I have seen loads of differing information about the best IM injection sites on the Quad or Glutes. I saw an older military instructional video that likes the absolute center of the thigh. Many more modern things online suggest the center of the upper outer quadrant. I saw one that suggests the outer top of the Quad, almost at the hip flexor. i had a nice spot in the G Maximus upper outer quadrant but I have an impinged sciatic nerve root and that spot now is not as painless.
i am having a hard time settling on one as:
1) in the glute, I cannot see/aspirate easily and the angle of my hand makes me unsure at poke time.
2) I tried direct center of Quad as per the Military Tutorial twice but got major pain (nerve?) and significantly more blood loss.
3) i had success with the upper quad near the hip flexor for a bit but got too close to a nerve once and hit the ceiling.
Most have been OK but one really bad one puts some pause in your game for the next time.
Is there a definitive tutorial on the exact locations with fewest nerves and blood vessels?
Thank You
I have seen loads of differing information about the best IM injection sites on the Quad or Glutes. I saw an older military instructional video that likes the absolute center of the thigh. Many more modern things online suggest the center of the upper outer quadrant. I saw one that suggests the outer top of the Quad, almost at the hip flexor. i had a nice spot in the G Maximus upper outer quadrant but I have an impinged sciatic nerve root and that spot now is not as painless.
i am having a hard time settling on one as:
1) in the glute, I cannot see/aspirate easily and the angle of my hand makes me unsure at poke time.
2) I tried direct center of Quad as per the Military Tutorial twice but got major pain (nerve?) and significantly more blood loss.
3) i had success with the upper quad near the hip flexor for a bit but got too close to a nerve once and hit the ceiling.
Most have been OK but one really bad one puts some pause in your game for the next time.
Is there a definitive tutorial on the exact locations with fewest nerves and blood vessels?
Thank You