Scammer Forums Have to Be Stopped


New Member
I was about to order from parsiful who was a sponsor on Ironmag*****forums. when right before I did he disappeared leaving a ton of people waiting for orders that never heard from him again. Thank God I hadn't ordered yet. When I started asking questions in regards to what happened to him I began to get all my reputation points taken away. I posted warnings trying to stop people from trusting anyone on that forum because it was obvious it was just a hideout for scammers. When I did my threads would get bombarded with disgusting tranny porn. On top of that I had countless members, mods and administrators ruthlessly attacking my character. Pretty soon they assumed my identity and began to post comments to make me seem totaly insane so they could go on scamming unscaved. I created a website warning people and later filed a complaint with "ripoffreport". You can see it first page on google when you look them up. I know that some of there sponsors are legit so I don't know why they would stick with these scumbags. Thank God this forum lets people say what they want. My hats off to whoever runs this board.

What can we do about all the scam forums?
Can we expose them?
If legit sources would would pull out of them the scammers would be left to wallow in there own filth.

I wanted to list the full name of the forum here I just dig this board so much I really don't want to be banned. I haven't been on here very long so I don't know where to draw the line so those who have lets hear some of your stories
lets pull the covers on all the scam forums.
How about a forum where there are no sponsor who pay to advertise and we are allowed to openly discuss scammers.

FWIW, I got ripped by RNM who disappeared right before pars showed up.
How about a forum where there are no sponsor who pay to advertise and we are allowed to openly discuss scammers.

FWIW, I got ripped by RNM who disappeared right before pars showed up.

Strong possibilty that R&M and Pars are the same guy........ I know that there is a connection.
I think that its a great idea, and its long overdue. There are a number of boards around who's sole purpose is scamming people out of money, and a bunch more that have proven time & again that they care about nothing but money.

I think that it needs to happen in a place that has no sources whatsoever, because otherwise it just looks like a battle between reps...... This is a good place.

So yeah, fuck Ironmag. They protected scammers such as Pars, Z, R&M, and countless others. They censor comments, hack accounts and steal.

Fuck Outlaw, they censor negative reviews and protect scammers including but not limited to Uncle Z.

Fuck ironlifter.
The owner ( D-Red) has told people more than once that someone was not busted, when in fact that person was busted. Draw your own conclusion as to why he would do that...... Trojanman, Ronus, why'd you do it D-red? Is it because your a 180lbs guy who is in it for the $$$?

Canadian board owned by a guy who was caught in the biggest bust in Canadian history, and got zero jail time..... Uncle Z, Oscaro, World Pharma/Aisa Pharma are just a few of the shady sponsors here.

You really have to ask yourself- How fucking cocky is it to use the name of the Gym you were busted selling out of, on the homepage of the website your selling out of ( Canada's Bullpen ). Here's a link to the amounts, and then ask yourself how someone gets caught with that amount and walks....... And then sets up business a year later.

Bad News for Axio Labs Brian Wainstein: Glenn England Pleads Guilty in Steroid Trafficking Conspiracy
Down with alinboard as well.
Down with any board that deletes negative comments but leaves positive ones.
If we see our posts taken off. We need to boycott that forum or warn others to stay away. Lets pull all there covers.
Steroidology as well. Any1 questioned Z and your automatically banned and the comment is deleted.
Steroidology as well. Any1 questioned Z and your automatically banned and the comment is deleted.

You mean 'Corruptology' .... I hate that place.

When I got fucked by Z they deleted anything I said happened as soon as it was posted. I mean in minutes it was gone. That's when I came here . Though I had a bunch of guys here saying I was full of shit and was instead scamming Z, everything I posted stayed up ... nothing was deleted.

I hope whatever prison Z is in right now , he has a huge elephant cock up his ass.

Good stuff right here, there's so many of these scam boards that I even forgot about this one.

I mean how fucking bad is it when a source that advertises on YOUR board gets busted, people with pending orders are sending e-mails to that source and you don't even have the decency to tell YOUR members that the source was busted?

That even goes beyond scamming, its putting members in a situation where they could wind up sending critical information to law Enforcement.

Ology is as bad as it gets, if they haven't done something yet its only because they have not come up with the idea........ NOTHING is out of bounds for those assholes.

Maybe Newb23 would like to discuss it?
You mean 'Corruptology' .... I hate that place.

