Semaglutide low effect after months of usage


New Member
Hi, I'm using catcafe Semaglutide 1mg per week for 6 months

Started with 0.25mg and increasing every week 0.25mg until reaching 1g

I lost 6kg fine and easy because I was full with little amounts of food, but after some months of using it I was being able of eat more and more

Right now, Semaglutide only stops me from eating like a dinosaur like I was doing before taking it, I had some moments that I could eat huge amounts of food... but it's not working like at the beginning... and I also feel a bit dizzy sometimes

I'm thinking on testing tirzepatide or adding selank as I always thought I needed an anxiolytic because I've went through a lot of doctors and I always got prescribed xanax, prozac, etc. but I don't want orals... I suffer few forms of anxiety and misophonia, there is no therapy for that combo other than medicate

I would love to know your opinions :)

Thank you
Yeah my experience was the same, although I only ramped from 0.25 to 0.5mg, then eventually switched to tirzepatide

Both compounds do lose efficiency over time unfortunately, so you either need to continue increasing the dosage, giving yourself a break to let tolerance reset, or potentially the third option that I'm going to be experimenting with soon is to rotate between sema and tirz when the tolerance builds up too much to see if rotating allows you to keep the GLP1s in constantly:

Ie: run semaglutide starting at 0.25mg, and increase it by 0.25mg when tolerance starts to build until I reach 1mg a week (or 2mg/week)--then drop it and switch to tirzepatide, starting at 2.5mg/week, and Increasing it by 2.5mg when tolerance builds, until I reach 5mg a week, then drop it and rotate back to semaglutide.

That said im not sure if this will necessarily work, if they're acting on the same receptors then the tolerance might not reset?, but it's an experiment I'm going to try probably within the next 4-8 weeks. The hope is that since they're different compounds you can rotate back and forth between them to reset tolerance. I won't know until I actually try it though, and I'll update everyone when I do
it's an experiment I'm going to try probably within the next 4-8 weeks. The hope is that since they're different compounds you can rotate back and forth between them to reset tolerance. I won't know until I actually try it though, and I'll update everyone when I do
Hey bro thank you for your reply.

I was thinking on making exactly the same, I've ordered some tirze from QSC

I also made a mistake when starting with sema, I've increased 0.25mg weekly without waiting for tolerance build... I also had a lot of sides

If you like we can both share the experiment in this thread :)
Hey bro thank you for your reply.

I was thinking on making exactly the same, I've ordered some tirze from QSC

I also made a mistake when starting with sema, I've increased 0.25mg weekly without waiting for tolerance build... I also had a lot of sides

If you like we can both share the experiment in this thread :)
Yeah i mean the goal is to help others learn.

I don't mind sharing what I find from it. I think it will be beneficial to the community going forward
Hi, I'm using catcafe Semaglutide 1mg per week for 6 months

Started with 0.25mg and increasing every week 0.25mg until reaching 1g

I lost 6kg fine and easy because I was full with little amounts of food, but after some months of using it I was being able of eat more and more

Right now, Semaglutide only stops me from eating like a dinosaur like I was doing before taking it, I had some moments that I could eat huge amounts of food... but it's not working like at the beginning... and I also feel a bit dizzy sometimes

I'm thinking on testing tirzepatide or adding selank as I always thought I needed an anxiolytic because I've went through a lot of doctors and I always got prescribed xanax, prozac, etc. but I don't want orals... I suffer few forms of anxiety and misophonia, there is no therapy for that combo other than medicate

I would love to know your opinions :)

Thank you
Have you considered maybe, perhaps, instead of relying so heavily on pharmaceutical aids you should fix your bad eating habits?

If 1mg of sema isn't enough to lose weight on them you have far more drastic issues in place
Have you considered maybe, perhaps, instead of relying so heavily on pharmaceutical aids you should fix your bad eating habits?

