Seems HGH hair loss is a thing

Hint: it's because they're not here to hear the truth.

They're hear to find someone to tell them what they want to hear or teach them the one secret solution to all their problems.

This guy's going to bounce from one crazy protocol to the next in search of a secret hair saving solution. If he's genetically prone to baldness peds will accelerated it and the tried and true methods will slow it.

In the end his results will be subpar for hypertrophy and preventing hair loss because he'll keep bouncing back and forth between both goals, each being at the expense of the other.

Can someone make hypertrophy gain and keep a good portion of their hair? Certainly, but they aren't this type of guy, where his mindset is currently.
im not bouncing from one crazy protocol for another or like you guys think.
my "last cycle" was in 2015 when i stopped training i comeback in 2021.... .summer 2023 i tried a short cycle 8 weeks test prop. 300mg. by that time i was already using minox since 2021, RU for almost 1 year. and a few days after this short cycle i start fin... meanwhile in october 2023 i have a surgery, stopped everything for some weeks and in December i restart FIN+MINOX till NOW...

with little gear i respond well, you be suprised the phsique i got without gear. even more taking in account i stop lifitnng from 2015 to 2021 .
like i said i start again lifting and i want to find something than dont fuck my hair to much... for now low dose Test+ fin seems the best.

i thought with HGH i could give boost in gains even if little and maintain or improve hair.
You are bombing your system in a haphazard way that it’s no wonder you’re running into hormonal issues. You should be under a doctors care if you’re going to continue hoping on and off drugs like this.
says a guy in a forum where people use a lot more harsh compounds at once LOL

by the way my hormones were good , just DHT was like less 50% because of FIN.
i yet didnt test again after 1 month of HGH
says a guy in a forum where people use a lot more harsh compounds at once LOL
I would say their protocols are just as poorly thought out as yours appears to be.

by the way my hormones were good , just DHT was like less 50% because of FIN.
Your hormones are all over the place with you starting and stopping hormonal anti hair loss treatments with reckless abandon. I seriously doubt it’s the gh causing your loss. I hope you manage to find a healthier way to deal with your hair loss. God speed.
I would say their protocols are just as poorly thought out as yours appears to be.

Your hormones are all over the place with you starting and stopping hormonal anti hair loss treatments with reckless abandon. I seriously doubt it’s the gh causing your loss. I hope you manage to find a healthier way to deal with your hair loss. God speed.
i ve done bloodwork before HGH and RU .Only thing DHT that was 50% less of my baseline....

im on finasteride+ minox for a long time.....and hair was improving i Just add RU 2 weeks before HGH and stop 1 week because ine of this to last coumpounds or 2 together synergistically were giving gyno, without taking away the fact that HGH can give gyno. I took RU out and no more gyno.
it was only 3 weeks with RU and supposedly it's not even very systemic.

all the best to you too
i ve done bloodwork before HGH and RU .Only thing DHT that was 50% less of my baseline....

im on finasteride+ minox for a long time.....and hair was improving i Just add RU 2 weeks before HGH and stop 1 week because ine of this to last coumpounds or 2 together synergistically were giving gyno, without taking away the fact that HGH can give gyno. I took RU out and no more gyno.
it was only 3 weeks with RU and supposedly it's not even very systemic.

all the best to you too
Do u use oral or topical minox?
well i stopped hgh 2 weeks now, and the shedding coincidence or not, it stopped as quickly as it started.
I had been on HGH for practically 2 months, the last few weeks with 3 uis before bed, I noticed that in these 2 months my bg went from 75/80´s to high 90´s and sometimes 100. I also got covid19 again and decided to stop until bg comes back to normal. its already decreasing.
is it normal to have 2 different reads in fasted bg like 96 and right after 85?

just my honest feedback
is it normal to have 2 different reads in fasted bg like 96 and right after 85?

It's not entirely abnormal. Measure morning fasted BG every day for a week and take an average.

Just a little stress from finger prick and anticipating BG result could increase BG. I've done clamp studies in mice and getting steady levels at 10-minute intervals requires very stable conditions.
@AlexDavis43 From what I saw, sometimes there are variations of 10 values, in 2 consecutive measurements,

Well, the fasted bg has been decreasing and the glucose after meals is good I just didn't think that in 2 months with just 2-3 uis the fasted bg would change much.
I had carbs between 200-300g (macro) daily , weekly 3x 40 minutes cardio walking.

In just 2 months I was already noticing a difference, it seemed to be leaner, fuller in the right places, and perhaps denser. My brother asked if I was taking anything, and I was just having hgh. In general, I also started to feel more energized during the day.
I already had metaformin on hand but I didn't feel like starting to take or use insulin just because of 2-3 uis of GH.
well i stopped hgh 2 weeks now, and the shedding coincidence or not, it stopped as quickly as it started.

Some unlucky people react badly to stuff. Those people exists, but their % in the population is ridic low.

So if we compare the probabilites of you being that outlier (eyeballed number ofc) 1 in 500k people to the % of you fucking up something else without knowing, then most of the smart people would say 2nd option is way more likely.

"1 week after start HGH 2uis daily i start to shed.
1 month later still shedding , losing hair density and can already see it"

Also this is not scientific at all. Obviously its not scientific either the best you can is to make photos and show them to other people. Every other method is subpar. Maybe its not even true that you started to shed more. At least make pictures every week next time you add a compound, with the exact distance, exact lights, hair condition (when its greasy it looks thinner, so 1 day after washing it etc).

Also you maybe would not have this side effect just by using HGH alone. We don't have studies about how the side effect profile changes when you already use Fin, minox and RU together and introduce HGH. Maybe strangely we would see some low % would get hairloss despite the blocking of DHT.

Having said this- again, its still possible- just not likely is that your symptoms are caused by rHGH only nor the combo you use. Maybe just that HGH triggered anxiety and overthinking lol. That doesnt make you dumb, so you dont have to vehemently defend yourself, we all mindfucked ourselves multiple times already.

So what can we say? Don't use GH.
Some unlucky people react badly to stuff. Those people exists, but their % in the population is ridic low.

So if we compare the probabilites of you being that outlier (eyeballed number ofc) 1 in 500k people to the % of you fucking up something else without knowing, then most of the smart people would say 2nd option is way more likely.

"1 week after start HGH 2uis daily i start to shed.
1 month later still shedding , losing hair density and can already see it"

Also this is not scientific at all. Obviously its not scientific either the best you can is to make photos and show them to other people. Every other method is subpar. Maybe its not even true that you started to shed more. At least make pictures every week next time you add a compound, with the exact distance, exact lights, hair condition (when its greasy it looks thinner, so 1 day after washing it etc).

Also you maybe would not have this side effect just by using HGH alone. We don't have studies about how the side effect profile changes when you already use Fin, minox and RU together and introduce HGH. Maybe strangely we would see some low % would get hairloss despite the blocking of DHT.

Having said this- again, its still possible- just not likely is that your symptoms are caused by rHGH only nor the combo you use. Maybe just that HGH triggered anxiety and overthinking lol. That doesnt make you dumb, so you dont have to vehemently defend yourself, we all mindfucked ourselves multiple times already.

So what can we say? Don't use GH.

Of all the things never thought GH could making me shed, quite the opposite
still have 144uis left LOL so you know, probably gone use it again and see.

thank you for feedback