When I got fucked by Z they deleted anything I said happened as soon as it was posted. I mean in minutes it was gone. That's when I came here . Though I had a bunch of guys here saying I was full of shit and was instead scamming Z, everything I posted stayed up ... nothing was deleted.

I hope whatever prison Z is in right now , he has a huge elephant cock up his ass.

The thing is most of Z's lackey's are just idiots, when confronted with the truth 99% of the time they will just run away.
And as far as your posts being deleted in minutes, it just goes to show the level of protection these assholes get........ from asshole boards.

Maybe Newb23 would like to discuss it?

I don't know why I would need to discuss or explain anything for ology but since you ask I will.

Please keep in mind I do not have ANY stake in any steroid board. I am simply a member.

I have never supported anyone UGL, research chem or supplement suppliers. I actually made it a point to not represent anyone. I have never been a rep for anyone except an HRT company. So I don't know why I would be responsible for any explanation of uncle Z.

The bottom line is you ordered medication from an illegal UGL and he got busted, so you never received your stuff. Did you think ology was going to replace your order? So there is nothing I can do to help you with that, thats the name of the game, it has happened to a lot of people. Not much you can do about that scenario.

Now as far as them erasing post's? I like the way they do things there, I dont always agree with each individual decision but as a whole I like that you can't go over there with less than a 100 posts and start talking shit to people, that keeps the low life loser's off the board that give the place a bad name. This protects people from being called a scammer and what not simply because someone else has something to gain at your fault. Does this hurt good people really just trying to get their point out there? yea sometimes it does, just like when you have an open policy, such as the environment here, anyone can make an account and start publicly bashing someone else's reputation, with no consequence for having to provide some sort of evidence first, and someone may feel the same way as you, so it goes both ways. You may know when this is happening, but for the few thousand viewing that never post it sticks in there head.

I think a forum board should ban anyone that dives in and doesn't show some sort of respect. You should have to earn a reputation first, I know I had to, here and on ology. Now I could post whatever I wanted there and they wouldn't take it down.

As a matter of fact thats how I know dec11. I had went to steroid dot com and said something unconventional about PCT and said people need to wait longer, and dec11 jumped all over me. They went through and dug up all my post's and tried to say I lied to people, and that they were so much smarter because they having been using gear forever and I did not start using testosterone until I was 28 ( I think, maybe 29).

I stood by my post and dec through a fit every time I posted, eventually I was banned, dec11 had wrote them saying how I needed to be banned and how he could't stand me and that I was there to sell people gear. I had no intentions on that whatsoever, I was working for HRT company at the time.

Luckily for me I spoke with a Mod there and explained my situation, after all I was embarrassed I had never been banned from anywhere before, and it really even pissed me off more because some refugees from steroid dot com had came to ology and said the same thing about dec11. I at this point was determined to shit on him.

I got back into the private forum there where you talk with the mods and had a long heated debate, I assured them I had no intention of selling anything to anyone, that dec11 made that up, I explained that I worked for and HRT company. They reinstated me and dec was writing me messages like die, and burn your house blah blah blah. I made it a point to post every day and correct his bullshit, he got so mad he ended up getting banned, and then he came to ology and tried to tell people I was a scammer, which I have never been accused of, and they banned him immediately.

So yea, when people start unfounded rumors with no evidence, they should get shit canned. Even if your SRC got busted and you go around talking about it, what if they didn't even know what happened yet?

It was a shitty situation but you accepted the risk when you made the decision to get stuff.
I don't know why I would need to discuss or explain anything for ology but since you ask I will.

Please keep in mind I do not have ANY stake in any steroid board. I am simply a member.

I have never supported anyone UGL, research chem or supplement suppliers. I actually made it a point to not represent anyone. I have never been a rep for anyone except an HRT company. So I don't know why I would be responsible for any explanation of uncle Z.

The bottom line is you ordered medication from an illegal UGL and he got busted, so you never received your stuff. Did you think ology was going to replace your order? So there is nothing I can do to help you with that, thats the name of the game, it has happened to a lot of people. Not much you can do about that scenario.

