Scammers in MESO-RX

Look through this guy's post and comment history. It's important to investigate claims of scamming for the sake of the community, but we have to take into account who is posting the claim. Based on this member's posting history, I am fully ignoring this claim.
Please read the data contained in post #7 with the utmost attention
@RekTest and provide factual confirmation of said 4th week shrinkage, if applicable.

Kind regards.

Dear CEO,

After a thorough investigation of post #7, I’m pleased to report that my testicles remain as steadfast as ever, so much so that I think they’ve signed a long-term lease on their current size! It seems they missed the memo about the 4th-week shrinkage trend, let me double check…. Yep they missed it. Not applicable here, I cannot comment on confirmation.

If they do decide to participate anytime in the future, I’ll be sure to send you an urgent memo, complete with before and after photos

Kind regards,

The Great Duke of Testicle Stability