any reviews?

I don't know what else I have to do, paranoid kids are paranoid kids...I guess my 900 posts on this un-biased board don't inspire any trust. Please don't make me look for my purchase receipt.
I don't know what else I have to do, paranoid kids are paranoid kids...I guess my 900 posts on this un-biased board don't inspire any trust. Please don't make me look for my purchase receipt.

I appreciate your reference. Im going to get some of the Ovidac hcg too. Good looking out brother
yo my bad I didn't mean to not trust u I just wanted to know other peoples opinion. im sorry if I offended u.
I think is gonna be hard finding someone elses opinion because safemeds4all doesn't appear as a source on eroids unlike reliablerxpharmacy... I'm not upset.
Ozzy, so how is it done. You submitted an order online and receive a call to complete the transaction?

You order and then you have the option to call them. If you dont call them, they will call you, several times until you order.
I've had a good experience ordering from safemeds. A few points I like about them are:

-good selection
-good prices
-discount code
-quantity discounts
-free shipping

Nice, Ill check them out again. What are the payment options, do you have to do it over the phone?
Where are these guys located India?
There's a few that I know of out of India. Iv'e used one on and off for about 6 years. All there stuff is from medical companies. They even have an 800 number, or at least they did a few months ago.