RT's blast and cruise log

18 Oct 2015

Last Pin...

Week 9: Pin 1

100 mg Test Prop
100 mg NPP
@ Right Glute

Tamoxifen will be resumed at 20mg ED because I am noticing a small lump starting again. Then once the lump is controlled I will drop to 10 mg ED for a little while to carry me into my TRT cruise dosage without as much fear of sides from a potential change in my androgen/estrogen ratio (the blast is done but my E2 seems to still be a little high and this will help block gyno while giving me some time to let that E2 come back down).

I am stopping my peptides because I had just ordered some GH and will get bloodwork done for serum GH and IGF-1 levels; thus, since I want to test the results of the GH, I stopped the peptides so I will have a few weeks before my bloodwork without any other influence upon the values to be tested.


8th Week Results:

ALL Kinds of Gainz!!!

Body weight up 10 lb

Squats up from a very difficult 5x315 to an easy 5x335 5RM and a 375 max PR.

Bench up from 1x5x245 (failed to get 5 reps on a second work set) to 3x5x265 and a 5RM of 5x285.

Deadlifts up from 5x365 to consistently getting 5x405 and a new max of 455!

Strict Standing Overhead Press up from 3x5x100 to a 5RM of 5x155!

I stopped consistently training pullups, Pendlay rows, and Weighted dips because of an issue with my right bicep tendon -- but I know they are all up from where they were even if I had to work through the current pain that limits those lifts.

Overall I am very happy with the results and experience of this cycle. It taught me a lot. It sucks that I was sick for the first half and then my bicep was injured for most or I know I would have made even better gains. I wish I would have tackled the gyno flare up and my gut instinct that my E2 was high sooner (mid-cycle bloods showed I was correct). I also learned that ED or EOD pins look fine on paper and when the cycle first started it was ok because hype had me excited--but that often of pinning soon got old and was a pain to schedule around; next cycle will be better scheduled in terms of my doc bloodworks etc and allow me to use long esters with two or three pins a week. Gains clearly came but there was no magic huge hyped burst or anything--it still was all about putting in dedicated hard work, progressive overload, and eating right. I hit all of my goals except a 5x225 Pendlay row -- so this 8 weeks was a great success!

I will try to get pics asap when my GF can take some of me and I have time to edit out any tats or other personal identity info etc.

Thank you to everyone that followed my log -- I appreciate all the support!

NOTE: stick around if you want to see how my cruise pans out. Moving forward I will continue this log while I cruise and then start a new log the next time I start a new cycle/blast. During cruise I have decided to train differently and use a P/P/L 3 on 1 off, or even try 6 on 1 off, with shorter workouts that focus upon just one area -- this change is not because of coming off cycle, but because I have been in low rep ranges for most of the year and just need to do something different.

Cruise dosages will start at:
100 mg Watson Test Cyp / week (50 mg Sun / 50 mg Weds)
1 mg Adex /week (split into halve or quarters and evenly spaced)
HCG will currently be discontinued (to prevent desensitization)

21 Oct 2015

here are some Results / week-9 progress pics
from this morning
(cold no pumps -- 205 lb which is +10 lb in 8 weeks):





Wednesday: 21 Oct 2015

NOTE: This is the start of my cruise (100 mg test cyp / week) and I will be training using a P/P/L split with either a 3-on/1-off or is possible a 6-on/1-off schedule.

Workout: Pull
Bodyweight = 205 lb.

Warmups circuit:
Cable internal and external rotations
Light barbell curls
Light band pull-aparts
Light camber-bar cable pull-down

BW x8
BW x8 to fail
BW x6 to fail

Pendlay Rows:

T-Bar Rows (supported):1-plate x10
2-plates x10
2-plates x10
2-plates x10 to fail

Wide Grip BTN cable PullDowns (TUT slow with 2 sec hold at the bottom):


Barbell Curls:

65x12 to fail

Seated DB Curls:

25s x10
25s x12 to fail

Reverse Fly Machine (rear delts):

Thursday: 22 Oct 2015

Workout: Legs
Bodyweight = 205 lb.

Warmups and Circuit:
Bike 3 mins
body weight squats
leg extuensions
hamstring crls
leg adductor
leg abductor


DB Reverse Lunges (reps per leg): I have never done these before
25s x8
25s x5
25s x5

Leg Press:
2-plates x10
4-plates x10
6-plates x10
8-plates x10

Lying Leg Curls:
90x6 (just ramping up to GHRs)

Glute Ham Raises (from floor with feet under platform):
BW x3 to fail
BW x4 w/spotter assist (hold my arms out and GF helps me just enough to keep me moving through the entire ROM)
BW x5 w/spotter assist

Standing Calf Raise Machine (slow TUT reps with 1 sec flex hold at top):
Its been great following you through your blast RT, you made some good gains and set some PRs so i would say you had a successful run for sure. Also good to hear your nagging bicep is starting to heal, do you feel the peptides helped? Curious cause i have a nagging shoulder issue and its to the point of hindering my training.
Its been great following you through your blast RT, you made some good gains and set some PRs so i would say you had a successful run for sure. Also good to hear your nagging bicep is starting to heal, do you feel the peptides helped? Curious cause i have a nagging shoulder issue and its to the point of hindering my training.

yes, I do feel as if I heal faster while running the peptides. This go I did not run the GRF/GHRP combinations long enough though because I decided to drop everything in order to get a more accurate trial of the pharmatropin I will be running soon.

