Second cycle adding deca


New Member
I am 49, 6’2, 209, around 13%bf, last bloods were great, trt doc said things looked really good.
I take 260mg test per week and was prescribed deca to add on at 200mg per week but $300 for deca was steep so I bought my own. I take 1mg adex twice per week the day after I pin which is m/th.

I have used npp in the past with good results but never a long ester. I wanted to gain further insight on running npp for 4 weeks 100mg per week added on top of the 200mg per week deca, week 5 increase total deca to 300mg per week. My thoughts were to increase trt dose to 360mg per week and pin this all twice per week and stick with current adex twice per week.
I have plenty of test c to run this but I also acquired 4 bottles of sustanon 250. Is there a drawback of using the short/ long ester test in this cycle? Should it be determined that I increase test upwards of the 500 mark I have several bottles of mast I could add to address estrogen increase from the extra test.
I generally have done well with test as high as 500mg but after a few weeks my obliques and abs disappeared as I was not running any ai in a productive manner, I have since learned and been educated by the trt doc on this.

Thank you all for your input

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