If 1mg of sema isn't enough to lose weight on them you have far more drastic issues in place
My drastic issue right now is that I had a knee surgery and I wasn't able to move from bed for 1 year

I'm burning slower and I can only exercise half body right now... I don't eat so bad and as I said I'm not eating with anxiety like I did before and I'm still loosing weight but slower

I just want to recover the effects of the sema again as it feels like nothing now... but in a normal situation where I could train from the first moment and workout full body the results would be very different
Have you considered maybe, perhaps, instead of relying so heavily on pharmaceutical aids you should fix your bad eating habits?

If 1mg of sema isn't enough to lose weight on them you have far more drastic issues in place
To be fair though, some people use it for other purposes as well, specifically those on hgh to reduce blood glucose and to increase insulin sensitivity.

Yes diet plays the biggest role in all of this, and this isn't a go at you, I respect a lot of what you say, I'm just saying there are other practical uses for GLP1s, and even for those that do use it as a diet crutch to lose weight--it's still better than the alternative of perhaps morbid obesity, or diabetes.
To be fair though, some people use it for other purposes as well, specifically those on hgh to reduce blood glucose and to increase insulin sensitivity.

Yes diet plays the biggest role in all of this, and this isn't a go at you, I respect a lot of what you say, I'm just saying there are other practical uses for GLP1s, and even for those that do use it as a diet crutch to lose weight--it's still better than the alternative of perhaps morbid obesity, or diabetes.
Oh no disagreement at all.
To be fair though, some people use it for other purposes as well, specifically those on hgh to reduce blood glucose and to increase insulin sensitivity.

Yes diet plays the biggest role in all of this, and this isn't a go at you, I respect a lot of what you say, I'm just saying there are other practical uses for GLP1s, and even for those that do use it as a diet crutch to lose weight--it's still better than the alternative of perhaps morbid obesity, or diabetes.
Never thought of it being used to reduce blood glucose when taking higher amounts of hgh but it certainly makes sense as these drugs were initially intended for use in diabetics.

Plenty of people in lifting and bodybuilding circles taking GLP1s. It seems to be the hottest trend right now.

I don't really understand the negativity around people using as a shortcut as well. I mean, in my mind, we use PEDs as shortcuts. Just because people are using GLPs does not mean their diet is necessarily horrible. Like you said there are numerous reasons to use GLP1s.
Hey bro thank you for your reply.

I was thinking on making exactly the same, I've ordered some tirze from QSC

I also made a mistake when starting with sema, I've increased 0.25mg weekly without waiting for tolerance build... I also had a lot of sides

If you like we can both share the experiment in this thread :)
I know plenty of people on GLP1s and many are prescribed. Due to the shortages right now it is very common for people to just take a GLP1 that is available.

Everyone I have seen using them has lost weight but the ones I have seen that have had to go back and forth between different GLP1s have lost the most weight.

I'm interested in seeing how your experiment plays out.
Hi, I'm using catcafe Semaglutide 1mg per week for 6 months

Started with 0.25mg and increasing every week 0.25mg until reaching 1g

I lost 6kg fine and easy because I was full with little amounts of food, but after some months of using it I was being able of eat more and more

Right now, Semaglutide only stops me from eating like a dinosaur like I was doing before taking it, I had some moments that I could eat huge amounts of food... but it's not working like at the beginning... and I also feel a bit dizzy sometimes

I'm thinking on testing tirzepatide or adding selank as I always thought I needed an anxiolytic because I've went through a lot of doctors and I always got prescribed xanax, prozac, etc. but I don't want orals... I suffer few forms of anxiety and misophonia, there is no therapy for that combo other than medicate

I would love to know your opinions :)

Thank you
You do know you can titrate up to 2.4 mg right? It would probably be effective if you kept going up slowly..As far as being dizzy do you check bp and heart rate daily?

You do know you can titrate up to 2.4 mg right? It would probably be effective if you kept going up slowly..As far as being dizzy do you check bp and heart rate daily?
I think the dizziness relates to low blood sugar. I get this sometimes with fasted workouts, but I notice when I eat it typically subsides
I normalized on sema about 6 months in. The effects are still there, the appetite suppression isn't AS great, but the stomach draining is very much there. I have to use the front part of my brain to remember that I have very disordered eating and the drug is still working regardless of how fat I am
To be fair though, some people use it for other purposes as well, specifically those on hgh to reduce blood glucose and to increase insulin sensitivity.