The BPC157 has always helped me heal faster and I beleive it did so this time (although I am not at all completely healed, it did allow me to train and has a slight anti-inflamtion effect for me). I did not have any TB500 (actually what I use is TB4) but I wish I did because that combined with the others was running really has profound healing effects and big anti-inflammation for me (it was simply a budget issue preventing another order and so I could only use what I had left in the freezer).

My peps are clinical grader from Toms (datBtrue) and as with anything personal responses may vary from one individual to another and various quality levels depending upon the source etc, but for me I will be ordering again (from Toms) once I can afford to do so.
yes, I do feel as if I heal faster while running the peptides. This go I did not run the GRF/GHRP combinations long enough though because I decided to drop everything in order to get a more accurate trial of the pharmatropin I will be running soon.

The BPC157 has always helped me heal faster and I beleive it did so this time (although I am not at all completely healed, it did allow me to train and has a slight anti-inflamtion effect for me). I did not have any TB500 (actually what I use is TB4) but I wish I did because that combined with the others was running really has profound healing effects and big anti-inflammation for me (it was simply a budget issue preventing another order and so I could only use what I had left in the freezer).

My peps are clinical grader from Toms (datBtrue) and as with anything personal responses may vary from one individual to another and various quality levels depending upon the source etc, but for me I will be ordering again (from Toms) once I can afford to do so.
That sounds very interesting. Thanks for the explanation RT i think i may be looking into this. Right now i know nothing about peptides so i better start reading.
Friday: 23 Oct 2015

Workout: Push
Bodyweight = 205 lb.

Warmups and Circuit:
Internal and External rotations
band pull-aparts
Light DB curls


Strict Standing Overhead Press:
135x6 to fail

BW x10
+45 x10
+45 x10

Lying EZ-bar Tri Extension:

Low Pully Cable Chest Flys (TUT slow negs and 2 sec squeeze at top):
30s x10
40s x10
40s x8 to fail

DB Side Lateral Raises:
20s x10
25s x10
It may not look like much, but wow these past few days actually have me sore with some DOMs. I am busting ass to keep the pace fast and intense -- one hour in the gym. The added volume and different style/split has me off guard. I milk every set with TUT and slow negs to get everything out of every rep! my asss is totally kicked in a good way and 6-days a week is nasty.

but I am determined to hold ALL of the gains! and I hope to even get some added hypertrophy during this cruise so I head into the next cycle ready for some big head-turning gains -- I want fuckers that have not seen me to get that jaw droping look and make those hater juice comments that flatter us all! haha
Monday: 26 Oct 2015

Workout: Legs
Bodyweight = 205 lb.

Warmups and Circuit:
Bike 3mins
body weight squats
leg extuensions
hamstring crls
leg adductor
leg abductor


DB Reverse Lunges (reps per leg):
25s x8
30s x8
30s x8

Leg Press:
2-plates x10
4-plates x10
6-plates x10
8-plates x10

Lying Leg Curls:
90x10 near failure

Glute Ham Raises (from floor with feet under platform):
BW x3 spotted assisted
BW x5 w/spotter assist to fail

Standing Calf Raise Machine (slow TUT reps with 1 sec flex hold at top):
200x10 <<rest pause>> 200x6
2608 to fail
Tuesday: 27 Oct 2015

Workout: Push
Bodyweight = 204 lb. (Nooooo! haha Lost a lb :/ lets hope it was fat or water bloat)

Warmups and Circuit:
Internal and External rotations
band pull-aparts
Light DB curls

225x9 to fail
225x5 to fail

Strict Standing Overhead Press:
115x9 to fail
115x5 to fail

BW x10
+45 x10
+45 x12 to fail

Machine Fly:
110x10 to fail

Rope Cable Overhead Tri Extension:

<<Super Set with>>

Machine Side Lateral Raises:
Albuterol from Pharmacist is here and I am looking into playing with that a bit at really low dosage. also have some other goodies from him for my recomp when the time comes.

but the big news is my Pharmatropin is here and I pinned it this morning pre-workout just 2 iu to test for any irritation (192 seq will cause problems so I wanted to start really low) so far zero noticeable anything.