Now as far as them erasing post's? I like the way they do things there, I dont always agree with each individual decision but as a whole I like that you can't go over there with less than a 100 posts and start talking shit to people, that keeps the low life loser's off the board that give the place a bad name. This protects people from being called a scammer and what not simply because someone else has something to gain at your fault. Does this hurt good people really just trying to get their point out there? yea sometimes it does, just like when you have an open policy, such as the environment here, anyone can make an account and start publicly bashing someone else's reputation, with no consequence for having to provide some sort of evidence first, and someone may feel the same way as you, so it goes both ways. You may know when this is happening, but for the few thousand viewing that never post it sticks in there head.

I think a forum board should ban anyone that dives in and doesn't show some sort of respect. You should have to earn a reputation first, I know I had to, here and on ology. Now I could post whatever I wanted there and they wouldn't take it down.
Using your logic someone should have to have proof before raving about how great a source is too. If a source is honest then they will have tons of good reviews on every board. If they are scammers you'll find out on this board but they will still look legit on any board they pay to be on. If I say anything about any source anywhere but here I will be bombarded with character assassination.

I had a lot of points on ironmagazineforums and they still closed my threads.

People don't write bad things about a source unless they have been screwed. Just like anything else in the world. Let the good and the bad reviews be seen and the truth will not be hidden. If you have a problem with that then your hiding something.
Using your logic someone should have to have proof before raving about how great a source is too. If a source is honest then they will have tons of good reviews on every board. If they are scammers you'll find out on this board but they will still look legit on any board they pay to be on. If I say anything about any source anywhere but here I will be bombarded with character assassination.

I had a lot of points on ironmagazineforums and they still closed my threads.

People don't write bad things about a source unless they have been screwed. Just like anything else in the world. Let the good and the bad reviews be seen and the truth will not be hidden. If you have a problem with that then your hiding something.

Other sources have teams of people that change there IP and go blast other sources. It happens everyday. These people are crazy.

If someone talks bad about a source, don't use them. I never heard of any complaints not rectified by Z, until this most recent issue. Its not like ology lets scammers hang out on there board, they ban everyone, especially spammers and as far as I know have always stuck up for there members. Like I said earlier there is not much they can do about a SRC get busted.

There are veteran members there talking bad about lots of sources, but with blood test's to prove it.

There is a certain way you go about things, you don't jump on the table in the middle of the restaurant and tell everyone the waitress forgot your mash potatoes :D
Other sources have teams of people that change there IP and go blast other sources. It happens everyday. These people are crazy.

If someone talks bad about a source, don't use them. I never heard of any complaints not rectified by Z, until this most recent issue. Its not like ology lets scammers hang out on there board, they ban everyone, especially spammers and as far as I know have always stuck up for there members. Like I said earlier there is not much they can do about a SRC get busted.

There are veteran members there talking bad about lots of sources, but with blood test's to prove it.

There is a certain way you go about things, you don't jump on the table in the middle of the restaurant and tell everyone the waitress forgot your mash potatoes :D

You know what? I gave you a chance, and you just proved what a douchebag you really are.

"If someone talks bad about a source then don't use them"
Well, when anything bad gets deleted its kinda fucking hard to make an informed decision.

"Ive never heard about any complaints not rectified by Z"
See, now your insulting my intelligence dickhead. What about a year ago when he was booted from Outlaw for selling fakes, after he denied it for months. What about when he started calling his fakes "working replica's"? You must really think that myself and others don't go to any other board than Ology.

One thing they CAN fucking do when a source gets busted is TELL PEOPLE! Who stands to gain by not telling everybody something that is common knowledge? Hmmmmm.......

Don't even try to defend that board, I can sit here all fucking day and name off scammer after scammer, if that cuts into your take I could fucking care less.
I don't know why I would need to discuss or explain anything for ology but since you ask I will.

Please keep in mind I do not have ANY stake in any steroid board. I am simply a member.

I have never supported anyone UGL, research chem or supplement suppliers. I actually made it a point to not represent anyone. I have never been a rep for anyone except an HRT company. So I don't know why I would be responsible for any explanation of uncle Z.

The bottom line is you ordered medication from an illegal UGL and he got busted, so you never received your stuff. Did you think ology was going to replace your order? So there is nothing I can do to help you with that, thats the name of the game, it has happened to a lot of people. Not much you can do about that scenario.