Yes diet plays the biggest role in all of this, and this isn't a go at you, I respect a lot of what you say, I'm just saying there are other practical uses for GLP1s, and even for those that do use it as a diet crutch to lose weight--it's still better than the alternative of perhaps morbid obesity, or diabetes.
I know that GLP-1's lose their efficacy on hunger control, but do they lose their positive effects on blood sugar control too? Thinking of running semag with GH on a bulk but there's no way I'll hit my calorie goal until i can build some tolerance to it
Bumping this thread

I discontinued tirzepatide and started semaglutide in place of the tirz, and the appetite suppression effects are back in full force, to the point that I not only realize how much effectiveness I lost staying on tirzepatide for so long, but I can also confidently say that the two compounds do not share a tolerance.

So my new approach going forward will be to rotate between semaglutide and tirz when the dosage starts getting high and I lose effectiveness.

@kuhicop I know you were interested in this.
Bumping this thread

I discontinued tirzepatide and started semaglutide in place of the tirz, and the appetite suppression effects are back in full force, to the point that I not only realize how much effectiveness I lost staying on tirzepatide for so long, but I can also confidently say that the two compounds do not share a tolerance.

So my new approach going forward will be to rotate between semaglutide and tirz when the dosage starts getting high and I lose effectiveness.

@kuhicop I know you were interested in this.
yeah thank you I'm doing a progression downgrading 250mcg per week my semaglutide to switch to tirzepatide

do you think that's the best way to switch or I should just replace my 1mg of semaglutide weekly for 2,5mg of tirzepatide?

thank you :)
yeah thank you I'm doing a progression downgrading 250mcg per week my semaglutide to switch to tirzepatide

do you think that's the best way to switch or I should just replace my 1mg of semaglutide weekly for 2,5mg of tirzepatide?

thank you :)
I'd wait a week after your last injection and just immediately swap it. No need to taper back down the dose
I have 5mg vials, for a 2,5mg starting dosage I did the reconstitution with 1ml of bacteriostatic water, so 0,5ml is 2,5mg

when increasing to 5mg the idea is to mix 0,5ml bact water with the entire vial of 5mg

it's not too much powder concentrated or it's fine? like, how much concentrated you could do it without any kind of issues?
I have 5mg vials, for a 2,5mg starting dosage I did the reconstitution with 1ml of bacteriostatic water, so 0,5ml is 2,5mg

when increasing to 5mg the idea is to mix 0,5ml bact water with the entire vial of 5mg

it's not too much powder concentrated or it's fine? like, how much concentrated you could do it without any kind of issues?
Its fine, .5 ml, 1 ml, doesn't matter as long as you use the entire vial for the pin. I personally wouldn't go less than .5 ml.

BTW, I'm not so sure you need to taper at all unless you are worried about having major side effects. For example, to me, a 1 mg sema dose is comparable to 7.5 mg tirz. I switched from this exact example with no issue. I did it because I ran out of sema but had tirz.

Anyway, do what you are comfortable with and maybe safer to start low as you are. You don't want to be be shitting and puking at the same time.
Hi, I'm using catcafe Semaglutide 1mg per week for 6 months

Started with 0.25mg and increasing every week 0.25mg until reaching 1g

I lost 6kg fine and easy because I was full with little amounts of food, but after some months of using it I was being able of eat more and more

Right now, Semaglutide only stops me from eating like a dinosaur like I was doing before taking it, I had some moments that I could eat huge amounts of food... but it's not working like at the beginning... and I also feel a bit dizzy sometimes

I'm thinking on testing tirzepatide or adding selank as I always thought I needed an anxiolytic because I've went through a lot of doctors and I always got prescribed xanax, prozac, etc. but I don't want orals... I suffer few forms of anxiety and misophonia, there is no therapy for that combo other than medicate

I would love to know your opinions :)

Thank you
I hit a plateau and then added aod9604 & cjc/ipa combo and the weight started coming off after about a month