The Plan is to try it at low dosage for a few days; then I will go with 5 iu a day for about two weeks (a little longer) and conclude with a big 10iu IM pin 3 hours before I go in for bloodwork to test serum GH and IGF-1. While I know this is not perfect (superior methods were suggested whereas I run it for 3 to 4 weeks, have a pre bloodwork and post bloodwork etc -- I agree that is better) this is the best I can do with resources I have available to me right now. I did not want to order more than one kit until I know how I react and can see some results in bloodwork (I am blue collar worker and GH is no joke for my lower middle class budget) and the bloodworks also cost me time and money. But hey something is better than nothing and it will show me what I want to know so I hope some of you benefit as well.

Finally, I really hope to get my hands on some of the good Grey Tops but I went with this right now because it is all I had access too. I will try to contact TP again soon and see if I can get some and if I do so I will run it and get bloodwork again on those.

oh, and I hate being "off" I feel it this week across the board :/ fucking can not wait for Jan so I can run my Test-E/Deca/Mast recomp -- just looking at it like watching a woman you have a big crush on...just want it NOW!
Wednesday: 28 Oct 2015

NOTE: Cruising on TRT 100 mg /week Watson cyp and just added Pharmatropin GH (pinned 4 iu today).

Workout: Pull
Bodyweight = 204 lb.

Warmups circuit:
Cable internal and external rotations
Light barbell curls
Light band pull-aparts
Cable wide-grip pull-downs

BW x8
+25 x7 to fail
+25 x5 to fail
BW x6
BW x8 to fail

Pendlay Rows:
175x10 to fail

Chest Supported DB Rev Fly:
15s x10
20s x10
20s x10
20s x12 to fail

Barbell Curls:
85x10 to fail (best I have done in many weeks since bicep injury – hoping I can finally start pushing the sets a little more)

Had to rush today and get out the gym fast because of work and appointments – but at least I busted ass on a couple good back/pull lifts and gave it my all into those sets.
Thursday: 29 Oct 2015

Bodyweight =204 lb.

Warmups and Circuit:
Bike 3mins
body weight squats
leg extuensions
hamstring crls
leg adductor
leg abductor


DB Reverse Lunges(reps per leg):
30s x8
40s x8
40s x8

Lying Leg Curls:
110x8 to fail

Standing Calf Raise Machine(slow TUT reps with 1 sec flex hold at top):
300x10 to fail
Friday: 30 Oct 2015

Workout: Push
Bodyweight = 205 lb.

Warmups and Circuit:
Internal and External rotations
band pull-aparts
Light DB curls
Machine Flys

225x14 to fail (very close to locking out the 15th) rep PR!

Strict Standing Overhead Press:
115x7 to fail (front delts and tri totally fried from the flat bench work)

Cable Flys:

DB Side Laterals:
20s x10
25s x12
30s x10 to fail <<drop set>> 25s x5 to fail

One-Arm Overhead DB Tri Ext:
30x8 to fail
Wednesday: 31 Oct 2015

NOTE: Wow this was the 6th day strait and my body was really trying to talk me into thinking I needed a rest day. But although I was moving slower than I wanted and running late – I did get in and gave it my best effort.

Also, oddly this was the heaviest I have weighed in to date in the log (and yes, I did my usual morning routine etc – nothing I can think of to account for the heavier weigh-in unless the increasing GH ED is adding some water weight).

Workout: Pull
Bodyweight = 207 lb.

Warmups circuit:
Cable internal and external rotations
Light DB curls
Light band pull-aparts
Cable wide-grip pull-downs

315x5 (I will try the back off set loading like I did with squats and see if I can get a set up past 405x5 over time).

Pullups (extremely wide):
BW x10
BW x5 to fail
BW x7 to fail

Supported T-bar Rows:
1plate x10
2p x10
3p x6 to fail <<drop set>> 2p x6 to fail

Barbell Curls:
65x18 to fail
(bicep was flaring up a bit so I knew mid set that it was the last set on these—just kept the light weight and repped it out for a pump)

Seated DB Curls:
25s x10
25s x10

Cable “Front Double Bicep” Concentration Curls:

Reverse Fly Machine: (was on a different type of machine than I usually use for this since the one I like was taken – this one was A LOT tougher to get it moving at the start of the movement and then much easier at the end of the ROM)
90x10 to fail
Dosage Update:
Cruising on TRT 100 mg /week Watson cyp

10 mg ED Tamoxifen (from "Pharmacist") because I still have some lingering gyno (Sadly, i might just need to one day go under the knife as most of this is from puberty and ANY hormone even TRT dosage effects it).

1 mg Adex ("pharmacist") /week divided doses.

5 iu GH ED (have not noticed any sides or feeling--no tingle, nothing yet, but I did weigh in a bit heavier so maybe some water retention).