Now as far as them erasing post's? I like the way they do things there, I dont always agree with each individual decision but as a whole I like that you can't go over there with less than a 100 posts and start talking shit to people, that keeps the low life loser's off the board that give the place a bad name. This protects people from being called a scammer and what not simply because someone else has something to gain at your fault. Does this hurt good people really just trying to get their point out there? yea sometimes it does, just like when you have an open policy, such as the environment here, anyone can make an account and start publicly bashing someone else's reputation, with no consequence for having to provide some sort of evidence first, and someone may feel the same way as you, so it goes both ways. You may know when this is happening, but for the few thousand viewing that never post it sticks in there head.

I think a forum board should ban anyone that dives in and doesn't show some sort of respect. You should have to earn a reputation first, I know I had to, here and on ology. Now I could post whatever I wanted there and they wouldn't take it down.


As far as the Z situation, for reasons I've already stated I already knew better than to throw my money away..... I feel bad for the noobs that didn't though, because on that board Z never had a situation he didn't

See, the problem at board like Ology is that reputation isn't earned, its purchased....... Lets be honest here, the ad space & Mods pumping UG labs comes with a cost.

If you have any issue with anything I've said here about any board, in regards to not being able to back it up let me know....... I'll be happy to....... The board in question might not be though.
I was about to order from parsiful who was a sponsor on Ironmag*****forums. when right before I did he disappeared leaving a ton of people waiting for orders that never heard from him again. Thank God I hadn't ordered yet. When I started asking questions in regards to what happened to him I began to get all my reputation points taken away. I posted warnings trying to stop people from trusting anyone on that forum because it was obvious it was just a hideout for scammers. When I did my threads would get bombarded with disgusting tranny porn. On top of that I had countless members, mods and administrators ruthlessly attacking my character. Pretty soon they assumed my identity and began to post comments to make me seem totaly insane so they could go on scamming unscaved. I created a website warning people and later filed a complaint with "ripoffreport". You can see it first page on google when you look them up. I know that some of there sponsors are legit so I don't know why they would stick with these scumbags. Thank God this forum lets people say what they want. My hats off to whoever runs this board.

What can we do about all the scam forums?
Can we expose them?
If legit sources would would pull out of them the scammers would be left to wallow in there own filth.

I wanted to list the full name of the forum here I just dig this board so much I really don't want to be banned. I haven't been on here very long so I don't know where to draw the line so those who have lets hear some of your stories
lets pull the covers on all the scam forums.

What is your screen name at IMF?
Pars was removed as an advertiser a long time ago there.
You know what? I gave you a chance, and you just proved what a douchebag you really are.

"If someone talks bad about a source then don't use them"
Well, when anything bad gets deleted its kinda fucking hard to make an informed decision.

"Ive never heard about any complaints not rectified by Z"
See, now your insulting my intelligence dickhead. What about a year ago when he was booted from Outlaw for selling fakes, after he denied it for months. What about when he started calling his fakes "working replica's"? You must really think that myself and others don't go to any other board than Ology.

One thing they CAN fucking do when a source gets busted is TELL PEOPLE! Who stands to gain by not telling everybody something that is common knowledge? Hmmmmm.......

Don't even try to defend that board, I can sit here all fucking day and name off scammer after scammer, if that cuts into your take I could fucking care less.

I could care less what you say about that board, as I originally said I have no vested interest.

Like I also said I don't know what happened to Z or the details surrounding it. All I know is something happened, after me being on that board for 3 years and many people were happy about Z. So I don't know what you expect me to say, I would never get anything from an operation like that.

When people ask me about sources through PM I tell them I am not the person to be asking, cause I wouldn't have a clue.

I know your mad about losing your money, but there is no reason to take it out on me.

As far as them telling you he got busted, like I said how do you know they knew that was what happened?
As far as the Z situation, for reasons I've already stated I already knew better than to throw my money away..... I feel bad for the noobs that didn't though, because on that board Z never had a situation he didn't

See, the problem at board like Ology is that reputation isn't earned, its purchased....... Lets be honest here, the ad space & Mods pumping UG labs comes with a cost.

If you have any issue with anything I've said here about any board, in regards to not being able to back it up let me know....... I'll be happy to....... The board in question might not be though.

Like I said I can't help you, as far as I know people were happy with Z, until this last shit storm hit the fan.

As far as the next poster, it is easy to say someone sells shit gear, but how do you know? do you have labs to prove it?

I know many people over the years that have had a problem with one sponsor on the board or another, as I said earlier as far as I knew everyone always got there stuff rectified.

Anyone who orders from those type of over seas sources is taking a big risk, this is why I have never advocated it.
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