sex drive gone after test e

James your FOS, period. A high SHBG is not going to result in ED issues unless the TT is LOW.

Moreover do you know what an androgen index is used for James! (Hint the OPs in NORMAL, duh)

About the only thing that may be responsible PHYSIOLOGICALLY is E-2, and even that is unlikely with a TT in the 800ng/DL range.

Are u taking ANY other medications?

Do you have any prior medical conditions?

Do you have morning erections ( if the answer is yes then the reason is less likely to be purely physiological)

Define what YOU mean "I have no libido" since....
Not taking any other meds I don't use pharmaceuticals unless I have a cold or something like that.
and no medical conditions at all.

occasionally I have morning erections maybe once a week but I've been taking some macca and other herbs since the blood test to try and help.

Before the cycle everything was great not a problem at all horney all the time. Then when I finished just started to become less interested in sex and weaker erections.
my theory in situations like this is that brain chemistry is 99% of the issue, and good luck with getting that solved easily

people suggesting doing pct make me shake my head
The free androgen index is not va... [J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol. 1993] - PubMed - NCBI

Sorry, Jim:

Statistical analysis has shown FAI to be a poor predictor of bioavailable testosterone and of hypogonadism.[1]
The Endocrine Society has taken a position against using the FAI to measure Free Testosterone in men:
The FAI is often used as a surrogate for FT, and the FAI correlates well with FT in women but not men. Because T production is regulated by gonadotropin feedback in men, changes in SHBG, which alter FT concentrations, will be compensated by autoregulation of T production but not so in women. In addition, much circulating T in women is derived from the peripheral conversion of adrenal dehydroepiandrosterone and dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate that also is not subject to feedback control. Because SHBG is present in such large excess in women (10–100:1), FT concentrations are driven primarily by SHBG abundance. In addition, T excess in women lowers SHBG concentrations, which raises the FT concentration and contributes to the strong correlation of 1/SHBG with FT.[2]
The FAI has not been scientifically demonstrated to be a valid measurement of free testosterone in men:

The Free Androgen Index (FAI) was initially proposed as a measure for assessing the circulating testosterone availability in female hirsutism. The extension of its use, by a number of investigators, to males has not been formally justified.[3]

OP, get a real FT test, too.
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