Severe Cubital Tunnel Advice - Caused by hypertrophy ?


Hey guys,

I have been dealing with cubital tunnel in both arms for 4 months now. I had to stop training upper body all together for the past 2 months.

I got an MRI and it shows Accessory anconeus epitrochlearis muscle hypertrophy is causing the impingement. This muscle is only present in 10-20% of people. Usually a ligament covers and secures the ulnar nerve but when you have this variation, a muscle covers it. 1727446112737.webp

Does anyone have any experience overcoming this issue??? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Hey guys,

I have been dealing with cubital tunnel in both arms for 4 months now. I had to stop training upper body all together for the past 2 months.

I got an MRI and it shows Accessory anconeus epitrochlearis muscle hypertrophy is causing the impingement. This muscle is only present in 10-20% of people. Usually a ligament covers and secures the ulnar nerve but when you have this variation, a muscle covers it. View attachment 296812

Does anyone have any experience overcoming this issue??? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
i just had ulner nerve release on right elbow in june this year, waiting for left ulner nerve release next Wednesday, i suffered crippling "tendinitis " in both inside and outside of elbow, mri revealed same deal "crushed ulner nerve" they had to re-route my ulner nerve from that muscle that gets in the way , it seems to have helped me 100%
they actually had to cut&splice my ulner nerve to re-route it ! Recovery was fast, but it took a while to get the nerves "firing right" weird af nerve shocks as it was healing , but overall it wasa speedy recovery with bpc/tb frag, hgh combo as a rapid fire protocol for healing,
i had carpal tunnel surgery at the same time as the nerve release so whole arm was outta commission, made wiping my ass a whole new "adventure " as im right handed lol , im hoping this surgery on left arm will go smoothly as well , this time i was going to add some Anavar as a collegen booster during recovery , anyone know of a good dose to start with as far as the Anavar goes? tia