Sad news from Balkan Pharmaceuticals

Ah its early 2021, but still the peach.

Doubt it that they switched to a new CO, maybe SP did.


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'hi good sir would u lile to take a look at our sustanon and test e ? They' re pharma grade and pure and the price is a good deal ! We even have anastrazole and tamoxifene and hcg ! '
I don´t think it is legal going to expos promoting the use of AAS and how high quality the ones you sell are LOL
Makes sense as Romania is in EU.
In the past everyone and they're mother could get large amount of balkan and there where also many fakes but in that time only got fake balkan twice ones test p and ones winstrol.
Now the law is very strict for Aas in romania as of this year !
Many shops have closed . Most had good balakan and sp at good prices !
Romania was full of Balkan pharma but now its harder to get but still not very hard!
I live in Bucharest and finding legit Balkan is not hard at all
Legit Balkan if u know where to look for it and use the right srcs it's pretty easy to find a lot of left over stock of certain products. Whenever I ordered Balkan oils I always went with the amps, reason being with the amps with the newest version the upic number is different on every single amp back in the day they use to just all have the same upic number now for them to fake it they have to have 10 fake amp upic codes, now with a vial it's only different on each vial... Then u also have the new labels that have the hologram built into the labels, the boxes is also very specific , the leaflets also, also with the box the newest ones have the holograms built right into the box as where previous year they were just slapped on the box..... There a few other lil counterfieting measures also when u check ur upic code it should tell you if that code has ever been checked before if so u know there's an issue.... So has started to take on some of the same anticounterfeiting measures Balkan used.... But there is still plenty of Balkan test e and c around, primo,some npp, deff deca, and even some parabolan now I'm talking all amps.... I actually prefer the amps over the vials.....