated and no gyno. Might be completely unrelated. As you know I did donate as well right before the blast.

I will get bloods most likely a week from tomorrow at the end of my 4th week on this cycle. I already have paid privatemdlabs and have my papers in so I will for sure be getting bloods very soon.

Off to the gym. The arm if feeling a little better today and so I am ready to get at it!

Good to see you're feeling better. Its hard to find a culprit of your recent fatigue. Labs will definitely help once you get those going.
I'm waiting patiently for my results. It's odd because within the last couple of years I've always gotten the female hormone panel back the next day. Maybe I'll get the results tomorrow. Either way I'll let you know. Kill that workout brother!
Friday: 11 Sep 2015 Workout

Bodyweight = 202 lb.
(+1 from last session)

Good stuff:
Body weight up another pound since last session. Right bicep felt decent with only slight discomfort. Killed it today with a rep PR of 405x5 on deadlifts that went up pretty smooth and easy and a solid squat session with short rests and the best I have ever felt under 315 followed by a back-off of 275 that felt really light. Overhead still consistently adding weight from session to session and hope to back to plates and above soon (that is where I was at before my should injury some months ago).

Bad stuff:The damn fatigue during the day. I was worried that I would not even have a good workout but once I started lifting I was fine. It is just throughout the day doing normal activity I always feel like I could take a nap at any moment.
PIP right ass is killing me, everywhere else is fine; this spot hurt the most last week also but always seems to go away in a couple days.

Warmup circuit:
2 mins bike
leg extensions
hamstring curls
leg adductor
leg abductor
cable internal and external rotations for rotator cuffs


Strict Standing Overhead Press:

405x5 (rep 5RM PR)

PullUps: (only lift that bothered my right bicep)
BW x8 to fail
BW x7 to fail
BW x7 to fail

2handed DB overhead Tri Ext:


Barbell Curl (strict with arm-blaster and slow negs):

1Handed DB overhead Tri Ext:
20s x10
25s x10
30s x5 to fail

Incline seated DB curls:
25s x12
30s x10 to fail